Answer: Our kids sure hope so because the bicameral U.S. Congress absolutely will not. The CIA, its infiltrated FBI counterpart (no longer law enforcement), and corrupted judiciary ensure they cannot function per the oath every member swears before God.
Mockingbird Media asks and Normies wonder, “can the DOGE save our U.S. government? This is the wrong, or at least nonspecific enough question to ask since liberty and freedom worldwide require our current Satanically influenced D.C. septic pit be court martialed and dissolved, not saved in its present form. Per Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., more than 73 nations have been destabilized and abused by the CIA and its psychopathic assets. We can put the United States itself, with more than 420 unconstitutional agencies and corrupt money laundering departments at the head of this tragic list. The already blackmailed, bribed, and extorted U.S. government bureaucracy, under attack since 1865’s reconstruction, created this CIA monster in 1947. It sounded so logical; so comforting, to be protected by such high-brow gravitas.
DOGE—Department of Government Efficiency—as proposed is situationally ironic at best and preposterous at its worst. Yet within the tragic game theory futility of rendering an obscenely corrupted $7 trillion federal money laundering cancer still called government, there stands the crutch of hope. History’s answer, though written by the winners, will demonstrate whether President Donald J. Trump, our world’s Third Cyrus as some prophesy, is as he claimed in November 2016 and many times since—or not.
I believe President Trump understands congress and our courts cannot possibly be returned to their legal Constitutional functionality without first destroying the international City of London, Vatican City, CIA, Mafia, and international banking networks. Blackmail, extortion, and other cabal threats MUST be removed from D.C., our state houses, and our county governments. This requires considerable prayer and God’s blessings for success. There is no other path to honest self-government, freedom, and abundance for the United States and the world.
Note: I’ve never heard DJT using the Cyrus reference about himself. The Third Cyrus prophecy comes from prophets like the late, Kim Clement, who in 2007 predicted Trump to be God’s chosen Trumpet (
), who would serve two terms. Biblical/financial analyst Bo Polny, and Messianic Rabbi, Jonathan Cahn have both referred to DJT as the Third Cyrus. I hope they are correct. It will make our upcoming Main Street task less hazardous.
Out of character for me, but I take President Trump at his word, since in my lifetime, he is the only U.S. President to ever do what he said he would do during his first term – unheard of in the United States’ political arena. And he did this against overwhelming opposition. President Trump recently shared the following on Elon Musk’s X Page; “Together these two wonderful Americans will pave the way for my Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditure, and restructure Federal Agencies – Essential to the ‘save America’ Movement.”
I assume DJT is Xing here about Elon Musk and either Vivek Ramaswamy or RFK, Jr. as “the two”, though I wonder why he doesn’t mention “the three” instead of two. In any event, I get Trump’s necessity for stepping outside everyday congressional legal obstruction to get anything at all done for “we the people”. Congress is not Main Street’s friend, but functions instead as a blackmailed/extorted Elite regulatory and money laundering fiend. Our U.S. Congress is Public Enemy No. 1, followed by the Judiciary as proud No. 2. The CIA and FBI are congressional spawn, whose assets are tasked with wet work required for corrupt compliance with Elite demands. Neither the CIA or FBI can be fixed. They must be ripped apart, shredded, and if renewed, built with transparency and constitutional responsibility from the ground up.
President Trump painfully learned early in his first term when lectured by career criminal, Chuck Schumer, on propagandist, Rachel Maddow’s Sept. 26, 2019 indoctrination show
“if you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you”. Schumer understands from personal complicity, the CIA will never allow congress, the courts, or the White House to honor the Constitution as their federal oath requires or to faithfully represent the American taxpayer’s best interests. Elite handlers will not tolerate fairness to Main Street cattle.
Vivek is unfamiliar to me, though his brilliant Harvard, Phi Beta Kappa, pharma, and tech background suggest he should never be trusted by Main Street without proof in the pudding. I don’t trust Vivek but hope for his pudding to prove me wrong. We take our wins where we can get ‘em and hey, maybe some billionaires can be on Main Street’s side—even if for questionable reasons? Vivek, to his credit, has spoken of cutting 75% or more of agency budgets—a target I agree with and have advocated for at least a decade, since at least 75% of federal spending is unconstitutional.
RFK, Jr. is singularly on Main Street’s side of health and medical issues, so may formally not be part of DOGE, therefore DJT’s reference to “the two”, instead of three. In any case, RFK, Jr. has proven himself competently and courageously willing and able to persistently stand up to debate liars, threats, and legal battles. On most other Constitutional legislative issues, RFK, Jr. is way left of any appropriate position I can accept. For example, I have never heard him denounce the fact that more than 90% of all congressional funding and regulatory legislation is outside the Constitutional authorization of Article 1, Section 8—and is therefore illegal. Such agencies must be eliminated, not fixed.
More than 400 federal agencies and departments are unconstitutionally funded and operated outside Article 1, Section 8. The existence and funding of each of these corrupt money laundering entities requires constitutional amendment for authorization through Article 5 protocols or are illegal and MUST be dissolved. RFK, Jr., Vivek, or Elon cannot rightfully recommend fixes for these unconstitutionally authorized agencies. They must be legitimized via amendment or gotten rid of. I do not hear such things being discussed, though hope behind the scenes, they are.
I am not capable of trusting the Neuralink Guy, Elon Musk. I love the idea of this medical application idea, BUT, BUT, BUT am not aware of any such technology not weaponized against Main Street citizens for surveillance and control by DARPA and other covert entities. I hope Mr. Musk will also make pudding proving me wrong, but that hasn’t happened so far.
What we do know is: Tesla’s largest financial bundler is the Chinese Communist Party. Elon’s SpaceX is a highly compensated U.S. defense and intelligence service contractor through Space Force and others. Tesla’s material supply chain is pure evil, though claims of eliminating rare earth materials in the future are ongoing, whether market competitive or not.
Elon Musk’s involvement with EVs, batteries, and solar energy are heavily subsidized by U.S. tax dollars on the front manufacturing end, and the consumer buying end—without which these products, like wind turbines, are so financially unsustainable, they cannot survive free market forces on their own merit. I suspect Elon Musk’s primary interest in making America great again is to salvage and protect his considerable government contracts and subsidies. My final issue with Musk projects is that his EV and solar business are driven by carbon cycle lies and globalist propaganda. Climate falsehoods and environmental lies were concocted by Club of Rome and other Round Table groups and think tanks back in the early 1970s. These lies and half-truths have been and still are extrapolated ever since as useful tools strengthening Elite controls over Main Street thinking, behavior, and ever weakening private property rights.
For what it’s worth, aside from whatever weaponized weather (think DARPA) warfare is doing to regional climates, and it appears to be considerable, carbon levels in Earth’s atmosphere are near catastrophic lows at around 420 ppm, not dangerous highs. This circumstance is worsened by continued ionization of Earth’s atmosphere via aerosol sprayed nano-particulates reducing effective amounts of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface, a serious threat to all plant life on Earth. Can we spell FAMINE?
Elon Musk is smart, funny, cute, and puts a profitable subsidized smile face on support for environmental/climate lies, but that said, I hope his pudding proves me wrong and his Neuralink technology will never be weaponized against us like cryptocurrencies will. Elon is a crypto fan by the way, at least of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. It would be nice to see Tesla succeed without reliance on confiscated taxpayer dollars as well. Let’s give ’er a shot, hey, Mr. Musk.
Despite my hope for DOGE, I stubbornly don’t see how our new billionaire superheroes on President Trump’s comeback team can emanate from parasitic business practices vacuuming up hundreds of billions of subsidy and contract dollars of hard-earned wealth confiscated from taxpayers by corrupt, unconstitutional government agencies. This doesn’t smell good, but maybe lipstick will finally beautify the pig. I hope so, because our kid’s futures hang in the balance. If the DOGE Team does good work, let’s support that good work with all we got. If it fails, we’re in no worse position than we have been—that is, sucking the bottom of the government corruption barrel getting taxed, squeezed, and regulated into feudal serf dust.
The success of DOGE, necessary because congress is both worthless in terms of citizen benefit, and dangerous in terms of citizen harm, requires vast Main Street support numbers to overcome blackmail, bribery, extortion, threats, and sweetheart deal greed, but stranger things have happened, and I believe God is in this picture. God’s grace cannot be overcome and if we keep asking for grace and God’s blessings for our continued efforts- we cannot fail.
I wish God Speed and blessings on a successful DOGE despite my old man lost in the south-central Arizona desert cynicism. Have a great 2025 everyone even with its bumps in the road. Overcoming our differences and helping each other is a more productive plan than criticizing each other.