Yes! But only if we want to live healthy, abundant lives, enjoy each other’s liberty, and share the mutual happiness of self-determination without centralized overseer intervention.
If we want these things, if we want liberty, free association, and the peaceful enjoyment of our property, then multinational monopoly management, Marxist Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and indoctrinated order-following Pawns of Privilege do pose an imminent threat to our well-being. This mercantilist power structure cannot even exist while supporting the best interests of American families, friends, communities—or that of all other nations and people around the world.
Americans In Name Only (AINOs—H/T to journalist, Ms. Noor bin Ladin) are always GLOBALISTS. Globalists are an indoctrinated ideological mixture of spiritually twisted Cultural Marxists, Fascists, and Mercantilists, with a few Satanists thrown in. These Satanic victims love power, money, and the pain of others. Angry, bitter, confused, envious psychopaths attracted to totalitarian political systems have abandoned their own humanity. In doing so, they reject our Creator’s love and the gift of Christ’s grace, aligning instead with Satan’s unimaginable hatred and rage. Under the guise of philanthropy and caring they indoctrinate and financially rape the little people they claim to help. Using endowments, foundations, trusts and other legally disingenuous money laundering vehicles, they brutalize, disempower, enslave, impoverish, plunder, and destroy every targeted tribe they divide against each other—eventually including themselves.
Fully conditioned, no longer able to process information due to mass formation (H/T to Dr. Mattias Desmet), globalist pawns and lemmings cannot think creatively, behave positively, or build anything constructive. Standing alone—even in large cults, such as Scientism, ruled by Satanic influence without the armor of God to protect them; they are welded to material reality, having no sense of personal spiritual identity, value, or eternal joy. Sadly, globalist zombies are demonically led to mindlessly criticize, divide, mock, ridicule, and tear down everybody and everything within reach. Communism and Fascism, the twisted sisters synthesizing into Globalism offer no exception to societal devastation in world history. Their only authoritarian offerings are anger, anxiety, division, fear, frustration, hopelessness, impoverishment, imprisonment, lies, mass murder, pain, torture, and enslavement to the dynastic family controllers sponsoring God-hating insanity in the first place. Controllers being the international MONEY TRUST and their privileged, order-following goons.
Unfortunately for our 21st century world, indoctrinated globalists networking through what I term the international Study Group System, into leadership positions throughout academia, professional associations, banking, business, endowments, foundations, government, institutes, religion, science, trusts, etc., are almost always psychopaths, and sometimes are socially deviant. We the decent, hard-working, Main Street commoners of Earth have foolishly allowed indoctrinated psychopaths to intentionally or unintentionally make progress toward destroying all creation. Fortunately, their delusional New World Order plan has failed and is crumbling around them.
To rescue ourselves from this still dangerous evil, our first American Main Street task appears to be taking back the self-governance we gave away to these treacherous nut jobs. We MUST get this done without damaging our Constitutionally recognized rights more than they already are damaged while we take out the trash and clean up our D.C. and state messes. We MUST take care as we work, because the destructive globalist order is still dangerous and still capable of harming millions of innocent people. Our second task, after surgically taking back self-governance of the United States, is sharing our freedom, and making our entire world great again. Despite present dangers and difficulty, with God’s grace, and only through God’s grace, our task becomes incredibly empowering, inspiring, and should be enthusiastically embraced by all 8 billion or so of us humans, as success assures eternal posterity in everlasting love. Is that cool or what?
SO—how do we de-fang, neuter, and remove seditious AINO traitors from power to restore limited U.S. government—not to be confused with small government? My suggestion, from an engineering point of view is to first identify the core problem—the original source of American tyranny. This requires examining the extended coup d’état running from the 1776 Prussian infiltration of American education at William and Mary College, to the City of London Crown’s financial capture of the U.S. in 1913 via the Federal Reserve, to our own CIA’s November 1963 coup, and finally to today where we find separation of powers fully vaporized by our own citizen complicity with—wait for it—the DYNASTIC FAMILY CENTRAL BANKING CULT running the international Deep State and in our case, America’s treasonously corrupt, NEOCON UNIPARTY.
Washington D.C. has degenerated into an evil septic pit built not from the top down, but sadly constructed from the gullibly apathetic ground up. This makes the source of the attack on American sovereignty difficult to identify because we ourselves are woven throughout the mind control matrix as brainwashed co-conspirators. So many citizens, including me of course, are victims of what China’s CCP calls unrestricted warfare—orwhatMichael T. Flynn, LTG, U.S. Army (retired) calls Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW). 5GW constitutes a nearly invisible, though relentless emotional and psychological attack on cultural values, economic ideology, industrial morality, legal government, military honor, political conscience, religious traditions, scientific rigor, social values, and at its evil nadir—our appreciation of the infinite value of God-given life itself.
Back in the early to mid-1930s, Pennsylvania Congressman, Louis T. McFadden made several noteworthy, well informed, sadly ignored speeches on the floor of the House. He warned of the ongoing criminal financial coup and takeover of United States’ government by an international credit monopoly. The American branch of this Satanically influenced financial cartel was and is the Federal Reserve System. The link below includes extensive quotations from Congressman McFadden’s speeches from that period, during which the unconstitutional economic capture of America by what I call the global syndicate was treasonously institutionalized—not by foreigners, but by American citizens, who should be properly identified as Americans-In-Name-Only, i.e., TRAITORS.
Unfortunately, the rot of systemic corruption throughout our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government, already entrenched before McFadden’s days in Congress—has, as nearly all of us know, grown much worse. We are no longer dealing with differences of opinion between legitimate political factions. Since January, 20 2021, we are dealing with full on sedition and treason. There are no other words for what we are having our noses rubbed in.
American citizens have for nearly three years, been watching a literal, in-our-face Washington D.C. FREAK-SHOW—aided and abetted by Mockingbird media and treasonous leadership of many States, trying to leverage planet Earth into the Armageddon of a nuclear World War III. Another war fought for Satanically influenced power, money, and more destruction of creation.
To suggest the Biden Administration or our cowardly bi-cameral Congress persons are corrupt and/or insane is complementary. Outside The Twenty and maybe a few more, their despicable, oath violating, honor challenged behavior, lack of candor, and outright criminality goes far beyond insanity to pure evil. Captured leadership willing to stand by or enable democidal activities like: never-ending war, illegal surveillance and propagandizing of citizens, uncontrolled foreign invasion, mass murder of innocent people via intentional and provably TOXIC JABS, support for a plague of medical non-treatment for treatable illness, banning historically proven treatment protocols and medicines, funding poisonous aerosol spraying, weaponizing weather, and government support of malnutrition programs are not incompetent—such leadership is a dangerous enemy to its own people posing an imminent threat, not just to America, but the world. This MUST stop NOW.
By securing non-electronic, machine tabulated elections, i.e., transparent hand-counted, paper ballot elections with no early voting or mail-in ballots, we can remove the trash from our city, county, state, and federal government offices—both elected and/or appointed trash. We citizens have been used from the ground up to tear our country apart. We fix it the same way—from the ground up, one county, one red shirt at a time. This is not a contrived Democrat-Republican issue. This is an issue for every American citizen. Failure to join in the honest repair of broken U.S. government operations, with a return to the original limited intent of our Constitution likely means a 2nd civil war. War between 300 or so million Americans is something Earth has never seen, and never should see. Only we, as Main Street citizens, can or will fix this. We are who we are waiting for. Washington D.C. is 100% AWOL from reasonable solutions as are most State capitals.
Despite lying narratives, it is the Left that always wants and precipitates violence—a historic truth. America First people like me do not seek violent solutions to problems easily eradicated by respectful debate. The captured UNIPARTY, however, does not allow open debate on the merits. If we the people do not JOIN TOGETHER as Ben Franklin suggested so long ago, to resolve our differences morally, peacefully, reasonably, and legally; we may leave ourselves with no option but to start killing each other.
Any person imagining civil war is a solution to anything at all is a dangerous fool, who should pack their stuff and escape from the U.S. to China, Venezuela, or some other totalitarian paradise where your equity dream is already established. Leave the rest of us alone. We don’t want your sick dream.
If you are on the stupid side, the totalitarian control side of this struggle—please do not force America First citizens to defend themselves against your mindless violence. The world has seen more than once how the American Lion responds when backed into a corner. I beg of you as an old man—don’t once again, make the world witness American citizens being forced to defend themselves. Please don’t make that mistake. Stop poking the American Main Street Lion. Instead, join an honest debate and win or lose that debate on the merit of your ideas. Instead of killing each other, let’s just make voting honest again and clean our dirty laundry the boring way.