Ignoring election fraud supports oligarchy of the few and helps bring about transhuman incarceration of the many by digitally weaponized, financial, healthcare, legal, and political abuses.
Weaponized electronic elections, invisibly manipulated by domestic subversives, sometimes working with foreign actors or insurgents reliably spawn malevolent government abuse to control and harm people, not just in America, but around the world. When someone steals another person’s freedom, they violate the Seventh Commandment. Stealing human freedom is anti-human, anti-God, and anti-creation.
Elections provide the only direct connection linking “consent of the governed”, i.e., legally registered U.S. voters with their governing representatives. Compromised elections ensure compromised government. Even worse, sophisticated fake electronic elections are rammed down citizen throats across more than 3,100 counties across the United States guaranteeing malicious harm and impoverishment for uninformed taxpayers by rogue elements in government with zero protective oversight. Corrupted elections make checks and balances disappear.
Fake elections supported by captured media liars cleverly position criminals and nincompoop order followers in what are supposed to be elected positions of representative governance. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are recent examples of nincompoops, though both demonstrate criminal behavior. Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are examples of criminals, though harsher critics than I claim “W” is also a nincompoop. Harsh Clinton critics, at least among the still living, are few in number, tending to speak only in whispers.
Note: An “oath taking” U.S. government official acting outside Constitutional authority acts illegally, therefore behaves criminally, hence my use of the term, criminal. Unfortunately, fake elections are bolstered by fake courts where Rule of Law suffers an agonizing death, so criminal government behavior is not prosecuted unless the alleged behavior is pro-constitution, pro-liberty, or prolife.
Incidentally, U.S. Code 2023, Title 5, Subchapter II, § 3331. Oathof office requires individuals elected or appointed to civil service or uniformed services to swear an oath before God to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”. This oath ends with, “So help me God.” Here’s a link to the federal statute: USCODE-2023-title5
Our American Constitutional Republic has incrementally degenerated into a Fascist Administrative Dictatorship since 1865. Frauds of all kinds, including election and voter fraud helped weaken U.S. resistance to this asymmetric attack. The now boundless, ±$7 trillion per year, subversive U.S. swamp, an international financial oligarchy comprised of largely unseen dynastic family members and handlers, working with their corporate and government pawns conduct the “real business” of American government secretly. Closed door agreements are facilitated through networked deep state bankers, multinational corporate leadership, NGOs, lobbyists, etc. and are enforced by shadow government entities like the CIA, Five Eyes (FVEY), Mossad, and their contracted private assets with compliantly fearful congressional acquiescence and zero legislative oversight.
Important domestic and international policy decisions are agreed to outside public and official congressional view, though White House staff, military, and congress persons are obviously rolled into the make-believe debate and rigged legislative voting process. Corrupt behavior backed by bribes, blackmail, and extortion have made members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives irrelevant to major policy decisions. Most of their time is spent begging for campaign funds and positive press coverage, negotiating personal carrot deals when helpfully complicit, dodging stick punishment when non-complicit, facilitating money laundering of tax dollars and debt as instructed by handlers, and making sure various worldwide trafficking operations are conducted smoothly, without risk of public objection.
Note: Any government doing nothing to prevent certain types of crimes and anti-human behavior sanctions those crimes and behavior. In our face examples of U.S. government sanctioned trafficking are child and adult sex trafficking, child and adult labor trafficking, drug trafficking, population swap trafficking which includes importing terrorists, weapons trafficking, and I don’t know what else. Main Street USA has stepped into some deep doo-doo and election fraud is one major power lever facilitating sedition, treason, and other hateful activities we are now stuck with.
Legitimate congressional oversight is constitutionally AWOL excepting twenty or so honest, congressional, MAGA patriots, who are punitively marginalized by 99 captured U.S. Senators and ±416 captured House Members. This treasonous theft of American self-governance is made possible by citizen apathy, citizen fear, ELECTION FRAUD, corrupt multinational corporate subversion, captured media, and a captured legal system of injustice.
Our focus in this article is not on crime itself, but on the role election fraud plays in the destruction of our American Republic, ongoing government corruption, and our republic’s lost ability to secure citizen civil rights as ordained by God—government’s only purpose. In that vein, taxpayers should realize hundreds of billions of tax dollars flow out the back doors of congress every year, making sure corrupt corporations are able to centrally manage every aspect of U.S. elections. The predictable result is manipulated voter rolls, no chain of custody for silly mail-in vote processes, even sillier fake print-on-demand or other counterfeit ballots, calculated instead of counted ballot tabulations, fake tally results, and fake election reporting. We have watched fake TV election reporting show us impossibly decreasing totals for some candidates, while others magically increase, sometimes by the same amounts. No evidence to see here is there, Your Honor.
Electronic voting processes are designed from the ground up to be manipulated locally via direct keyboard access, direct internet access, thumb drive, QR Code on a ballot or ballots, smart phone, or even from active and passive DRT Box IMSI-catcher technology launched from boats, helicopters, motor vehicles, planes, submarines, towers, UAVs, etc. These electronic voting processes are also designed to be manipulated from any location in any country on Earth, remotely via wireless technology.
So-called glitches are a misleading joke. Hacking is not necessary. Election software algorithms, sometimes complicated systems of 8th degree math equations are designed to be readily and quickly adjusted locally or from remote locations to add, subtract, prorate, or flip vote tallies. Researchers have made this public, open-source information, so Congress has known about national election fraud for more than two decades. That’s ten U.S. House terms, five Presidential terms, or three U.S. Senate terms. Any citizen still accepting congressional excuses for non-action are aiding election fraud or if not, are destined for Transhuman Gulagville. Here’s a link to just one info source provided by Bev Harris: https://blackboxvoting.org/
CAST VOTES no longer determine America’s election outcomes—Ballots now win elections. Fake election results are now electronically calculated and adjusted when early voting trends are off the mark, using a mixture of real and fake ballots, which in turn rely on rigged voter rolls for names. Some states begin early voting 45-days before election day, so plenty of data and time are available for pre-setting the cheating-algorithms. Names on centralized electronic voter rolls appear and disappear before and after elections. No American voter can say with certainty; if their vote was counted; how many times in how many counties it was counted; what candidates their votes were counted for; or how many times their votes were algorithmically switched.
Here’s a link to our Pinal County Americans United election fraud information page, for those interested in learning more about how electronic election fraud is conducted from initial voter roll rigging through final fake election result reporting. Pinal County Americans United Info Page This page showcases a small portion of vast mountains of U.S. election fraud evidence collected so far. We can no longer afford to be taken for fools. If you and I care, we MUST get involved in safeguarding elections any way we are able with whatever resources we can muster. United States’ freedom, financial solvency, and place in our world are all on the chopping block. Only we can grab the tiller to straighten the course of our ship of state. JOIN OR DIE as the 1754 cartoon suggested during the French and Indian War; then again during the Revolutionary War.
FASAB 56 accounting protocols, under the deceitful guise of fake national security issues since 2018, allow agencies to withhold tax dollar spending records from taxpayer eyes. Other shady regulations firewall private corporations and contractors working with corrupt government agency staff from congressional oversight so tax dollars and fiat digital debt can be laundered freely and without risk of transparency. Trillions of dollars are being laundered. Enough money to cure every ill on planet Earth several times over. Election fraud is one of the tools making abject violation of fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers possible. Election fraud is foundational to systematically impoverishing American workers, destroying property rights, and bankrupting United States government.
Sweetheart deals, kickbacks, and other carrots—as well as blackmail, extortion, or worse sticks are invisible to the confused public, but ensure no congressional outcry is imminent. Only the congressional twenty, with a few courageous retired military, and a few whistleblowers risk physical and financial health by sharing this ugly reality with Main Street—but their courageous efforts go unnoticed, or are cleverly used by the dark side to feed delusions of choice for misinformed public consumption.
Federal and state election regulations are intentionally limited in scope, and obtusely (poorly) written. Congress even passed easily abused nonsense like the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, i.e., Motor Voter Act. This centrally coordinated, in-our-face rigged U.S. election system makes election company ownership records and financial records difficult if not impossible to obtain. The near 100% lack of responsible oversight is despite direct company involvement in critical government responsibilities and services—in this case, U.S. elections. County and state elections appearing to be highly decentralized are massively centralized through privatized management networks.
In government-speak—never spoken publicly—privatized means criminalized. Hard stop.
Contrary to common sense, election software source code and election machine hardware design are tightly held trade-secrets kept from government officials, election workers, and voters. During and after elections, when serious election integrity issues arise, and there are too many to list here, real time documentation and access logs for election records and equipment are hidden or destroyed. This despite the 52 USC 20701 statutory requirement to maintain election records for 22 months. Ridiculous clown-shows called courts refuse to examine evidence of election fraud, thereby enabling concealment of criminal conduct, usually on a “lack of standing” basis. Then, black robed criminals announce they’ve seen no evidence of election fraud. Corrupt media parrots pick up this lie, spreading it like wildfire to uninformed, disappointed voters who then myopically chant, “oh well, we’ll have to vote earlier and harder next time.”
As responsible American citizens, taxpayers, and voters – as parents and grandparents, if we intend to provide an opportunity-filled future for our children and future generations—it is imperative we demand and enforce honest elections across all 3,142 counties in the United States and its territories. Hoping for honest representative government while accepting dishonest electoral processes has been a fool’s errand leading to U.S. financial insolvency, loss of civil rights, and the bumpy roads of probable U.S. economic collapse and yet another globalist war.
We need to prepare ourselves and have each other’s back. A good beginning would be, let’s get together, drink a tasty beverage, share a healthy meal, overcome our differences, have a bit of patience with each other, and work cooperatively so we can avoid the embarrassing necessity of sitting in the sucker’s corner looking at each other wearing dunce caps. The horrible result of our generation donning dunce caps is the assurance our surviving kids and grandkids will suffer miserable lives of servitude as transhuman slaves of Satanically influenced psychopaths.
I hope we agree this servile outcome is unacceptable and are willing to fight for a friendlier future.
The U.S. UNIPARTY is incrementally quashing unalienable free rights of U.S. citizens to worship freely, speak freely, assemble freely, or freely question government behavior for the purpose of taxpayer redress. Main Street USA needs an articulate legal advocate.
No threat outside America’s boundary poses a more imminent danger to American health and safety than rogue government overreach. Washington D.C. is Public Enemy No. 1. Joe Biden, for example, was not legally elected to serve as 46th President of the United States. Sadly, Biden therefore cannot be impeached for his in-name-only regime’s unconstitutional incarceration of political prisoners or other crimes most of us are not aware of.
The Biden Freak Show, on American soil, epitomizes and rubs our noses in CIA “stay behind” operations like The Phoenix Program (Vietnam), Gladio (Europe), and Condor (Central & South America). This subversive NGO/government threat openly criminalizes political differences at levels the UNIPARTY’S Barry Soetoro, Bush and Cheney families, Clinton crime family, and dozens of others treacherously drool over.
When we resolve this constitutional UNIPARTY crisis—and we the people will not stop until it is resolved—we will learn whether President Trump completed his duly elected second term as 45th President, or will he be incorrectly named our 47th President. History will set the record—but history is written by victors, so a prompt return to the U.S. Constitutional Rule of Law is critical if we the people expect to be victorious in this battle for our souls, along with future American and world freedom.
President Trump, who we the people of Main Street will elect President for a third time on November 5, 2024—if we have a 2024 U.S. national election; will, I hope, offer the post of United States Attorney General to RFK Jr. I pray, if offered, RFK Jr. accepts this sacred honor for the redress of constitutional law in America. The Rule of Law in America is stone cold dead. Only a warrior backed by a nation of warriors in the armor of God can revive it. You and I together are that nation of warriors. As warriors, we need a legal chief to organize and motivate our legal offense and defense. I BELIEVE HISTORY’S PERSON IS Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Question:Why is the appointment of our 87th U. S. AG critical to American civil rights?
Answer: Because we the people have lost our God-given, unalienable civil rights. We have given up our constitutionally recognized consent to govern, and we have lost ALL representative taxpayer voice in government affairs. Someone is running the United States ragged, and someone is not we the people. Someone has unconventionally attacked America from within and without.
President Donald J. Trump’s MAGA Movement opened a window of opportunity for Main Street America in 2016. He won a seat at the table for Main Street citizens, and WE MUST show up and do our work or watch our window slam shut. The NWO global syndicate is crashing and burning in their own filth. We have an opportunity – thank you, President Trump and friends – with God’s grace, to replace elite subjugation with revitalized spiritual freedom leading to healthy, balanced self-governance, and more abundant life.
If RFK Jr. is willing, and I will not blame him for refusing, he can rebuild and strengthen the justice leg of our broken legislative, executive, and judicial stool. If RFK Jr. accepts such a challenge, and we the people fail to defend, protect, and help him re-establish Rule of Law in America today, hell on Earth will reign until future generations take on the armor of God to right our short-sighted lack of urgency.
RFK Jr.’s skill set will be wasted if just appointed to lead a powerless committee “studying” the already up-in-our-grill corruption. (H/T to political prisoner, Steven K. Bannon). The U.S. AG is an appointed statutory member of the president’s cabinet—not some bought and paid for talking head committee member. Nominated by the president, with advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, the AG is chief law enforcement officer of the United States government, so can investigate and pursue legal action pertaining to Federal crimes.
The U.S. AG can also push for genuine citizen grand juries unencumbered by biased judges and career-oriented prosecutors as grand juries are today. Additionally, as specified in paragraphs 15 and 16 of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, legally formed county, and state militias can “execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions.” Honest criminal investigations, indictments, and adjudication for nonfederal crimes in state/county jurisdictions can be more effectively carried out than today’s failed system of Open Society funded injustice. This legal authority could be effective under the honest leadership of a courageous attorney like RFK Jr., whereas under cowardly cabal pawns like Comrade Garland, justice flips on its back like an upside-down turtle stuck on a highway watching truck tires approach. This is not self-governance nor is it Rule of Law.
When politicized courts are so corrupted that fair trials are impossible as many are today, congress can authorize military tribunals, and the president has the power to convene them. In this circumstance, an increasingly imminent necessity, a knowledgeable, honest U.S. AG with moral integrity would be an invaluable advisor to the president and congress. I believe RFK Jr. can, if willing, serve admirably in this advisory role as well. Today, taxpayers are expensively stuck with useless photo-op hearings regardless of intention. Nothing changes for the betterment of U.S. Main Streets because our corrupt Congress held another hearing. Criminality is encouraged via administrative peer pressure and nonaccountability.
Bicameral congressional committee inquiries and hearings are sometimes educational for citizens paying attention, BUT lack legal teeth, so are ineffective agencies of change. Many, if not most congressional hearings are centered around alleged abuses of power and resultant law enforcement issues. Controlled conflict narratives are shared and/or propagandized for public consumption because the court of public opinion, though dumbed down, still carries vestiges of weight. It’s nice to hear about abuses but accountability is unaccounted for in these proceedings. Direct legal enforcement and perp-walks are required to resolve cases of blatant criminality, sedition, and treason.
This may be an appropriate time to recall Dr. Thomas Sowell’s observation stated in the Preface to the 1987 Edition of his book, A Conflict of Visions. “Conflicts of interests dominate the short run, but conflicts of visions dominate history.”
My lay interpretation of Dr. Sowell’s observation suggests RFK Jr. would not serve as a successful President due to his persistently “unconstrained” vision[1] under which government can somehow ameliorate human failings (my biased opinion). More generally, RFK is a lousy politician because he’s not afraid and won’t willingly lie for present or future gain (my biased opinion). Though I as an original intent minded Constitutionalist disagree with many of RFK’s government friendly positions; there is no doubt, RFK is an honest warrior willing to stand up for what he believes is right. The fact that Big Centralized Governments are dangerous does not suggest the anarchy of No Government at All is a solution. Some LIMITED GOVERNMENT is necessary for protection of our unalienable rights—governments only functional purpose. Except for better understanding the need for “limited governmental scope” (my opinion), RFK Jr. is built in the muscular mold of his father and uncle, both of whom, at times right or wrong, gave their lives for belief in our American republic, its limited scope, and human potential.
You and I together are our republic. We the people ordained and own our republic. By law, the U.S. government is the protector of our God-given, sovereign unalienable rights. In terms of current generational issues, we are who we are waiting for. No one else is coming to save us. No politician can fix America. Leaders can motivate, but we, as a national group, are responsible and MUST do the work. RFK Jr. can head up investigative committee(s), shed light on issues, and use his bully pulpit to stir our hearts, but committees don’t solve problems. Committees talk… and talk… and talk. That’s it. Legal action and resolute law enforcement are required as a deterrent to sedition, treason, and other crimes.
IF not RFK Jr. for U.S. AG, then someone of equal or better integrity and fortitude MUST be appointed. Fortunately, we have other candidates meeting these requirements. After decades of Department of InJustice legal abuse and criminality, this position is critical for America’s future legal health.
A short list of twelve critical items demanding immediate investigation, indictments, and adjudication is:
Banish wholesale election fraud by voting on ELECTION DAY with certified PAPER BALLOTS, HAND-COUNTED, in SMALL PRECINCTS of not more than 2,000 REGISTERED VOTERS, based on LOCALLY MANAGED VOTER ROLES. All vote tallies are to be reported after hand-counted aggregation directly from each precinct. Election fraud MUST be vigorously investigated and when found, punished.
Reduce the scope of federal government to the level authorized under Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
The United States’ border is to be securely closed and protected by the U.S. military with immigration services overseeing legal immigrant processing behind military supremacy.
Decease and desist with ENDLESS WARS orchestrated by domestic and international financial interests, then propagandized by corrupted UNIPARTY NEOCONS.
Dissolve the CIA, ending its worldwide campaign of terror through programs like Phoenix, Gladio, Condor, MK Ultra, Monarch, and others.
All government hiring and promotions are based on observable merit.
Item 2 above will HELP eliminate money laundering financial fraud by eliminating unconstitutional agencies, contracts, programs, etc.
Toxic aerosol spraying, nanotechnology dissemination, weaponized weather, and atmospheric ionization MUST be stopped immediately, with treaties shutting down this insanity worldwide.
Big Pharma toxic BIOWEAPON development MUST be stopped immediately. So-called vaccines, biological-chemical and genetic nanotechnologies, and other dual-use poisons are not medicine, they are genocidal military weapons.
Free market regenerative, organic farming MUST replace government subsidized, government protected, toxic industrial agricultural practices for all crops. Farm animals, poultry, etc. are to be organically pasture raised under verifiably humane conditions. Fish are to be wild-caught, humanely harvested, and minimally processed. Free markets will bring all this about.
Free market, organic food processing MUST replace government protected toxic food processing.
Item 3 above will help end ALL ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING, including but not limited to; child labor and sex trafficking, adult labor and sex trafficking, drug trafficking, migrant trafficking, weapons trafficking, etc.
Sadly, it will require decades to overcome the dumbing-down of American education into a globalist brainwashing system. This crime of miseducation is so civically devastating in its long-term impacts, it’s impossible to know if America can survive as one nation under God. Certainly, we cannot survive together under one American roof without God’s blessings. Please think about this. Meditate, pray, or just spend some quiet time pondering how we can bring our country back into compliance with our 1776 Founding Covenant declaring its “firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.”
The United States of America is owned by we the people. Let’s stand up for ourselves and start acting like the sovereigns we are. History is counting on us.
Why is the UNIPARTY taking down America’s Republic and entrepreneurial middle class? Who does the UniParty work for? How does political Jiu-Jitsu work?
{President Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom, 1913} “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
President Woodrow Wilson unfortunately provided premium service for the “power” he mentioned in 1913 and knew his handlers intimately. On December 23, 1913, Wilson’s regime brought about the privately owned Federal Reservecentral banking system (5th plank in the Communist Manifesto) and began luring the United States into World War I, which could not be financed without the Federal Reserve and the new U.S. income tax wealth raid. In 1914 no country in Europe had the money necessary to wage WW I. The Wilson regime fixed that deficiency for the elites, thereby changing the world our generation has been born into—and not for the better.
Today, it is our Constitutional Duty, wearing the armor of God, to help President Donald J. Trump and friends remedy this U.S. catastrophe—not just for Americans, but for the world. Since 1913, the U.S. State Department, and since September 1947 our CIA, together, have been rampaging across the globe using hard-working American good faith and credit. Wilson’s administration earlier in 1913, passed the 16th Amendment establishing a progressive income tax (2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto) and the 17th Amendment which destroyed any meaningful state voice in federal legislation. The 17th Amendment makes it nearly impossible for Congress to fix anything.
Many of us wonder who or what is this “power” Wilson spoke of? The answer is, “just people” – though these people dance in time to a Luciferian drumbeat manifesting evil influence so widely, it impacts every life on Earth—until now. The MAGA Movement, Yellow Vest Movement, Trucker’s Movement, Farmer’s Movement, and other populist movements are standing up to this beast and with God’s grace and our hard work, the Dragon is crashing and burning.
Even though the Dragon is going down, it is still dangerous and as Sun Tzu taught in the 5th century BC, to win battles we must know both ourselves and our enemies. Following is an ultra-brief TKC primer on how the Dragon wreaks its havoc through Big Government coercion. A brief consideration of multinational corporate and government behavior relative to dynastic family control sheds considerable light on why major governments rarely represent voters, often using and harming, rather than benefiting citizens. Observation suggests cause and effect.
When needed to serve elite agendas, media parrots manipulate mass perception by cleverly injecting misleading and/or distracting terms into the popular vernacular. Deep State is one of those poorly, or mis-defined terms, as is Shadow Government. Mainstream talking heads suggest if mentioning it at all, that the Deep State is a bunch of Obama Administration holdovers battling with the Trump Administration. Marxist Democrats and Establishment Republicans, i.e., the UNIPARTY play this childish tune like a sophisticated Theodorakis concerto. Yes—of course, Soetoro Administration trolls undermine constitutional government, as do Establishment Republicans. Dah! They are all brainwashed Deep State tools, but expendable cannon fodder does not make decisions and are never shot callers. The carrot and stick ensure uniform compliance to overcome any misgivings.
Before digging in, let’s remind ourselves of a few past geopolitical Jiu-Jitsu takedowns.
Both before and since the September 1964 release of the Warren Commissioncover-up of John F. Kennedy’s brutally televised assassination in November 1963, Main Street taxpayers have had near zero access to correct information about the reality of certain historic events. BUT we do know the official narrative is not true. This shameless official duplicity slaps self-governance right smack in the chops and it’s time we roared, “we ain’t takin’ it no more.”. Other questionable narratives surround Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 1914), Pearl Harbor (December 1941), Gulf of Tonkin (August 1964), Martin Luther King (April 1968), Robert F. Kennedy (June 1968), Oklahoma City (April 1995), 911, and J6, to name just eight more.
All these events have undisclosed or deceptively documented causes—and today, we have silly government narratives competing for dumbest cover up possible of the attempted assassination of President Trump on July 13, 2024. This worn Dragon playbook is nauseating and requires treatment.
Anyway, we should care about truth because the United States, United Kingdom, and Western Europe are being asymmetrically destabilized, sickened, weakened, and taken over by organized globalist forces mobilized inside and outside established national boundaries. Cultural traditions, economic systems, private property rights, spiritual beliefs, and level after level of basic human rights dating back to the Dooms of 694, King John’s 1215, Magna Carta, our 1788 U.S. Constitution, and 1791 Bill of Rights are steadily being done away with.
Sadly, many of us are unaware that historic Rules of Law in the western hemisphere are being eradicated, in part, by our own Main Street acceptance of false promises, lies by omission, and outright lies. In all instances, subversion of citizen legal protection under the law is carried out by order following pawns across all levels of government. The octagon strategy is run by an international cabal of Satanically influenced, interlocking financial interests owned by elite dynastic families, some with historic bloodlines, some nouveau. These interests are the Dragon’s mouth.
The operational structure used for this global totalitarian Jiu-Jitsu strategy is circles within circles, spreading ever outward and overlapping from three dark epicenters—City of London, Washington D.C., and Vatican City. As radial distance from one of the epicenters increases, levels of information, size of rewards, and levels of power decrease. This simple structure enables a tiny group of conspirators to appear omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent—as well as invisible from outside the protected inner circles of power. Most Deep State pawns have no idea what they are involved in; though some do, and don’t care as long as they receive accolades, promotions, and financial compensation. Such pawns don’t seem to understand that at some future point, all useful idiot members of the outer rings are headed to the gulags along with the little people, they hoodwinked. History shows no exceptions.
Mass indoctrination, for example, can be enabled by a public announcement issued by an individual near the inner circle of the system at, say 4:00 AM on a foggy City of London morning, then echoing across several thousand media outlets to the outer circles in just minutes. A few hours later, worldwide audiences believe millions, even billions of listeners and viewers around the globe agree with the viewpoint stated by that one strategically placed individual. This is a powerfully dynamic perception manipulating echo chamber controlled by a handful of media conglomerates and publishers working exclusively for elite dynastic family agendas.
Oversimplifying, as I don’t go to the meetings so am not intimate with cabal or as I term it, global syndicate organizational details, we can identify the following hierarchal layers by observation.
Tiny inner circle of powerful dynastic family members.
Larger, though still small inner circle of global managers. Each management family, say thirteen or so, specializes in an industry or in an area of influence, like education, the spiritual occult, or political maneuvers.
The first circle of power visible to Main Street consists of approximately three hundred or so dynastic families, each with their own public representative(s). We see these reps and their associates at Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Davos, and other parasite gatherings.
This visible layer unveils, spreads, and magnifies the latest greatest crazy ideas from inner circles to the masses through what I loosely call the Study Group System. Here, through more than 3,000 think tanks and NGO sponsors in the U.S. alone, we find highly privileged talking heads like the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, Sergei Brin, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari, the late Julian Huxley, the late Henry Kissinger, Larry Page, the late Bertrand Russell, Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, and many dozens of other lifetime actors mingling among up and coming NWO indoctrinates, who then carry the message to “the little people”.
Dynastic family agenda enforcement, both carrot and stick, are conducted by nation state intelligence services comprising each country’s Shadow Government. Shadow Governments supply the Dragon’s teeth.
Shadow Governments across the world, sometimes cooperating with each other, sometimes adversarial, depending on moods of elite psychopathy, oversee the so-called Deep State. The internationally networked Deep State is comprised of all entities exercising influence and/or power, whether in agriculture, armaments, banking, chemicals, education, energy, finance, industry, military, mining, politics, psychology, shipping, transportation, etc. This includes academia, Big Advertising, Big Government, Industrial Farming, Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Food Processing, publishing, media, Hollywood, and more.
Privileged Deep State pawns are controlled by Shadow Governments via accolades, awards, blackmail, bribes, extortion, sweetheart deals, positive or negative press coverage, threats of violence against associates, family, friends, pets, or even themselves. Many A-Listers in Hollywood, music, and news are trapped or buy into becoming not much more than paddocked human show animals, who sell their souls for fame and material rewards. We get a hint of this highly compensated slavery via the leakage of pedophilia and ritual abuse stories despite tight controls.
Deep State multinational conglomerates interface directly with corrupted or soon to be corrupted corporate and government agency personnel including those elected, appointed, hired, contracted with, etc. The multinationals typically take care of writing or editing legislation while coercing the cooperation of all governments elites want to molest—always at taxpayer expense. Countries selected for useful abuse are rated by susceptibility to resource rape, being a good source for drug and/or human trafficking, weapons trafficking, or abuse of diplomatic, financial, or military influence and power, etc. Every country is fair game.
The court of public perception is further guided by the Study Group System mentioned above. This unofficial recruiting, vetting, promotional, brainwashing network is comprised of various societies, academia, endowments, foundations, and trusts—standing behind influential think tanks, and critical corporate interests such as, all major banks, all major oil companies, all major manufacturers, and notoriously, companies like Disney, Dupont, IG Farben, Google, IBM, MITRE, Rand, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and too many more to name.
The top think tank on Earth is Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, but contemporaries and offshoots abound. Consider just a few like Aspen Institute, Atlantic Council, Bloomberg Breakaway, Brookings Institute, Carnegie Endowment, Cato Institute, Center For Strategic and International Studies, Ford Foundation, Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institute, Hudson Institute, Rockefeller Foundation(s), and again, too many to name—more than 3,000 in the U.S. alone.
Near the top of this dung heap is the U.S. military’s think tank, DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the CIA’s In-Q-Tel capital fund, along with NSA, among other associated entities, including banks. This nexus funded development of Google for example, incorporated by Stanford researchers, Sergei Brin, and Larry Page in September 1998. Standing behind Google Earth was a firm called Keyhole, working on another In-Q-Tel funded program for developing advanced satellite mapping software. Google acquired Keyhole in 2004, some aspects of whose work are incorporated into Google Maps. Here’s a link to an article about this. https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/how-the-cia-made-google-e836451a959e
The psychopathic goal of surveilling and controlling all human terrain, i.e., full spectrum dominance requires integration of companies like Google and Meta (formerly Facebook, formerly DARPA’s Life-Log System) with Big Government. The overt military science marriage with Silicon Valley is without adult oversight and is completely off the sanity rails. Add DARPA’s modified HAARP technology, weaponized weather, toxic aerosol spraying, toxic JABS, nanotechnology, and quantum computing for AI and all creation is at risk.
CEO’s, directors, and managers of all Deep State entities, private or government, are recruited, vetted, and promoted through the international Study Group System (my name for this matrix networking system) wherein a person’s value to the cabal is recognized and put to work. What a prospect for an influential position thinks or will say on matters critical to elites is known long before any promotion or sweetheart deal is offered. For example, a network news anchor rarely requires coaching regarding “what to say”, and of course, some of them brag on that. What an anchor will say on matters critical to New World Order power brokers is a known quantity. If not; it soon will be. No one in media is paid upwards of $500,000 per week for telling the truth, though partial truths embellish the lies by omission as well as outright lies.
Social media plays a prominent role in mass brainwashing by elite order followers. We should note when considering legal aspects of social media platform abuses, that these platforms have never been and are not private platforms. They are spawned as quasi-government platforms, as are telecom companies, unconstitutionally integrated with corrupt government agencies to surveil, lie to, subjugate, and control citizen behavior. So-called national security provides an abusive umbrella for masking unconstitutional government agency activity harmful to citizens. When social media companies censor, edit, and shadow ban user communications they are not open platforms, but are publishers with zero protections under Section 230, since 230 applies only to online services, not publishers.
UNIPARTIES, CONTROLLED CONFLICT, and MONEY are the quiet weapons of “power.” These three things have derailed the Constitutional authority and undermined the honesty of our legislative congress by illegally coercing them to DELEGATE their law-making authority to unelected bureaucrats and corrupt judges. The result, since 1865, is that America now lives beneath a vast Administrative Dictatorship answerable only to the cabal’s Shadow Government and its upstream matrix handlers
Main Street Americans have no voice in the government we pay for. Fake electronic votes keep us believing we do have a political voice, but reality proves otherwise. Both sides of the UNIPARTY support fake electronic voting systems, rigged electronic voter rolls, and mail-in ballots with no chain of custody. Let a thousand poll observers who can’t see inside the machines stand around watching tabulators or count fake ballots hundreds of times. What difference does it make as a notorious parasite once screeched?
All twelve items mentioned earlier are made possible and could not occur except via the corrupt marriage of Marxist Democrats with Establishment Republicans into a treasonous UNIPARTY. The UniParty only answers to its Fascist Globalist facilitators, i.e., the Dragon, never to we the people. Dishonorable UniParty power and lack of representative and judicial moral integrity reduce our good representatives like The Courageous Twenty to frustrated Don Quixote-like characters tilting at windmills (pun intended) with broken sticks and hoarse voices instead of swords.
The only vibrant opposition to this “power” is President Donald J. Trump and his Make America Great Again Movement. America First, then we make our entire world great again.
The hard working, productive people of the United States and the world are caught in a war for their souls and lives. Humanity is under asymmetric attack by government and corporate goons, most of whom are brainwashed into believing they are saving the world from evil taxpayers and Christianity.
Called unrestricted warfare by the Communist Chinese Military, Michael T. Flynn, LTG, U.S. Army (retired) refers to this asymmetric strategy as Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW). We fight a new kind of warfare in which the naïve become mind-control weapons dangerous to themselves and others. Brainwashing blinds us to the potential danger of imported terrorists, heavily armed criminal gangs, hungry uneducated illegals—and of course, domestic terrorists like ANTIFA and BLM among others. Our own government is forcing us into a clash of civilizations and it must stop.
If the much-anticipated BIG NWO EVENT, say WEF’s CYBER POLYGON or something like it comes down before the 2024 November election, we will see supply chain disruptions and orchestrated civil unrest at levels never seen in North America. Should the November U.S. election be prohibited, we may even see our Supreme Circus attempt to protect its own financial survival by redeeming itself with a sudden ruling that the 2020 Biden Freak Show is in fact, fraudulent – and President Trump MUST be sworn in for his second full term.
It’s probable that President Donald J. Trump’s Second Administration is America’s last opportunity to survive as one nation under God—and under one roof. A breakup of America would cost all nine supreme justices their livelihoods wouldn’t it. Surely, the supremes would finally do the right thing to salvage their own financial posterity. Even black robed clowns understand that our intentionally fractured country will descend into civil war without adequate moral leadership.
Working for the benefit and protection of each other means living with NO FEAR. Remember, the New World Oder cabal, i.e., the global syndicate is not a tightly focused, uniform group specializing in generosity. They are at best, a self-absorbed, self-destructive group brought together by self-interest and greed. Depending on perceived benefit or loss from moment to moment, they cooperate or cheat each other based on personal aggrandizement or fear. For spiritual reasons beyond my wheelhouse, Satan’s elites have already lost their power in this era but intend to damage creation and harm humanity as much as possible while swirling down the toilet of history’s mistakes.
It’s important we don’t get caught in the whirlpool, while evil runs its downhill course.
Redeeming humanity by fighting and winning this 5GW war between good and evil may require physical self-defense, but surely requires spiritual armor and weaponry. The only spiritual armory I’m aware of is operated by the Holy Spirit and good angels through Whom we can obtain grace necessary for successfully combatting evil forces. Prayer, Patience, and Love are our most formidable weapons. Divided we lose our souls to the Dark Side. Together we win everlasting Light along with our Creator’s army of angels. Let’s look past our differences and work together. With courage, consideration, fortitude, patience, and resolve – everyone wins.
The 1966 Freedom of Information Act is often used to cover up NONFEASANT, MISFEASANT, AND MALFEASANT government behavior. A functional system is needed.
The FOIA system should provide taxpayers a convenient means of communication with government officials for obtaining information regarding government activities. Instead, FOIA helps rogue government officials obscure information and hide less than acceptable activity from citizen view. This denial of accountability is wrong. American citizens are the sovereign owners of their republic. Government records are proprietary to legal citizens. Government records are not proprietary to officials or employees paid to work for taxpayers. Taxpayers are the boss. Abuse of power by government officials MUST stop now.
Sadly, no longer taught in our schools, the United States Constitution is historically unique. All powers temporarily lent to the U.S. government by the people are Constitutionally authorized through consent of the governed. Powers lent to government by the people can be expanded or taken away by the people via the Article 5 amendment process. The bicameral houses of the U.S. legislature for example, are limited to eighteen powers specified in Article 1, Section 8. Those limited powers can only be removed or added to by amending the Constitution per Article 5.
Somewhere on the order of 75% to 90% of all federal U.S. legislation IS NOT AUTHORIZED by the U.S. Constitution. Unauthorized legislation is illegal. Rogue elements in government withholding information from taxpayers and even from Congress to obscure such illegality is nothing new. Long before 2018’s FASAB 56 streamlined concealment of government financial shenanigans from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act streamlined concealment of all government records from taxpayer scrutiny—in claimed defense of our right-to-know, of course. For more on FASAB 56, see Solari Report_FASAB 56 .
I get that an appropriate procedure for requesting information is necessary. If FOIA information requests were responded to in a reasonably precise or timely fashion, I wouldn’t criticize the system. BUT that is not the case, is it. Hence, my FOIA complaint is couched as an accusation against UniParty corruption protection for elites, corporatist shot callers, and government pawns.
The idea behind FOIA is simple. Bad optics arise when privileged government pawns tell taxpayers to buzz off when questions are asked. In the extreme case, rusty Main Street pitchforks could be shined up. Therefore, instead of foolishly risking revolt by just saying, “take a hike little person”; rogue elements play the long con by creating a FOIA program claiming to protect the Little People’s right-to-know. Then the little Main Street suckers can spend the next century uselessly filling out FOIA forms to beg for information legal taxpayers already own.
Yea, it’s stupid is as stupid does, (H/T to 1994’s Forrest Gump), but by clever intent, the long con ensures dumbed-down education, compound interest shackles, regulatory burdens, endless wars, and unconstitutional taxation keep hard working people too busy and too anxious to notice. How about an example showing how smoothly, and with a UniParty smirk, the well-oiled FOIA machine obscures information from the brainwashed public.
President, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Whatever the reason, we the American people are not happy about President Kennedy’s murder or its coverup. More than sixty in-our-face-dubious years later, lies and incoherency still cloud that brazen coup d’état. Main Street doesn’t know what happened that day, but we do know the pathetic, lone gunman story conjured up by parasites hiding inside and outside U.S. government is a poorly crafted fabrication. How handy is it, that as questions multiplied after November 1963, how expediently the corruption nurturing BS we call FOIA WAS ENACTED in July 1966, less than three-years later; then signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson on July 5, 1967 “to protect and nurture the people’s right to know” we are told?
I don’t claim ASSASSINATION–FOIA Dots connect but do find it curious why some jerk or jerks in government woke up one hungover morning thinking information should be hidden from taxpayers. Do we imagine this absurdity evolved from thin air and coincidence? Maybe space aliens demanded FOIA be enacted? What should we think here, or is it better for taxpayers not to think at all as elite power mongers and criminals in government prefer?
FOIA is deceitfully abused as a powerful weapon launched against the owners of the U.S. government, i.e., we the people who by our consent ordained our American republic. Seditious and even treasonous parasites are now burrowed deep into the layered guts of our bloated government. Accountability is AWOL. Privileged parasitic pawns working for powerful dynastic financial interests deeply embedded behind the scenes since Lincoln’s War and its twelve years of Reconstruction, have deceptively removed constitutional checks and balances from day-to-day operations. This subversion destroyed the Rule of Law, thereby morphing representative republican government into a malicious Administrative Dictatorship feared by the entire world. All of this harm has been done by abusing the good faith and credit of hard-working Americans.
Taxpayers like me have been pleading ignorance and innocence since 1877 and more so since 1913 but can deny the obvious no longer. The American middle-class MUST with God’s grace stand up to This Globalist Beast created in our good name. We MUST stop these atrocities for ourselves, and for future generations. Kids around the world MUST not grow up as fearful cyborg serfs confined by tyrannical digital chains and psychopathic nanotechnology while being poisoned by fake medicine, industrial farm garbage, and toxic food processing.
The financial dynastic family cabal functions as a Global Syndicate by syndicating evil around the globe “doing as they wilt whenever and however, they wilt” in service to agendas concocted by their Dark Lord—agendas focused on wealth confiscation, power, and destruction of all creation. Along those lines among too many crimes to list, four U.S. Presidents have been assassinated while in office: Abraham Lincoln (1865); James Garfield (1881); William McKinley (1901); and John F. Kennedy (1963). These four in-our-face assassinations expose just the tiny tip of a wide-ranging, very dark historic iceberg. New World Order psychopaths are busy, so there’s never a shortage of black activities running around the American Titanic requiring protective cover. Asking legitimate questions is not evidence of conspiracy theory.
Note: “Conspiracy Theory” is not a term coined by rogue CIA assets, but the now unabashedly treasonous CIA and their complicit Mockingbird Media parrots sure did popularize the term. BAD PEOPLE holding influential power use big unaccountable governments to do BAD THINGS. Hiding this harmful government activity requires garbage like FOIA and FASAB 56 to limit exposure of crimes from the sight of prying eyes. This is best accomplished via deceitful programs claiming benefits for the little people while delivering harm. Here is a link to the amended 2016 FOIA language, 5 U.S.C. § 552. https://www.justice.gov/oip/freedom-information-act-5-usc-552
FOIA sounds like a swell idea, until we read the language and examine its exemptions and exclusions. There are nine FOIA exemptions and three FOIA law enforcement record exclusions. FOIA is a con job perpetrated by Bad People who do Bad Things.
If you read these carefully worded exemptions and exclusions, you’ll notice that nearly anything any rogue government or media pawn is told to cover-up can be tied to a FOIA exemption or exclusion. The system hides information beautifully because who dares question the paucity of requested information provided? Certainly not White House pawns or members of our captured bicameral Congress. Certainly not heavily compensated Mockingbird Media parrots. No hard questions are asked by those we are indoctrinated to trust as reliable institutions.
Only the little people stunned by the stupidity of official narrative will ask questions. Commoners frequently wonder how we are getting screwed this time – so FOIA protocols force cannon fodder commoners to BEG government liars paid for and working for the commoners in the first place, for information commoners already own. In six months, six years, or never, the persistent FOIA request might be answered in part—the rest of course MUST remain hidden. It’s national security, you know.
It’s far past time for American taxpayers to regain critical thinking skills, abandon the treasonous UniParty, then take appropriate action enforcing self-governance. The American people cannot govern themselves or their government employees and contractors without useful information. We use our Constitution to enforce our unalienable rights as human beings, or American liberty dies a miserable nanotechnology death. If American freedom dies, world freedom is lost along with it. This is not acceptable. How about we work together and help each other choose abundant life for everyone.
The Rule of Western Civilized Law is being murdered and MUST be saved. Can a Trump/Musk Commission for Sound Government help save it?
Human freedom was uniquely enhanced in North America on July 4th, 1776, but its spirit was born centuries before America’s Revolutionary War on other continents by America’s ancestors. Unfortunately, the spirit of human freedom worldwide is suffering a gruesome late-term abortion. Many of us don’t see this, don’t care, or maybe benefit; but rest assured, blind or not, when life is devalued by legislators and jurists ruling baby murder for convenience to be an acceptable legal pastime; the death of our adult freedom is not far off. We are devaluing our lives by choice.
Equality of rich and poor under rule of law is an ancient concept arising from the practicality of effective people management—bringing the phrase Pitchfork Avoidance Strategy to mind. Anyway, this human moral concept is being trashed with relish by G20 leaders and multinational corporate nincompoops. Nowhere, is this truer than in the United States of America. The cancer of global totalitarianism is infecting humanity in a Satanic frenzy of lies—intended of course, to become a deluge of lockdowns, pain, suffering, starvation, and war if we the people of Main Street do not emphatically scream, NO THANK YOU.”
How much history are so-called world leaders crapping on? ANSWER: Quite a bit.
Enough so that ALL COMPLIANCE WITH GLOBALISM MUST END NOW. Life on Earth hangs in the balance. PUSH YOUR RED BUTTON NOW![1]
I am not a legal scholar, but my lay perspective is that American Constitutional thinking traces back to the origins of Christianity and historic attempts to invoke Natural Law as the foundation for establishing and applying legaldoctrines “equally to everyone regardless of income, wealth, or position.”[2] In post-Enlightenment times we might think about what came to be known as the Rights of Englishmen covered in detail by Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton in The Tyranny of Good Intentions, first published in 2000.
I don’t know the source of this legal characterization, but it was popularized by 18th century English Judge, William Blackstone when referring to these rights as, “The absolute rights of every Englishman.” This same term was used in 1873 by U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Joseph P. Bradley in his dissenting opinion on the Slaughterhouse Cases when arguing these rights were a foundation of American law.
Much earlier, in 1606, King James I (1603–1625) guaranteed to “colonists and their posterity” in the First Charter of Virginia, all the “liberties, franchises, and immunities possessed by anyone born in England.” If I’m not mistaken, all colonial English charters included such guarantees.
The first formal declaration of absolute rights in England I know of was stated in the Dooms of 694 issued by Ine (670–728), King of Wessex. (Note: Dooms were a form of codified Anglo-Saxon legal practice instituted during the period 601–1021 AD.) England became unified under Æthelstan in 929 A.D.) After the devastating Viking invasion, the Dooms of Alfred the Great (844–899) re-established and further elaborated the idea of “equal justice under the law.” Later Dooms followed, and common law slowly developed after the 1066 Norman Conquest (think Viking Battle of Hastings) but this organizational thinking was more fully codified as common law after 1215 when King John agreed to the Magna Carta, Europe’s 1st constitution.
The Magna Carta, as we know, resulted from several different controversies but is mentioned here because more than 800-years-ago, the Magna Carta declared all English sovereigns subject to the Rule of Law and documented the liberties held by “free men.” This historic influence on our 1776 U.S. Declaration of Independence and formation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot be ignored or underestimated as American miseducation sadly does today.
The concept of human freedom under Natural Law, once abandoned, will not easily be taken back from the evil forces aggressively suffocating it. This evil influence threatens all life on Earth, not just humanity – so environmentalists unite – though not as destructively as collectivist hero Karl Marx and the Club of Rome suggest. Let’s take a more common-sense constructive view. Let’s reinvigorate truth together and re-establish the Rule of Law for Earth’s benefit.
In this post-healthcare holocaustic, Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama PsyOp World in which medical mafiosi the likes of Tony Fauci and vegetables like rutabaga pawns, Biden and Harris lie, distract, and thrive, we’ve seen no shortage of recognized American civil rights shat upon by every level of government. The U.S. justice system is AWOL, mired in its own UniParty criminality. Making matters worse, elite girly boy fear of The Donald’s MAGA movement spreading popularly across the globe, has prompted an all-out elite war on every civil right imaginable and maybe some we haven’t heard of. Pandering Ds and Rs alike are rubbing up on their panicked handlers, compliantly driving this middle-class slave train to its UniParty perdition. Simultaneously, cruelty like permanently mutilating young genitals, thereby manufacturing life-long critical care patients is alive and well—at least for young people surviving profitably subsidized abortion mills and body parts retail markets.
Add in a pile of subsidized climate change lies, costly energy misdirection, out of control money laundering – all enabled by mass election fraud on an unimaginable scale, and we have entire countries soiling their financial diapers with full compliance of corrupt judges, law enforcement, prosecutors, and media. This war on the independent middle class is escalating to a hailstorm of currency collapse, transportation obstruction, supply chain disruption, mass aerosol and medical nanotech poisoning, industrial farm poisoning, and finally, predictable widespread famine—all of it enabled by captured media, election fraud, and annihilation of the Rule of Law.
We might ask – what surely kills the rule of law. Answer: LACK OF PROPER EDUCATION and LACK OF CRITICAL THINKING.
We have STUCK OURSELVES with civically uneducated people holding corporate and government positions. Influential people who don’t know their civics ass from their elbow. Congressional idiots routinely propose new legislation written by corrupt outside third parties to fix old legislation no one pays attention to anyway. We don’t need the farce of new unenforced laws papering over existing unenforced laws we already ignore; with government supported human trafficking and a fentanyl drenched U.S. open border being two examples.
We tolerate 100 selected oath violators in the U.S. Senate and 435 oath violators in the U.S. House of Representatives. Each of them regularly violates their oath of office and likely, don’t know it—good intentions or not. These uneducated civics abdicators pander nonstop about legislation and/or policy they have no Constitutional Authority to even discuss, much less vote for. At 73-years of age, I have yet to recall a member of the U.S. Congress mention Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Section 8 lists eighteen (18) things legislators are Constitutionally authorized to deal with. Eighteen limited things. That’s it. Nothing beyond the eighteen without Constitutional Amendment per Article 5. That’s Constitutional law we carefully avoid noticing in America. Our lack of attention makes us liable for more than $35 trillion in criminally legislated debt.
Does this make every American taxpayer a complicit con artist?
Every legislative discussion considering items outside the scope of Section 8 is unconstitutional, i.e., if passed, is illegal under U.S. Rule of Law. I have yet to hear an attorney general file suit, or a judge enforce this element of constitutional law—and NO, don’t talk to me about the general welfare clause in the first paragraph of Section 8—a major source of abuse and the only clause of Section 8 popularly mentioned as expedient justification for government facilitated crimes against humanity. Original intent is well hidden and never discussed, at least not honestly in Washington D.C., CCP infected state houses, nor in County offices.
Every problem in our U.S. government can be effectively addressed by 545 members of our bicameral congress honoring their oath of office to ENFORCE ARTICLE 1, SECTION 8 of the U.S. Constitution. This, of course, requires downsizing the U.S. government on the order of 75% or more, which could reasonably be done over a 36-month re-establishment period. Main Street America is not enforcing “representation by consent of the governed” as an active operating principle necessary for self-governance. The inevitable result is: Our corrupt executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government will never shut down their privileged gravy trains. Unnamed handlers armed with blackmail, extortion, and fear will not allow it. This unfortunate reality makes me wonder if the COMMISSION publicly suggested to President Trump by Elon Musk on Monday, August 12th might shine light on this enormous issue—a captured government issue so huge, it is endangering the entire planet.
Could such a commission, with a bit of courage and God’s grace help identify and assist removal of psychopaths from power? Since psychopaths are not removing themselves—let’s vote on November 5th, 2024 for Donald Trump and friends to give the United States a cheat machine-overwhelming 2025 shot at honest government and see what happens.
An independent commission of at least reasonably honest, reasonably moral influential people speaking through an honest alternative media could enlighten a grossly uninformed Main Street, thereby raising public interest and encouraging active involvement geared toward re-establishing American self-governance as originally intended. This only works if Main Street responds actively and appropriately in massive numbers—yea, like participatory self-governance. With some babysitting by watchful citizens, couldn’t this offer better solutions for our future than the possible 2nd civil war we are moronically flirting with now?
I don’t trust any human being financed powerfully enough to be positioned in the popular limelight; but given our present dilemma and the putrescent shitholes we are turning American cities into; we MUST do something warranting our Creator’s forgiveness. Since repentance is a serious activity, let’s at least consider getting two hundred million or so U.S. citizens behind a relatively honest INDEPENDENT COMMISSION FOR SOUND GOVERNMENT. As President Trump said in 2016, “what do we have to lose?”
Answer: NO! Congress has not enforced the U.S. Constitution since the 1865 – 1877 Civil War Reconstruction Era and will never do so until we the people demand enforcement.
What is the genesis of such deeply embedded corruption, even to the extent of sedition and treason. What do we do about it? How are government representatives weaponized against the sovereign citizen owners of the American Republic being represented? Why is multi-national corporate fascism and the looting of citizen wealth so effective? Fascism used to be by gun barrel. Today Fascism grows in power aided by uninformed citizen votes and more so, by rigged voter rolls, mail-in voting with no chain of custody, and cheat machine ballots. Asking questions means jail-time.
Going beyond the obvious culprits of blackmail, bribery, and extortion we find MONEY as an unrelenting foundational vulnerability for Elites, their Ruling Class, and the Ruled. More insidious and less obvious than the MONEY Temptress is lack of basic education in reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, and civics.
Primary educational deficiencies undermine the potential to gain or hold political power? A time-trusted method critical to slave-owner power and today’s Globalist Ruling Class is making sure slaves are illiterate. The Ruling Class ensures slaves do not appreciate the infinite value of human life nor of their unalienable right to defend that life. Historically, one major enemy of freedom anywhere and everywhere, certainly U.S. Constitutional freedom is dumbing down the people. The beautiful city of Chicago creates thousands of examples annually.
Per Illinois Policy Institute as of October 2023: “About one-sixth (1/6) of all third-grade students in Chicago Public Schools can read at grade level. For low-income and minority students, the share of proficient readers is even lower.
A student’s ‘academic success, as defined by high school graduation, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy by knowing someone’s reading skill at the end of third grade,’ according to the National Research Council.
By this measure, the outlook for Chicago third-grade students is grim. Even more troubling is the outlook for Chicago students from low-income and minority families.”
U. S. third graders are typically eight to nine (8 – 9) years old. The Illinois study cited was previously confirmed by a U.S. Army study trying to resolve “training issues” conducted during WW II. The study found that children unable to read by age eleven (11) rarely learn to read. So, we knew by 1945 that today’s policy of passing poorly performing students through grade school, then spending billions hoping to fix them in high school is a known warranted failure. This means the (globalist) administrative policy trapping otherwise good teachers in an unteachable curriculum swamp is intentional. Sadly, for naïve Main Street victims, this reality is big profitable progressive business with the guaranteed manufacture of illiterate slaves forced to compete for low level jobs against government imported, uneducated illegals. Cruelly imported at taxpayer expense I might add.
All the little people on every side lose. Only dynastic family elites and their poverty pimp order-followers win—laughing all the way to the bank as silly little people blame each other for lost opportunity. Welcome to progressive education, i.e., conditioning centers where NOT THINKING AT ALL is a higher priority than telling student victims WHAT TO THINK.
Curtailing the study of American history and civics—or worse, lying about them, along with mass media indoctrination, poor nutrition, and pharmaceutical abuse completes the dumbing down, so not just students but many adults have little knowledge of America’s founding principles or the Constitution securing those principles. Several surveys are finding only 47% of citizens – including elected officials can name all three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial). One in four citizens (25%) cannot name any branch of government. This is astonishing.
No wonder elected representatives culled from an intentionally uneducated population cannot defend our Constitution. Aside from any form of criminal behavior, half of them have no idea that our Constitution is founded on six (6) principles stated in just 181 words at the beginning of our 1776 Declaration of Independence. Four of those six principles are based on Nature’s God and Natural Law. They are stated as follows:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
21st century Americans are not taught that our entire U.S. Constitution is derived from and is designed to protect those six fundamental principles. How can any population protect and defend principles they don’t even know exist? More than any other forces, lack of education and inability to think critically have eroded the once exceptional American Republic to its current degenerative state.
Foundational to re-establishing our Constitutional Republic, then sharing freedom across the world are faith in our Creator’s blessings, basic education, civics, unredacted history, and the ability to think critically. Without these, all hope is lost. President Trump can spark our resolve, but without appropriately educating ourselves because schools won’t do it, we are beyond help. If we relocate all the bad boys and girls to the Guantanamo Bay Gated Community Monday morning; we’ll just start repeating the same mistakes Monday afternoon because we don’t know any better. This must change.
What are we dealing with today?
Since the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era our American Republic has incrementally devolved into a highly centralized Administrative Dictatorship. This war on American creative thinking and ingenuity has been accomplished by infiltration from inside and outside U.S. boundaries. Today, at least 75%, some say 90% of Congressional spending IS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE U.S. CONSTITUTION. Please note that every appropriated dollar not authorized by Article 1: Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, i.e., ILLEGAL – meaning it is CRIMININAL ACTIVITY. This illegality, inflamed by citizen apathy bankrupted the United States and we are about to live through the consequence. Prayer and fasting will help.
If we FOLLOW THE MONEY, corruptive influence pops into place like a round peg in a round hole. Turn off the money, blackmail, and extortion, then voila—the United States can begin to have honest Constitutional government again. Unfortunately, most of us citizens are unable to realize our free stuff costs us ten times or more what it would if not free.
Per the U.S. Debt Clock (https://www.usdebtclock.org/) the U.S. is approaching $35 trillion in on-book debt to which can be added $21 trillion off-book debt logged by Inspectors General as “undocumentable adjustments” just for DoD and HUD during fiscal years 2015 through 1998. See Solari Report at: https://missingmoney.solari.com/ for details.
FASAB 56 ( See Accounting Loopholes ) took U.S. government accounting records “dark” for National Security [sic] reasons in 2018, so citizens can no longer check records for errors or fraud. Isn’t that sweet? Should we wonder if this unimaginable debt and the accounting standards hiding its delineation are Constitutional? Let’s look at Article 1: Section 8, shall we.
Here is the complete list of 18 Congressional Powers legislatively authorized by Article 1: Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. (Numbering is by TKC.) Note that this is a matter of law.
Article 1: Section 8: Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Buildings;-And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
That’s it. A closed vault requiring Constitutional Amendment per Article 5 to reduce or expand this list of 18 legislative powers. I see no mention of “hiding the books”, purportedly, so we sovereign citizens can’t see the staggering amounts of Congressional money laundering flowing out the back doors of Congress beneath our good faith and credit. Flowing to WHOM or WHAT?
Question: How on Earth can 545 captured legislators have indebted U.S. citizens to the tune of ±$56 trillion documented dollars—and we have no idea how many undocumented dollars? Answer: Simple! Just ignore Article 1: Section 8 of our U. S. Constitution and it’s a done deal. OR better, abuse the “original intent” of this document—the only document of its kind ever written. The original intent half of us don’t even know exists to protect us.
Of course, Item 1 contains the notorious “common Defence and general Welfare of the United States”clause. One clause among several others readily and often abused by selfish criminals in government since that time. New York lawyer, Robert Yates left the Constitutional Convention convened in May 1787 at the end of the first month, disgusted that the new central government was being given far too much power by the delegates.
In October 1787, sixteen anti-Federalist articles were published by a New York author calling himself Brutus. Many believe Brutus to be Robert Yates. In any event, Brutus presciently argued there were principles outlined in the Constitution document sure to eventually destroy the liberty of confederated states, not protect that liberty. Brutus warned: “But remember, when the people once part with power, they can seldom or never resume it again but by force.”
The text of this first essay by Brutus can be found in The U.S. Constitution: A Reader published by HILLSDALE COLLEGE PRESS in 2012.
Is force what we want for ourselves? I hope not. It’s too late for our Founding fathers to pay attention to Brutus, but it’s not too late for us to stop the aggravated abuses of Constitutional original intent by exercising our Constitutional Authority and some common sense. I don’t go to the meetings so don’t know if God wishes the United States to remain under one roof or be split into several roofs. Either way, it cannot be a good thing for us or our friends around the world if we don’t get this right.
To learn more about our Founding principals and the Constitutional Rule of Law designed to protect us under those God given principles, visit: