11-28-2022: A Beginning

Kolinski Chronicle – a glimpse into one writing student’s meandering creative labyrinth.

11-28-2022_THE BEGINNING: 7:00 A.M. Monday
Since age 14 or so, writing was my dream vocation, BUT life happens, I adjust…or dodge as the case may be; and authorship is relegated to what Steven Pressfield in “the WAR of ART” describes as a part-time amateur avocation.  At 71-years young I am changing that paradigm, with I suppose the decision marking a milestone on my path to growing up.

Before the beginning of this section of writer’s maze, in June of 2022 I self-published through my own company, Grit Company Unlimited LLC, a work of nonfiction titled BEYOND ALL ISMS Lurks the Study Group System – Well Hidden in Plain Sight.  For the curious,  my print on demand (POD) services are through IngramSpark’s Lightning Source with wholesale distribution through Ingram Book Company (Ingram Book Group LLC) in conjunction with IngramSpark’s Global Connect Program.  I am more than 100% satisfied with IngramSpark services.  The book is available for anxious readers at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other booksellers as well as through my own author website at: https://brucekolinski.com/non-fiction-books/.  I’m certain this provides a solid start for my adventure into archetypal fiction as a pro.

Anyway, moving back up to the beginning, November 2022, I’ve started work on a new screenplay after scrapping three others over the years, none of which survived the horror of their creation.  Of course, as a new full-time vocated PROFESSIONAL instead of lowly part-time advocated amateur, I MUST HAVE a dedicated writing space.  I’ve chosen my upstairs leather shop and have spent weeks planning and converting it to a full-time professional writing and leather working studio—immediately adjacent to what I refer to as the whiskey lounge with its man cave frig and sumptuous vintage leather couch by Hancock and Moore of North Carolina.  No distraction here to worry about.

I confess to creative writing professors everywhere, I detest outlines—cringing at the idea of doing any kind of redundant work like developing character bios, story outlines, etc.  I’ve taken university English courses and read dozens of books on writing novels and screenplays so am aware of the academic litany proclaiming the importance of such necessary work—but as Pogo said, “we have met the enemy and he is us”…or me in this case.  So, in the interest of disciplined hard work becoming at least minimally useful, my new professional strategy is writing a well-structured 110-page spec screenplay as the outline for a well-structured 330-page novel.  Easy peasy. Anybody can do this and two for one is a good deal in the end.

I should mention for the Hollywood unwary, spec scripts used to be 120-pages, but today’s systemically over-worked readers prefer 105 – 110 pages with lots of white space and some seriously good, bare bones writing or your amateur script finds the round file before page 10 and maybe before page 3 gets a look-see.  In any case, I’m a Gemini twin, so compulsively am drawn to over-written, under-written or sometimes just right, despite addiction to “words, words, more words” as Beavis and Butthead characterize it, so also enjoy the bare bones discipline of white space juxtaposed with compelling conflict.

OK…good plan or not, workspace is dusted and ready, dark roast in a full steaming mug, computer purring like a well-tuned dragster next to Chanel, my 14-year-old feline manager waiting expectantly in the warm glow of her south facing window, mountains in the distance. Nice breeze coming in.  Final Draft 12 is queued up on a 27” monitor, the Beat Board is coming on hot along with my brand-new 23” x 35” cork board on the wall, which I’ve lined off into Act 1, 1st half of Act 2, 2nd half of Act 2, and Act 3.  This cork board strategy is by the way per both, old school Syd Field’s and the late Blake Snyder’s SAVE THE CAT!   Two sizes of index cards; 300 board pins; a dozen each, colored Pentel gel pens and fine point Sharpies are lined up.

READY TO LAUNCH!  OPENING IMAGE ON THE WAY!  Sitting quietly, breathing deeply, two typing fingers poised above the keyboard, all two dozen Aeron chair settings adjusted perfectly for long hours of rewarding labor.  Leather high-top Converse All Star writing shoes tied tight.  Run faster, jump higher, write faster, less errors.  Ramping up the energy.  Get the creative juice flowing.  Hmmmn, I wonder.  What is the opening image going to be?  Need a perfect image.  It must set the tone and mood of our story.  Must mirror my ending image to tidy things up 110 pages down the road.  Beginnings and endings.  Must echo title expectations and must enhance the logline.  Huh?  Not sure about the best image to set the stage, capture the audience, begin suspension of disbelief.  Close but not quite there.  Needs some work.

Haven’t wasted precious time on a metaphoric title or compelling ironic logline yet but that shouldn’t be a problem.  I hate that planning stuff—it kills spontaneity.  Academic nonsense.  Have a great scene in mind though; to be honest, three or four killer scenes every audience will love.  This is the best story idea I’ve had in over a decade—so profound, it’ll be a cult classic practically writing itself.  Just need that pesky opening image.  Then it’s first draft done in 21 days per Viki King or maybe half that time.  Cooking with gas now.  What‘s that opening image again?  Hmmmn?  I had a great idea for an Arizona sunrise this morning.  Allegorical sunrise with pinks blending into purples over the mountains, then to lighter blues above—symbol of new beginnings in our ordinary world.  A little cliche and we’ve seen it a hundred times, but I can tweak it a bit, make it a different sunrise.  Same but different.  That’s the key.  Give the audience a hint but let ‘em figure it out…take ownership involvement right off.

You know what?  I didn’t take my vitamins yet today.  How stupid is that?  Let’s go downstairs and fix that.  OK.  One chocolate protein shake loaded with 20 grams of powerful whey protein, 2-pound handful of vitamin supplements, 16 ounces of filtered water, and to make sure, two poached organic free-range eggs on buttered (grass fed of course) organic sour dough toast.  Preparatory stop in the throne room on the way back up.  Oh!  Hold it a minute, need a refill on coffee.  OK.  Got our coffee.  Uh-oh.  Better do these dishes and sweep the kitchen quick.  Don’t leave a mess for Nan to deal with.  Just take a minute.  This trash needs to go out too doesn’t it?  Get it off my mind.  There we go.  Got ‘er done.  Back up the stairs. Good exercise.

Back in the Aeron chair.  Computer’s sleeping.  Wake the dragster up.  Final Draft 12 Beat Board coming on hot.  Here we go!  Act 1 – Page 1 – Scene 1 – Opening Image.  Jesum Criminy!  Does that sunrise thing really work here?  Where am I going with this?  Feels kind of vague.  I know what to do.  Search Southwest desert sunrise images to jolt the perfect vision lose.  Maybe catch that last closing image too?  What else is the internet for? A perfect world. Efficiency rocks.

Well look at this YouTube thing.  An early morning fight between a cute, trapped squirrel and a nasty poisonous rattlesnake.  Wow!  Gotta’ see this. Tuck it away for allegorical story ideas.  Impressive how that little squirrel got away.  Poor rattler is still hungry though.  Hey!  Look at this.  A grainy 1935 newsreel showing a Joe Louis versus Max Baer fight.  Only 20 minutes.  Let’s take a look.  Geez, the Brown Bomber was amazing.  I need some a’ that training discipline.  Let’s swing some kettlebells real quick and jack up my energy level so I can focus better.  Whew!  Feelin’ great.  Energized.  Back in the perfectly set up Aeron chair.  Like William Goldman said, “seat of the pants to the seat of the chair—don’t get it right, get it written.”  That’s me.

OK.  Computer’s asleep again.  Lazy thing.  Wake ‘er up and let’s get ‘er done.  Success is about work ethic.  Amateurs talk, pros work.  Jeez, it’s already eleven o’clock and the old stomach’s growling.  Now what?  Haven’t written one word today.  Forget low blood sugar.  Dial up those desert sunrise images and get some work done.  Need 5 pages a day to stay on deadline.  Man, oh man, these images aren’t cuttin’ it.  Not getting’ the job done for my audience.  Need something better, a more powerful image  to convey…convey what?

Huh?  Not sure where this story is going.  Not sure at all.  Not quite sure where it starts or how it gets to my cool scenes.  You know what…I need to boost that blood sugar a bit.  Post kettlebell lunch. Then I’ll get ‘er done.


OMG!!!  Do I need an outline?

09-06-2022: VOTING MADE EASY

In June 1977, London’s Guardian attributed the following remark to reputedly anti-Communist Nicaraguan dictator, Anastasio Somoza Garćia (1896-1956), assassinated on September 21, 1956.  I don’t know when Mr. García’s quote was recorded, but here it is, as though proudly spoken in Washington D.C., November 4, 2020.

Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count.

If responsible citizens believe elections are important in terms of real-life consequences, and if we care about each other, maybe we can agree honest elections are important for ensuring a balance of power.  Interestingly, when subversive groups want to hog power to control other people; elections become even more important—so critical in fact, they require fraud to ensure controlled outcomes.  American elections have reached this level of criminality, so now we the people of Main Street MUST fix the mess we allowed to be made—because most, if not all so-called elected representatives are now fraudulently selected pawns of special multinational interests who no longer represent Main Street constituents.  How can we ensure citizen ability to elect honest candidates?

The answer is simpler than we are told by agendavized pundits.  We might notice if we listen carefully, a tendency of so-called experts to over-complicate problem analysis.  We might also notice if paying attention, this tendency of experts is often linked to covering up corruption, in this case, election fraud on a national scale.

From an engineering perspective, the honest voting fix is simple and straight forward to implement—at least if election officials aren’t covertly supporting election fraud.  Here’s a few gray-haired suggestions.

First of all, let’s remind ourselves of two facts.

1. Voting by mail cannot be allowed as there is no possible way to secure or verify CHAIN OF CUSTODY.  Without a reliably secure chain of custody, election security is impossible.  Mail-in voting is fraud-prone and logistically difficult even when implementation is honestly attempted by election officials—apparently an increasingly rare occurrence.

2. Every brand of electronic voting machine I know of CALCULATES VOTES.  Why would any voting machine need calculation programming when its only job is to COUNT VOTESNOT CALCULATE VOTES?  A calculating voting device is a fraudulent device by definition.  Who was it exactly that cast that 0.3 vote?  The ground-up design function of a vote calculating machine is manipulation and cheating of vote counts by calculating deceit.  The increased complexity of calculating software versus counting software is not justifiable and destroys integrity of honest elections.  This is just common sense.  Any State or County official buying and using calculators instead of counters for any step in the election tabulation process MUST be investigated for election fraud and prosecuted if evidence demonstrates criminality.  I suppose gullible incompetence could be excused from criminal charges, but firing is mandatory in all cases.  Of course, the calculating machine itself speaks for its built-in corruption enabling design.  Today’s voting machines have no need to be hacked—they are designed to be manipulated through calculation, whether connected to the internet or not.  Internet connections just enhance ability to cheat remotely from anywhere in the world while confounding electronic audit trails.  Electronic voting is a proven practical tool for dependable election fraud.

Eight Honest Election Protocol Suggestions:


2. Voting occurs on one day.  We institute VOTING DAY—not voting month and certainly not EARLY VOTING nor LATE VOTING, both ensuring maximum possible time for fraudulent planning and execution.
            A. Precincts must be small enough in terms of population to enable efficient, accurate, observable vote counting of all cast paper ballots within six (6) hours of the close of poll locations.

            B. With authenticated ID presented, absentee ballots, obtained personally at the County Recorder’s Office (or other officially designated office) can be allowable as in the less abusive past.

3. A verifiable, inspectable CHAIN OF CUSTODY must be provided for every ballot cast.

4. All ballots are officially printed on certified, routinely inspected ballot paper with appropriate watermarks or other visible authentication indicators.  No Political Party identification ballot markers can be allowed outside closed primary elections.

5. No vote is cast, handled, or counted without unimpeded observation by a minimum of three certified observers appointed by each political party involved in the election.  Five observers is even better.

6. Item 4 above eliminates electronic voting since observable verification of electronically cast votes is impossible.
            A. Votes cast using paper ballots must be hand-counted per provisions of item 3 above.

7. Paper ballot marking devices unable to damage or confuse the ballot MUST be standardized within each State and provided to voters in good condition at all voting locations.

8. Elected Secretaries of State or Commonwealth (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania &Virginia), as well as Lieutenant Governors (Alaska, Hawaii & Utah) are members of political parties, therefore by definition are partisan in terms of party loyalty bias.  The same holds true in States where the Secretary of State is appointed by an elected Governor or State Legislature.  No conflicted office is well suited to securing fair and honest elections.  Every State should have a State Elections Director appointed by a committee of Precinct Committee Persons from each party active in the State, with each Party having three PC Committee Members, each having one vote in choosing the State Elections Director—or some other appropriately less biased system.

Honest voting is this simple.
Debated alternatives to paper ballots cast in person on the same day are just the noise of distraction.


“True education can only start from naked reality, not from a delusive ideal.”[1]

A  fine quote by Professor Carl Jung.  We should consider as once free American citizens, taking it to heart and learning from it.

The progressive fable of our esteemed FBI being a stellar law enforcement agency has become as Professor Jung mentioned, increasingly delusive since its founding and must now be brought under Constitutional control by responsible Main Street citizens of the United States.  There has been for a long time, conspiratorial talk of a so-called international Deep State controlled by Shadow Governments—with every major country having its own Shadow Government—the parts of each integrated into a poisonous NWO whole dominated by dynastic family oligarchs and their Pawns of Privilege.

Folks like myself claim that what I call the evil Global Syndicate, cleverly hides itself in plain sight.  Most Americans don’t accept such commentary, often ridiculing the idea, whether they suspect elements of truth or not.  In any event, belief does not alter facts, nor learning about facts.

Fortunately, though not for the besieged Trump family, as of Monday, August 8, 2022, the oft disparaged truth is no longer hidden—at least not in the banana republic of these United States—certainly not in Florida.  The deeply corrupted Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), once a federal law enforcement agency, now a jack-booted surveillance thug club of heavily armed bullies has openly put its unconstitutional abuse of police state power on full display for the world to see.  It helpfully did so by launching a pre-dawn attack against President Donald Trump’s personal Florida residence.

In Beyond All Isms, my first book, I claim the CIA infiltrated FBI as well as most other captured federal agencies can no longer be fixed—only defunded and disbanded.  We must downsize Washington DC’s toxic $5 trillion-dollar septic pit of out-of-control agencies by at least 75% and start over.  Though a major undertaking, this repair must be performed surgically, lest we lose our Constitutionally recognized rights entirely as the Anglo-American Establishment and their Pan European co-conspirators intend.

The entire United States government, the White House, and every agency, starting with the eighteen or so, overlapping U.S. intelligence agencies, must be scrutinized by full and complete third-party forensic audits.  These agencies, weaponized from within against American citizens, have not been scrutinized since 1975’s Senate Select Committee Hearings referred to as the Church Committee Hearings.  The Church Committee attempted to analyze abuses conducted by the CIA, FBI, IRS, and NSA against American citizens.  This investigation was done alongside the House of Representative’s Pike Committee, and the Presidential Rockefeller Commission.  There were successes, but the intelligence service leviathan was able to effectively limit investigative efficacy with or without committee assistance.  I wasn’t there, so can’t say who was or wasn’t doing what.

Clearly, if the United States intends to save American self-governance, a second, more invasive Church Committee investigation is required.  However, since Global Syndicate tentacles are more deeply embedded than in 1975, today’s forensic audit must be international in scope, must be armed with subpoena power, must be backed by properly issued arrest warrants, and followed with civil and or criminal judicial proceedings, then followed by stiff sentences for the guilty.  No violence is necessary.  Just honest informed voting booths, citizen demands, citizen vigilance, citizen fortitude, and citizen persistence will motivate our broken justice system to honorably prevail.  We the people have the numbers—let’s act like we do.

I’m not a police officer, sheriff, lawyer, or judge—so am uncertain exactly how this necessary investigative and legal action is to be carried out, BUT failure to conduct a thorough forensic audit of federal agencies with subsequent legal action to follow will most certainly lead us into our 2nd revolution, in turn comprising our 2nd civil war.  I cannot imagine any U.S. citizen being apathetic enough or foolish enough to help bring such an atrocity about by doing nothing.

As the late film producer, Aaron Russo said some time ago in his documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism: “It’s time to stop being good Democrats.  It’s time to stop being good Republicans—and it’s time to start being good Americans.”

Establishment Rs and Ds for the most part, use different pandering rhetoric but deceitfully share one UniParty globalist agenda paid for by us but managed from outside the U.S. with interior complicity via captured agencies and corrupted politicians.  We are likely, the last generation capable of putting America back on God’s covenantal course.  This is our time.  Our failure to stand strong together as U.S. citizens leads directly to transhuman hell on earth, not only for North America, but for the world.

It is long past time concerned citizens took on a sense of urgency to begin networking within church and civic groups, PTAs, Elk and Rotary clubs, political party Precinct Committees and any other ways we can think of to bring about transparency and honesty in government at every level.  Failure is certain to be a painful option…so let’s not fail.  Let’s work together to get ‘er done.

[1] C. G. Jung, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, trans. Gerhard Adler and R. F. C. Hull, 2nd ed. edition (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1972), 62.

D.C. RULING CLASS to Award $20-$50 Billion to America’s Big Tech for Screwing America.


U.S. companies supported by the Silicon Industry Association (SIA) like Advanced Micro Devices, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm, and others have spit on American workers for decades by offshoring semiconductor manufacturing away from loyal North American labor markets to China, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and European countries where labor is cheaper or even enslaved (China), and environmental protections are more limited or nonexistent (China). The good Chinese people have enough problems with the CCP; they don’t need D.C. to fuel any fires of unrest, calamity, or war. Samo, samo for the often abused Russian people.

Now the corrupt, Globalist captured D.C. Ruling Class wants to reward these corporate monopoly traitors with $20 to $50 billion in protection racket money to bring their criminally monopolistic, dehumanizing practices back home to the America they urinate on and take advantage of every day.

Bringing back greedy mercantilist chip manufacturers to North America may sound practical in the short term but is a concept dumber than frozen snot in the long run.  If we are foolish enough to accept this money laundering give-away to mercantilist Elite monopoly coffers, it will surely prove to be about as beneficial to American citizens over time as the frozen snot just grossly mentioned.

I say NO!  BUILD NEW – NOT BRING BACK PATHOLOGICAL TRAITORS.  If D.C. is going to unconstitutionally subsidize business, supposedly for security reasons, then subsidize NEW ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS EFFORTS – not the traitorous garbage who already abandoned us once. 

Please recall, the moronic D.C. Ruling Class freak show now proposing to reward corruption with our confiscated tax dollars is the same Ruling Class who caused this now critical security debacle with Brazil, China, India, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and Russia in the first place.  I suppose South Africa, the 5th BRICS Nation may also align against untrustworthy, disastrous, American foreign policy as will supposed European allies.  What choice has the fraudulent Biden Administration and its Establishment RINO enablers given them?

Russia and China have been forced together by D.C. imbecility and together placed our European brothers and sisters and the rest of the global community in a horrible power/supply chain bind, both in energy and technology. D.C. stupidity and corrupt cowardice have, at World Economic Forum (WEF) bidding, now subjected a billion or more innocent people around the world to probable famine, civil unrest, war – and as Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Platform predicts, possibly nuclear WW III, likely in 2024.

American tax dollars, if unconstitutionally given away by bought and paid for Ruling Class cowards, MUST AT LEAST support honorable American entrepreneurial wealth creators, not globalist putrescent scum consistently demonstrating malevolent intent to USE AMERICA, not SUPPORT AMERICA – the same America providing their original wealth creating opportunities in the first place.

Just sayin’.

11-10-2021: Dr. David Martin’s Fauci Dossier

The link below will take you to the Fauci Dossier prepared by Dr. David Martin. Per Dr. Martin’s suggestion in his interview with James Purgura at ActivateHumanity.com, please forward a copy of this document to your State Attorney General with a request to open a Grand Jury investigation regarding felonious BIOWEAPON development. Thank you!

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