Ignoring election fraud supports oligarchy of the few and helps bring about transhuman incarceration of the many by digitally weaponized, financial, healthcare, legal, and political abuses.

Weaponized electronic elections, invisibly manipulated by domestic subversives, sometimes working with foreign actors or insurgents reliably spawn malevolent government abuse to control and harm people, not just in America, but around the world.  When someone steals another person’s freedom, they violate the Seventh Commandment.  Stealing human freedom is anti-human, anti-God, and anti-creation.

Elections provide the only direct connection linking “consent of the governed”, i.e., legally registered U.S. voters with their governing representatives.  Compromised elections ensure compromised government.  Even worse, sophisticated fake electronic elections are rammed down citizen throats across more than 3,100 counties across the United States guaranteeing malicious harm and impoverishment for uninformed taxpayers by rogue elements in government with zero protective oversight.  Corrupted elections make checks and balances disappear.


Fake elections supported by captured media liars cleverly position criminals and nincompoop order followers in what are supposed to be elected positions of representative governance.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are recent examples of nincompoops, though both demonstrate criminal behavior.  Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are examples of criminals, though harsher critics than I claim “W” is also a nincompoop.  Harsh Clinton critics, at least among the still living, are few in number, tending to speak only in whispers.

Note:  An “oath taking” U.S. government official acting outside Constitutional authority acts illegally, therefore behaves criminally, hence my use of the term, criminal.  Unfortunately, fake elections are bolstered by fake courts where Rule of Law suffers an agonizing death, so criminal government behavior is not prosecuted unless the alleged behavior is pro-constitution, pro-liberty, or prolife.

Incidentally, U.S. Code 2023, Title 5, Subchapter II, § 3331. Oathof office requires individuals elected or appointed to civil service or uniformed services to swear an oath before God to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”.  This oath ends with, “So help me God.”
Here’s a link to the federal statute:  USCODE-2023-title5


Our American Constitutional Republic has incrementally degenerated into a Fascist Administrative Dictatorship since 1865.  Frauds of all kinds, including election and voter fraud helped weaken U.S. resistance to this asymmetric attack.  The now boundless, ±$7 trillion per year, subversive U.S. swamp, an international financial oligarchy comprised of largely unseen dynastic family members and handlers, working with their corporate and government pawns conduct the “real business” of American government secretly.  Closed door agreements are facilitated through networked deep state bankers, multinational corporate leadership, NGOs, lobbyists, etc. and are enforced by shadow government entities like the CIA, Five Eyes (FVEY), Mossad, and their contracted private assets with compliantly fearful congressional acquiescence and zero legislative oversight.

Important domestic and international policy decisions are agreed to outside public and official congressional view, though White House staff, military, and congress persons are obviously rolled into the make-believe debate and rigged legislative voting process.  Corrupt behavior backed by bribes, blackmail, and extortion have made members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives irrelevant to major policy decisions.  Most of their time is spent begging for campaign funds and positive press coverage, negotiating personal carrot deals when helpfully complicit, dodging stick punishment when non-complicit, facilitating money laundering of tax dollars and debt as instructed by handlers, and making sure various worldwide trafficking operations are conducted smoothly, without risk of public objection.

Note:  Any government doing nothing to prevent certain types of crimes and anti-human behavior sanctions those crimes and behavior.  In our face examples of U.S. government sanctioned trafficking are child and adult sex trafficking, child and adult labor trafficking, drug trafficking, population swap trafficking which includes importing terrorists, weapons trafficking, and I don’t know what else.  Main Street USA has stepped into some deep doo-doo and election fraud is one major power lever facilitating sedition, treason, and other hateful activities we are now stuck with.

Legitimate congressional oversight is constitutionally AWOL excepting twenty or so honest, congressional, MAGA patriots, who are punitively marginalized by 99 captured U.S. Senators and ±416 captured House Members.  This treasonous theft of American self-governance is made possible by citizen apathy, citizen fear, ELECTION FRAUD, corrupt multinational corporate subversion, captured media, and a captured legal system of injustice.

Our focus in this article is not on crime itself, but on the role election fraud plays in the destruction of our American Republic, ongoing government corruption, and our republic’s lost ability to secure citizen civil rights as ordained by God—government’s only purpose.  In that vein, taxpayers should realize hundreds of billions of tax dollars flow out the back doors of congress every year, making sure corrupt corporations are able to centrally manage every aspect of U.S. elections.  The predictable result is manipulated voter rolls, no chain of custody for silly mail-in vote processes, even sillier fake print-on-demand or other counterfeit ballots, calculated instead of counted ballot tabulations, fake tally results, and fake election reporting.  We have watched fake TV election reporting show us impossibly decreasing totals for some candidates, while others magically increase, sometimes by the same amounts.  No evidence to see here is there, Your Honor.


Electronic voting processes are designed from the ground up to be manipulated locally via direct keyboard access, direct internet access, thumb drive, QR Code on a ballot or ballots, smart phone, or even from active and passive DRT Box IMSI-catcher technology launched from boats, helicopters, motor vehicles, planes, submarines, towers, UAVs, etc.  These electronic voting processes are also designed to be manipulated from any location in any country on Earth, remotely via wireless technology.

So-called glitches are a misleading joke.  Hacking is not necessary.  Election software algorithms, sometimes complicated systems of 8th degree math equations are designed to be readily and quickly adjusted locally or from remote locations to add, subtract, prorate, or flip vote tallies.  Researchers have made this public, open-source information, so Congress has known about national election fraud for more than two decades.  That’s ten U.S. House terms, five Presidential terms, or three U.S. Senate terms.  Any citizen still accepting congressional excuses for non-action are aiding election fraud or if not, are destined for Transhuman Gulagville.  Here’s a link to just one info source provided by Bev Harris:  https://blackboxvoting.org/

CAST VOTES no longer determine America’s election outcomes—Ballots now win elections.  Fake election results are now electronically calculated and adjusted when early voting trends are off the mark, using a mixture of real and fake ballots, which in turn rely on rigged voter rolls for names.  Some states begin early voting 45-days before election day, so plenty of data and time are available for pre-setting the cheating-algorithms.  Names on centralized electronic voter rolls appear and disappear before and after elections.  No American voter can say with certainty; if their vote was counted; how many times in how many counties it was counted; what candidates their votes were counted for; or how many times their votes were algorithmically switched.

Here’s a link to our Pinal County Americans United election fraud information page, for those interested in learning more about how electronic election fraud is conducted from initial voter roll rigging through final fake election result reporting.  Pinal County Americans United Info Page  This page showcases a small portion of vast mountains of U.S. election fraud evidence collected so far.  We can no longer afford to be taken for fools.  If you and I care, we MUST get involved in safeguarding elections any way we are able with whatever resources we can muster.  United States’ freedom, financial solvency, and place in our world are all on the chopping block.  Only we can grab the tiller to straighten the course of our ship of state.  JOIN OR DIE as the 1754 cartoon suggested during the French and Indian War; then again during the Revolutionary War.


FASAB 56 accounting protocols, under the deceitful guise of fake national security issues since 2018, allow agencies to withhold tax dollar spending records from taxpayer eyes.  Other shady regulations firewall private corporations and contractors working with corrupt government agency staff from congressional oversight so tax dollars and fiat digital debt can be laundered freely and without risk of transparency.  Trillions of dollars are being laundered.  Enough money to cure every ill on planet Earth several times over.  Election fraud is one of the tools making abject violation of fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers possible.  Election fraud is foundational to systematically impoverishing American workers, destroying property rights, and bankrupting United States government.

Sweetheart deals, kickbacks, and other carrots—as well as blackmail, extortion, or worse sticks are invisible to the confused public, but ensure no congressional outcry is imminent.  Only the congressional twenty, with a few courageous retired military, and a few whistleblowers risk physical and financial health by sharing this ugly reality with Main Street—but their courageous efforts go unnoticed, or are cleverly used by the dark side to feed delusions of choice for misinformed public consumption.

Federal and state election regulations are intentionally limited in scope, and obtusely (poorly) written.  Congress even passed easily abused nonsense like the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, i.e., Motor Voter Act.  This centrally coordinated, in-our-face rigged U.S. election system makes election company ownership records and financial records difficult if not impossible to obtain.  The near 100% lack of responsible oversight is despite direct company involvement in critical government responsibilities and services—in this case, U.S. elections.  County and state elections appearing to be highly decentralized are massively centralized through privatized management networks.

In government-speak—never spoken publicly—privatized means criminalized.  Hard stop.

Contrary to common sense, election software source code and election machine hardware design are tightly held trade-secrets kept from government officials, election workers, and voters.  During and after elections, when serious election integrity issues arise, and there are too many to list here, real time documentation and access logs for election records and equipment are hidden or destroyed.  This despite the 52 USC 20701 statutory requirement to maintain election records for 22 months.  Ridiculous clown-shows called courts refuse to examine evidence of election fraud, thereby enabling concealment of criminal conduct, usually on a “lack of standing” basis.  Then, black robed criminals announce they’ve seen no evidence of election fraud.  Corrupt media parrots pick up this lie, spreading it like wildfire to uninformed, disappointed voters who then myopically chant, “oh well, we’ll have to vote earlier and harder next time.”

As responsible American citizens, taxpayers, and voters – as parents and grandparents, if we intend to provide an opportunity-filled future for our children and future generations—it is imperative we demand and enforce honest elections across all 3,142 counties in the United States and its territories.  Hoping for honest representative government while accepting dishonest electoral processes has been a fool’s errand leading to U.S. financial insolvency, loss of civil rights, and the bumpy roads of probable U.S. economic collapse and yet another globalist war.

We need to prepare ourselves and have each other’s back.  A good beginning would be, let’s get together, drink a tasty beverage, share a healthy meal, overcome our differences, have a bit of patience with each other, and work cooperatively so we can avoid the embarrassing necessity of sitting in the sucker’s corner looking at each other wearing dunce caps.  The horrible result of our generation donning dunce caps is the assurance our surviving kids and grandkids will suffer miserable lives of servitude as transhuman slaves of Satanically influenced psychopaths.

I hope we agree this servile outcome is unacceptable and are willing to fight for a friendlier future.

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