Is Congressional Oversight an Urban Myth? Of course, it is.
“There is no such thing as new truth; error might be old or new, but truth is as old as the universe.” {Frederick Douglass}
Robert Barron, Catholic Bishop – Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota), reminded graduating students of this profound statement by Mr. Douglass during his May 13, 2023, Commencement Address at Hillsdale College; Hillsdale’s 171st Commencement Ceremony. Thank you, Hillsdale! It makes me wonder if perhaps more government employees would consider honoring their oath of office and at least pretend to respect the truth by acknowledging the honest fact of compromised government, not to mention respecting the citizens they are paid to supposedly serve. All Federal employees including Congress take the following Constitutional oath—apparently many of them, at least within the CIA, DOJ, and other agencies considering it a joke. Supreme Circus justices take two oaths—one Constitutional, one Judicial. Sadly, study group indoctrinated justices, believing international law supersedes U.S. Constitutional Law also consider oaths a joke. They violate their oath while taking it.
Per 5 U. S. C. § 3331: Constitutional Oath
“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.”
Straight forward oath isn’t it—not complicated. The President and military have their own oaths.
Despite oaths, honor, and truth—the District of Columbia houses the world’s largest, most corrupt money laundering operation yet seen on Earth, but doesn’t usually crap on U.S. and world citizens directly. America has more than 400 global syndicate captured federal agencies with near zero Congressional oversight and NO fiscal oversight. Agencies routinely hire global syndicate preferred contractors for accountability cover; and to carry out tasks like citizen censorship, citizen surveillance, plausible deniability, population control, propaganda, resource rape, wealth confiscation, and worse. This openly democidal horror show occurs beneath good faith and credit of U.S. citizen voters, making voters tacit accomplices—or do we allow electronic voting systems to do that for us?
For example, NSA and CIA claim they don’t spy on American citizens. Both CIA and FBI claim not to censor free speech. NIH claims it doesn’t fund and support bioweapon research and development, including real time testing on uninformed citizens. CDC and FDA claim they don’t cover up illegal, immoral, now murderous NIH activity conducted in partnership with other nations, including self-proclaimed U.S. enemy, the Chinese Communist Party. DoD claims since 1997, it doesn’t experiment with or use weaponized weather technology.
If we never look at the sky or when taken at face value, these claims are true—but only as lies by omission—sometimes even willing commission. Study group indoctrinated government criminals are privileged, well hidden, and protected by handlers and layers of agency co-conspirators, as well as by subversive media pawns from having to answer questions asked by citizens regarding our nearly $7 trillion-dollar annual Administrative Dictatorship and $32 trillion U.S. on-book debt. Citizens have no idea how much off-book debt exists nor how many inflationary digital U.S. dollars there are. Nor do citizens know how those invisible dollars are spent to dumb-down and enslave the same citizens held responsible for that debt. We are paying for our mind-control prison and MUST stop doing so, NOW! Doing nothing means serfdom for future generations—or civil war.
If we dig less than 1mm deeper than declared face value, we find nothing but lies by omission. Government denial after denial after denial because unconstitutional, criminal government activities are performed for government agencies by unaudited, nontransparent federal contractors. For example, the NSA does spy on Americans under allegedly legal, though openly abused FISA protocols—but far more illegal spying is done by banks, defense contractors, search engines, social media companies, telecom companies, retail and commercial companies, and other contractors about whom I’m not familiar. The unconstitutional Patriot Act and National Security are the usual blanket arguments made for brazen violation of our 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, and I suppose other civil rights amendments.
The U.S. government is raging out-of-mercantilist-control, ruled from outside D.C. by an enormous international MONEY TRUST—to borrow a progressive late 19th – early 20th century phrase. Washington D.C., home to hordes of mid-level management thugs, is autocratically ruled by multinational corporate interests on behalf of psychopathic elite families holding interlocking control, i.e., the Cabal—the Global Syndicate. So-called anti-trust legislation does nothing to limit monopoly power—it strengthens it. Anti-trust law just breaks enormous, easily identifiable monopolies into more corrupt, smaller, less identifiable, even more powerful, more influential networked financial chess board pieces.
Imagining federal anti-trust legislation will reduce or stop fascist tech and media monopolies from attacking citizens or surveilling and censoring information is hope-porn. Government regulators are operated by the regulated, serve as profit incubators for the regulated at taxpayer expense, and often receive operating revenues directly from corrupt regulated companies. Anti-trust law is a bad joke, especially since multinational corporate monopolies controlled by elites own most law makers.
Illegal electronic surveillance, unconstitutional censorship, bioweapon R & D, weaponized biochemistry, weaponized nanotechnology, weaponized medicine, weaponized nutrition, weaponized pharma, aerosol spraying and weaponized weather including dangerous atmospheric ionization, are all outsourced by rogue traitors to corrupt multinational corporations with zero Congressional accountability or fiscal oversight. Can we spell legislative appropriation FRAUD? In cases entangled with other nations, TREASON? Maybe in some cases, it’s just bicameral misfeasance, not malfeasance, but why don’t public officials complain to voters how impossible it is for them to do their jobs honestly? Where are the whistleblowers? If public officials don’t communicate with citizens truthfully, in good faith; then how can citizens improve working conditions and stop this Satanic insanity? We cannot fix what we don’t know is broken. Openly unconstitutional government policy and expenditures have never made a stronger, self-accusing case for LIMITED GOVERNMENT—and I mean limited, not just smaller.
We should remember; we the people OWN our Republic. Every oath taking federal employee, elected, and appointed, works for us—not for themselves and not for outside benefit. Money laundering out the back doors of Congress via unread, undebated, unconstitutional legislation does not work for us. Under our U.S. Constitution, we citizens LOAN our sovereign, God given authority to elected and appointed representatives to secure our lives, liberty, and happiness on our behalf. No powers or authority are arbitrarily or perpetually granted to our self-governed government under Article 1 of our U.S. Constitution. We use and enforce our Constitution or lose it as is currently happening via the latest coup attempt.
Under the nose of once trusting American voters like me, i.e., victims of dumbed down American education, aided by media co-conspirators; ± $6.3 trillion annually (±90%) of federal D.C. money laundering is spent on crimes against humanity—at home and abroad. As once free Americans we have dropped every ball in sight, disappointing and horrifying cabal victims across the globe by unconstitutionally gifting control of our Unites States’ military and financial power to the century’s old, Lombard Street & Wall Street MONEY TRUST.
There is only one money trust with three primary branches, though adversarial infighting is common among the Satanically inbred powerful. In any event, elites agree Main Street humans are nothing more than cattle, to be usefully herded and worked, or done away with if no longer useful. City of London—the real CROWN power, handles money and capital flows along with Wall Street. Vatican City handles how people think and behave. Washington D.C. handles diplomatic influence and military enforcement of money trust agendas. Not only do American citizens have no effective political voice since 1913, but we also aren’t even on D.C., London, or Vatican radar—other than as commodities to be bought, sold, and traded. Main Street workers are a hard-working, wealth producing wallet to steal from and for the time being, a digital pile of make-believe votes cast by machines. Who programs these complicated machines and who do they work for?
On a negative Note, IF the New World Order’s TOTALITARIAN ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT comes about, fake voting by mail-in ballots and machine FRACTION MAGIC will no longer be necessary as freedom will be traded for embedded transhuman slavery. You may recall WEF, Prussian megalomaniac, Klaus Schwab arrogantly instructing Main Street commoners that by 2030, “We will own nothing and be happy.” On a positive Note, do not fear because the New World Order has already failed, is crumbling beneath its own bloated filth, and with the armor of God’s grace, will soon be thrown into the trash bin of history’s most heinous ideas by populist movements such as Canada’s Truckers, Dutch Farmers, America’s MAGA, Europe’s Yellow-Vests, the New Federal State of China (NFSC), and less identifiable citizen groups. We MUST, however, do the hard work of self-governance and realize Satanic freaks masquerading as stylish philanthropists are still dangerous until removed to Guantanamo Bay, away from the world stage.
Americans not yet awakening to the most recent (November 2020 & 2022) take-over of American government operations are strangers to what we are talking about here—but that doesn’t alter reality, nor the 2020 coup. Do we believe a lifetime punk and known criminal; the hair sniffing, racist bully and imbecilic caricature of a human being who can’t even walk is running the United States? Seriously? Are we to believe as the world laughs in confused panic, his cackling sub-three-digit IQ VP is managing something? Really? Some believe Marxist Obama, an indoctrinated, order following pawn never seen performing a day’s work in public, is running the White House coup from his new gifted estate. Obama a decider guy? No! Obama doesn’t make decisions. He does what handlers tell him to do and is now wealthy and protected for violating his Presidential oath to commit treason (my opinion). Obama is just another tool of the global syndicate like the Bushes, Clintons, and so many others.
On July 26th, we learned from whistleblowers, not Congress persons I might add, during recent UAP related, House Oversight Committee pandering that third party contractors do whatever they wish with appropriated dollars, and NO ONE tracks where or to whom hundreds of billions of dollars flow. This amounts to ±$6.3 trillion of this year’s Washington D.C. business as usual and if healthy goats understood D.C. committee-speak, they’d puke in astonished disgust. Why do we the people of Main Street accept tax larceny, lies, and now mandated mass murder through medical non-treatment and toxic JABS? What is wrong with us? Why are so many not supporting The Twenty?
I imagine there is a U.S. Senator or House member in an upscale, hooker-drenched D.C. bar somewhere mumbling drunkenly about theft of taxpayer wealth, but I haven’t heard a name outside the Twenty. Did we hear MTG preaching about how she will demand the more than $115 billion in Ukrainian money laundering (so far) be audited? Haven’t heard a pandering word since her last YouTube pull-up, BUT more importantly—do we imagine Ms. Greene doesn’t know that once monies are transferred by Treasury to a nation or NGO, there IS NO AUDIT TRAIL. Hundreds of billions vanish, just as with foreign aid and any other money D.C. re-distributes from taxpayers to insiders, accomplices across the globe, and bulging elite coffers.
We suffer through U.S. Senators and House members glibly discussing Congressional oversight with six-figure per week salaried talking heads as though oversight takes place. They do this with straight concerned faces while parroting scripted responses to softball questions in front of a largely comatose audience, numb from nearly 100 years of what Mattias Desmet calls mass formation; and what Yuri Bezmenov and the KGB called demoralization. These polished scripted responses are typically lies by omission, but sometimes by knowing commission.
Imagine if you will, the many tens of thousands of expensive hours required to perform even marginally effective oversight of ±430 federal agencies with more than 2.1 million employees; and more than 5,000 federal contractors by our 100 U.S. Senators and 435 House Members. I don’t think anyone knows how many federal contractors there are. I’ve seen estimates of 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 19,000, and even one at 100,000. A reasonable estimate appears to be in the range of 2,500 to 5,000 contractors employing another 4 million people. Add 1.2 million grant employees, 1.3 million active military, and 500,000 postal workers and we are up to more than 9 million direct or indirect government workers. This wholesale abuse of the commerce clause, general welfare, and other abused loopholes for end runs around constitutional limits has caused irreparable harm.
Even at the lowest contractor estimates, the idea that bicameral Congress persons and their staffs are performing competent oversight of 9 million people and many trillions of dollars is ridiculous. Should we add government vendors to our estimate? A reasonable question might be, “why do White House and Congress persons obfuscate regarding their complete inability to even attempt oversight of federal money laundering?” Cui bono? Don’t employees owe their employers, i.e., the American taxpayer some honesty? This insanity cannot be cured while U.S. elections are under fraudulent control of persons Main Street has no knowledge of. Electronic voting system companies work for the international Money Trust, not for Main Street. We MUST stop this devastation because clearly Congress will not do it..
The American situation worsened on July 2nd, 2013, when reforms legalizing domestic government propaganda (my opinion) were passed, as well as implementation of FASAB 56 in 2018 during the Kavanaugh Supreme Circus hearings. FASAB 56, under the guise of National Security took government accounting dark—so duped citizens no longer have any access to correct government accounting records, nor expectation of fiscal transparency. How’s that for self-governance?
If we the people do not demand accountability from government by our selected (in my opinion most are no longer elected) so-called representatives—we certainly cannot expect to receive any. Maybe we the ±300,000,000 people should stop putting up with government lies, whether by omission or commission.
As a starting point for self-governance renewal, I suggest we join together as MAGA Patriots, working peacefully throughout our local and state communities to STOP ALL VOTING BY ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS. This MUST include stopping all early voting; all mail-in ballots, and all vote tabulation after 11:00 PM of Election Day. We can deal with absentee ballots issued with proper identification to a true and correct person and address.
We MUST establish small precincts capable of comfortably handling all votes on Election Day; with all vote tabulation performed by hand count at the voting precinct location with completion by Election Day evening; with all tabulation reporting from the precinct by 11:00 PM. Election Day should be declared a National Holiday, though it isn’t necessary. We cannot eliminate global syndicate corruption of government while using mail-in ballots, early voting, or electronically programmable cheat machines. It is not possible to secure electronic machine tabulation.
We MUST at least discuss the possibility of ending massive ELECTION FRAUD early enough in 2024 to secure our 2024 primary and general elections. We cannot eliminate massive government and corporate fraud while voting electronically via fraud prone mail-in ballots.
Though late in the game, re-establishing self-governance might stave off our 4th turning economic collapse—or at least provide a softer landing and potential for a more abundant future. Doing nothing will gain us nothing, so as Aaron Russo once suggested, let’s quit being good Democrats and good Republicans and start working together as good Americans. Together, we can get this done despite shadow government and deep state duplicity. Limited American government can be re-established if we work together and support each other’s interests. Just sayin’.