Because U.S. electronic election fraud is pervasive across every American Red and Blue county; because state and national legislatures are AWOL on in-our-face disenfranchisement of hard-working taxpayers; because Republican Party leadership is AWOL on this criminal behavior; and because local, state, and federal courts will not consider allowing evidence to be openly examined—we are now seeing Constitution supporting citizens and upstanding patriots suggest, ‘If we can’t legally beat the cheating globalist scum, let’s jump in the gutter and join ‘em.”  In other words, otherwise decent people are sadly advocating for Republicans to legally ballot harvest better than Marxist Democrats.  “Legally” is an oxymoron in this case.

As if “finger-pointing” ballot harvesting, well-intended or not isn’t bad enough;  an announcement on June 7th, 2023 by pandering RNC Chair, Ronna McDaniel, proudly unveiled the RNC’s national “BANK YOUR VOTE” strategy.  This sinks Republicans to new levels of assured conservative destructionMaximizing of pre-election day voting is a promised WARRANTY to the DNC that Republican voters will vote early in large numbers, thereby minimizing inconvenient, ELECTION DAY SURPRISES—particularly regarding America First, Ultra-MAGA Trump voters.

In other words, no matter how successful a 2024 grass roots get-out-the-Republican vote effort is—RNC’s BANK YOUR VOTE strategy guarantees a Marxist Globalist win via previously demonstrated capability to implement pre-designed, electronic voting system fraud by using early voting to identify trends.  Is this RNC misfeasance or malfeasance?

This neon-lit alert generously provided to the Hate-America-Crowd is a bonus gift telling globalist criminals they can accurately assess 2024 voter trends early on, then program precise algorithmic adjustments within electronic voting systems, i.e., electronic cheating with gleeful alacrity.  The stupidity or intentional undermining—readers will judge, of this predictably losing RNC strategy guarantees Republican get-out-the-vote efforts WILL FAIL, because the Marxist Left will know well ahead of ELECTION DAY what STEPS MUST BE TAKEN to ensure a Marxist Democrat win in 2024.  If MAGA voters fall for this RNC delusion, it is likely, America’s last federal administration prior to UNSTOPPABLE full economic collapse will be a Satanically inspired carnival of pain even worse than imbecilic traitor, Joe Biden’s freak show is now creating.

Apparently, Republican Party leadership has abandoned their long-time strategy of loudly and uselessly complaining while rigidly place-holding for the Globalist Left.  This June RNC announcement unabashedly dresses Republican leadership in their best Globalist suits, with conflict-of-interest strings attached, to proudly board the order-following Globalist slave ship.  With no respect what-so-ever for criminally selected officials; this open cooperation with America-hating governments, pathologic multinational banks and corporations, and hundreds of corrupt, parasitic NGOs from within and without the United States is treason.  If not, what is it?


However, for electronic ballot count manipulation to function effectively, ballot fraud systems must also be brought into play as back up in the unlikely event an untoward county or two convenes a legitimate audit.  Such an event requires the covert work of ensuring ballot counts are at least in the same ballpark as fraudulent electronic vote tabulations.  Early voting and algorithmic manipulation of vote counts is just one part of the story.  Ballot harvesting is the support system.


Ballot Harvesting generally refers to a practice whereby someone other than the voter picks up a voter’s ballot and delivers it to a polling location.  Originally, ballot harvesting was limited to absentee ballots, but morphed to cover mass mail-in ballots.  Jurisdictions vary regarding precise definitions, restrictions, stipulations, and possible penalties for this highly abusive practice.  In many states, paid political operatives coerce the uneducated and infirm to vote by mail; fill out the mail-in ballot for the victim, and deliver the fraudulent ballots to polling locations.  Such hard to police practices make mail-in balloting so fraud prone, most banana republics more sophisticated and/or honest than the U.S.—DO NOT ALLOW MAIL-IN BALLOTS.

Making matters worse, readily abused national systems like the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), along with programmable, editable, algorithmic tabulation machines and other equipment easily controlled directly or remotely, undermine the Constitutional intent to de-centralize elections via independent county and state systems.  National and local elections using compatible electronic systems distributed with similar software across the 3,100 or so counties in the U.S.—ARE IN FACT, HIGHLY CENTRALIZED AND PRECISELY CONTROLLED.


The ERIC STATES SYTEM centralizes electronically stored information such as motor vehicle department data, voter registration rolls, Social Security Information, and U.S. Postal Service data.  This is done along with centralized reporting under the coordinated auspices of both State and Federal statutes.  Almost nothing related to voter rolls in the U.S. is de-centralized, independent, or secure.  Only Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia—in March 2023, had the good sense to better protect election integrity for their citizens by pulling out of the centralized ERIC System.

Here is a link ( to the U.S. Election Service Commission listing of so-called certified voting systems and their manufacturers.  Yes, it is fully centralized.  Voluntary certification testing is performed against the brand spanking new 2005 standard voting system guidelines (VVSG). I guess electronic voting system technology hasn’t advanced since 2005, so nothing new to see. Operating certification, in my humble opinion, rarely performed anyway, just certifies seamlessly functional election fraud across all participating U.S. counties.  How’s that for centralization?


Various forms of ballot fraud, one of which is harvesting, are used to confound potential audit trails by matching the number of ballots to electronically manipulated machine counts.  We can re-count any number of illegal ballots hundreds of times but discover zero fraud doing it—which is why the need for re-counts is uselessly touted by electoral criminals.  The threat of audit is largely superfluous as almost no county or state has funds available to legitimately audit anything —and don’t.  Arizona took a weak stab at it, but our state legislature refused to defend their own audit in front of the entire world.  Early voting plays a role by allowing identification of voter trends for calibrating initial algorithm set up, then endless days or weeks of counting after election day provide time to fabricate, add, or remove ballots as needed to match algorithmically derived machine vote totals.

Criminals ballot harvest.  Honest citizens do not ballot harvest.  American-In-Name-Only (AINOs) citizens despising God given unalienable rights stated in our Declaration of Independence, and as recognized and secured by U.S. Constitutional Authority embrace and promote ballot harvesting.  Subversive globalists, i.e., Marxist Democrat and Establishment Republican order-followers support ballot harvesting directly (in private of course) or more often, indirectly by ignoring it.

Ballot harvesting, along with early voting, mail-in ballots, and protractive ballot counting times provide an effective means of calibrating electronic voting machines to illegally manipulate ballot counts for control of election outcomes—and then cover it up.  This strategy is a fact, and much is known since exposed in 2003 when Ms. Bev Harris formed, then on March 4, 2004 published her book, Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century.

If any of this electronic ballot counting fraud is news to you, please follow the link below and watch the 24-minute Bev Harris video exposing how calculated FRACTION MAGIC is used to manipulate supposed vote counts.

Is it possible 100 U.S. Senators, and 435 U.S. House Members, not to mention elected members of 50 state legislatures do not know this fraud is ongoing in every state?  Can we the people of Main Street imagine accurate information is not available to state and federal legislators?  How many of these supposedly elected officials make use of or at least benefit from this election fraud strategy?  Has America, since the propagandized 2000 elections’ “hanging chads” controversy, been outsmarted by electronic voting shenanigans designed to cleverly and invisibly select candidates for office as opposed to voters electing candidates to office?



I’m not an absentee or mass mail-in ballot expert but it appears as of this writing, in 2023:
            ▪11 states do not specify who may return a voter’s ballot.
            ▪1 state requires the voter to return their own ballot.
            ▪14 states specify who may return ballots for other voters.  This practice is typically limited to family members,                                     caregivers, or another member of the household.
            ▪24 states and the District of Columbia allow anyone chosen by the voter to return the voter’s ballot.

My home state of Arizona permits a family member, household member, or caregiver to return a voter’s absentee ballot.  Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 16, Elections and Electors §16-1005: ballot abuse; violation; classification; states:

A. Any person who knowingly marks a voted or unvoted ballot or ballot envelope with the intent to fix an election for that person’s own benefit or for that of another person is guilty of a class 5 felony.

B. It is unlawful to offer or provide any consideration to acquire a voted or unvoted early ballot. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 5 felony.

C. It is unlawful to receive or agree to receive any consideration in exchange for a voted or unvoted ballot. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 5 felony.

D. It is unlawful to possess a voted or unvoted ballot with the intent to sell the voted or unvoted ballot of another person. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 5 felony.

E. A person or entity that knowingly solicits the collection of voted or unvoted ballots by misrepresenting itself as an election official or as an official ballot repository or is found to be serving as a ballot drop off site, other than those established and staffed by election officials, is guilty of a class 5 felony.

F. A person who knowingly collects voted or unvoted ballots and who does not turn those ballots in to an election official, the United States postal service or any other entity permitted by law to transmit post is guilty of a class 5 felony.

G. A person who engages or participates in a pattern of ballot fraud is guilty of a class 4 felony.  For the purposes of this subsection, “pattern of ballot fraud” means the person has offered or provided any consideration to three or more persons to acquire the voted or unvoted ballot of a person.

H. A person who knowingly collects voted or unvoted early ballots from another person is guilty of a class 6 felony.  An election official, a United States postal service worker or any other person who is allowed by law to transmit United States mail is deemed not to have collected an early ballot if the official, worker or other person is engaged in official duties.

I. Subsection H of this section does not apply to:

1. An election held by a special taxing district formed pursuant to title 48 for the purpose of protecting or providing services to agricultural lands or crops and that is authorized to conduct elections pursuant to title 48.

2. A family member, household member or caregiver of the voter.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a) “Caregiver” means a person who provides medical or health care assistance to the voter in a residence, nursing care institution, hospice facility, assisted living center, assisted living facility, assisted living home, residential care institution, adult day health care facility or adult foster care home.

(b) “Collects” means to gain possession or control of an early ballot.

(c) “Family member” means a person who is related to the voter by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship.

(d) “Household member” means a person who resides at the same residence as the voter.


Near uniform lack of enforcement renders the above Arizona statute meaningless.  Arizona Republican Party leadership has sat idly by since November 2020 observably doing nothing meaningful to defend Arizona voter’s rights.  If uncertain about how serious this disenfranchisement is and how easily fraud is accomplished using “certified” electronic voting systems, please watch the video linked below.  It is worth our time as responsible voters to absorb this information, since our leadership has no demonstrated interest in learning it, sharing it, or taking legal action against it.

The second link (see below) is to a 1-hour, 50-minute presentation by Mark Cook on Joe Oltmann’s Conservative Daily podcast.  If you’re interested in seeing how easily electronic voting systems are designed to be manipulated on site or remotely, this panel discussion presents the simplest, easy to understand demonstration I’ve yet seen.  In less than two hours you will become educated regarding electronic election fraud in today’s world.


Current INSECURE voting procedures, at least in my home state of Arizona, now a laughingstock in politically coherent company, guarantees no active Arizona voter of any party knows:

1.  If they voted.
2.  Who they voted for.
3.  How many times they voted for somebody they didn’t know they voted for.

Three reasons for the three questions above are EARLY VOTING, MAIL-IN BALLOTS, and ELECTRONIC VOTING.


The current U.S.  ELECTION FRAUD system operates something like this:

1. Early voting enables identification of voting trends.  Algorithms designed to manipulate vote counts are adjusted per the early vote trend data bringing about the desired tabulated result.  This is why voting machines compute vote totals using algorithms as opposed to simply counting votes.  This fraudulent system SELECTS rather than ELECTS candidates.

2. Programmed tabulators begin calculating final votes on voting day—or sometimes, for weeks afterward.  If unanticipated voting day trends upset predetermined outcomes, vote tabulation is stopped as in 2020 so algorithms can be adjusted, then fraudulent calculation and/or vote switching resumes.

3. Extended so-called COUNTING is continued beyond ELECTION DAY so the final tabulation calculations can be supported by creating, adding, or removing ballots, real or fake.  Extended so-called COUNTING periods enable the number of real or fake ballots to be covertly adjusted so the final vote calculations appear balanced within acceptable limits.



Eight Steps to END ARIZONA ( and U.S.) ELECTION FRAUD:

1. Voter identification required.

2. No mail-in ballots.

3. No early voting or late voting.

4. No electronic voting systems.

5. Use ear-marked or otherwise officially demarcated verifiable PAPER BALLOTS, printed by audited certified printers, protected by a transparently verifiable chain of custody provided by observers from all political parties.

6. All ballots are CAST IN PERSON, then HAND COUNTED AT THE VOTING PRECINCT under transparent observation by observers appointed by all political parties involved.  Each party appoints a minimum of three observers.  Five each would be better.


8.  Precincts MUST be small enough for all VOTE COUNTING to be completed AT THE PRECINCT and results known within 5 hours of designated poll closing.

At this point it’s clear no selected politician can or will fix this corrupt banana republic voting system we the people are having our noses rubbed in.  We have twenty or so America First Heroes who desperately need our citizen support to grow their numbers.  Failure to throw the I-HATE-AMERICA-CROWD out with the trash means America as we have known it is finished.  Like it or not, the HOPE OF THE WORLD depends on American Main Street citizens standing up to demand our Constitutionally recognized freedoms be respected and enforced.  Our victory will then be shared around the world.  Let Elites,  Shadow Governments, and the international Deep State suck on that from their prison cells.

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