Answer: YES. America needs a courageous patriotic doer in the White House. President Trump is a developer and general contractor by trade, i.e., a doer.
Donald Trump, through his Trump Organization, like any developer, plans, finances, develops, risks, and decides—then his skilled craftsman do the work. In his new trade as President of the United States, you and I are the skilled crafts people who count in the court of public opinion—more so than appointed White House arm wavers and advisors working to influence the court of public opinion. Many of these arm waver types are compromised in some way, spiritually lost, stupidly WOKE, and so forth, so make horrible advisors. If necessary, they are a necessary evil.
As constitutionally sovereign citizens, we are the trades people, the get it doners living in the constitutional republic you and I, together, legally own. Bureaucrats do not own the United States of America, nor its records, nor its wealth. You and I as a group of citizens are the owners of our republic. WE DO THE WORK OF SELF-GOVERNMENT via participation in electoral processes, which must now be constitutionally restored, via active support for our President’s promised vision, and via support for his appointed position choices, i.e., the court of public opinion. We can also support with active participation when called upon to serve.
Under our Founder’s plan, we would be supporting elected members of the House and state appointed members of the U.S. Senate, but as a treasonous bicameral group under outside control, congress openly stands against we the people. Congress will not work with President Trump; therefore, they are out. We must work around obstructive efforts of congress to destroy America for the sake of an elite One World Slavery System. With the courts lost as well, only military tribunals can save our country—a sad fact I never thought myself, as a spiritual anarchist would ever believe.
Concurrence of the court of public opinion is critical to representational government leadership success, (or was prior to wholesale election fraud), hence we see talented elocutionists like Steve Bannon, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and others out of government and into independent media. The United States taxpayer desperately needs a Truth in Media Movement. Alternative media sources like Badlands Media, USA Watchdog, X22 Report,Bannon’s WarRoom, and many others will be the most effectively truthful way to influence public opinion currently dominated by CIA operated, Mockingbird Media liars. Donald Trump understands this communication necessity.
In Donald Trump’s previous world, the world he grew up in, he could imagine his own project ideas, take on speculative ideas brought to him by others, or sometimes may be asked to provide a particular solution for a singular jurisdictional circumstance.
In all cases for all projects, regardless how democratically he takes in and considers input for a project, he is the final decision maker—automatically making him the risk taker. Donald Trump is smart but has no crystal ball. Every decision is based on the best information he has at the time the decision must be made for the project to progress. In Trump’s world, not one aspect of any phase of any project can move forward without a decision being made by him – hundreds, even thousands of them every month. Once a project begins, the need, the pressure to make decisions is nonstop and grueling. Average people cannot handle this level of daily pressure.
Per Murphy’s Law and lack of a crystal ball, unforeseen project circumstances crop up for developers at unforeseen times on a regular basis. Hesitation to act can be financially fatal and many more good decisions must be made than bad decisions or again, outcomes can be devastating.
Developers develop in the real world, so must buckle on their steel jock straps every morning while sipping orange juice and tying their rep ties as they prepare to confront dozens of potential issues. One regular issue is asinine regulators, many with a chip on their shoulder or a God complex, none of whom ever risked a penny on a project concept of their own. Another is market competition. Competing developers, working behind the scenes, may sabotage your project by attacking your character, your project vision, your contractors and subcontractors, financing, permit approvals, etc. Politicians and union bosses may be engaged to sabotage projects in a similar manner for their own personal gain in service to powerful others. Selfish local businesspeople, so-called town fathers for example, may fight the project if they aren’t making money from it. Obstacles to developer success hide under every rock.
As a developer, every project decision Donald Trump has ever made cost money and time. Such hard and soft costs must be carried with interest for long periods of time before any possible promise of success or profit can be seen at the end of the tunnel. The risk is hard to imagine for those of us not accustomed to handling it. Because inflation, interest, and regulatory clocks never stop ticking, time itself is an enormous cost. Every minute of project schedule delay is like a cancer eroding financial viability of your project. When minutes turn into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months, there is a very real financial milepost beyond which the project is no longer financially viable—YET, millions, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars have already been spent, so cannot be taken back. For every developer, NOW WHAT ??? in such a circumstance can spell DISASTER—or a creative solution must be implemented, likely costing even more time and money.
As a civil engineer and general contractor working most of my career in land development, I’ve sadly watched successful developers who built a net worth in the tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars be brutally bankrupted in one or two years by bad market timing, disasters like 911, or Sars-CoV-2 which upend economies. A life’s work can be lost very quickly with just a bit of bad judgement.
IS DONALD TRUMP A COWBOY OR LOOSE CANNON? Answer: No! Donald Trump is a planner and cooperator, not an attacker.
People who accuse DJT of being a cowboy or loose cannon are of two types. The first, which covers most of us, have never seen a politician proactively expose themselves to reputational or performance risk by boldly stating definitive positions on issues. Most politicians coerce others into position statements, so if an idea is popular, they can jump in front of the parade claiming credit, or if not popular, they run from the parade while suckers are embarrassed. The popularity of an idea is all that matters to most politicians. Benefits to constituents never get on the table as only special interests have sufficient money to purchase insider access necessary to influence outcomes to their special interest benefit. The second type of accusers are paid media liars, dishonest politicians, or corrupt multinational corporate hacks serving elite dynastic family agendas. Liberal academics are similar to media liars.
The Donald only appears rash to some, because he does make decisions, makes them publicly, makes them often, and makes them in a timely manner, which in Washington D.C. and other political venues, where nothing promised ever happens, Donald Trump stands out as an enigma. American taxpayers are not used to seeing decision makers in action. In a world of political cowardice and finger pointing, of course, a decision maker operating at any scale stands alone, stand tall, and appears rash, regardless how well thought out the policy or negotiating strategy are.
Donald Trump is many things to different people, but a loose cannon he is not. President Trump’s negotiating strategy consistently offers cooperation up front. I cannot cite an example where this is not true. Only when cooperation is refused, does he respond by exerting more leverage. Donald Trump is a strategic counterpuncher, not a preemptive attacker. I am not aware of any instance since he became our 45th President, where cooperation was not his first offer, even if undeserved by private or public adversaries.
Though I’ve never heard President Trump mention game theory, I think it’s fair to say, in the world of game theory, Donald Trump is a TIT FOR TAT negotiator. TIT FOR TAT is consistently a winner when compared to other strategies. For those not familiar, TIT FOR TAT offers a cooperative opening solution for say, a Prisoner’s Dilemma situation or some other form of competitive self-seeking adversity. Trump’s willingness to negotiate cooperatively plays a prominent role in his past business success and will certainly pay dividends for Americans and the world now. There is absolutely nothing loose cannonish about such a sound, proven strategy.
Note: Without delving into it, Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game theory situation in which two entities refuse to cooperate with each other, even when it’s in their best self interest to do so, AND even when they can both mutually achieve a better outcome though cooperation. This is a gross simplification, but we get the basic concept. To learn more about TIT FOR TAT, I suggest reading The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod published in 1984.[1]
President Donald John Trump is a decider guy. As a decider guy he makes mistakes. Every decider does. Rarely, if ever do we have all the information we would like to have when making decisions, so stuff happens and must be dealt with. On top of this uncertainty, at least in the business and political worlds, are deceit and harmful agendas of adversaries. DJT is not immune to harm, BUT none-the-less, is the first President in my 73-year-old lifetime to do what he promised as best he could against unimaginable opposition of malingerers, traitors, seditious government operatives – and of course, enemies of America around the world. Plus, President Trump’s new life as 45/47 is complicated by committees, many of which are so corrupt, GITMO offers the only cure.
Note: America has no 46th President. The Biden Freak Show is a treasonous prank.
The only people who make no mistakes are people who never attempt to accomplish anything. Conversely, the only people who seem to never pay for their mistakes, or crimes for that matter, are the thousands of parasites buried levels deep throughout the 420 or so unconstitutional departments and agencies of our bloated federal government along with their multinational corporate cronies. Because of this endemic corruption, much of it seditious or even treasonous, Trump’s DOGE TEAM must help reduce government by at least 75%, since our bicameral congress and courts will never overcome their CIA and FBI control files to do the right thing.
Doers risk making mistakes. President Trump has made and will continue to make mistakes, BUT as the only positively proactive decision maker I’ve ever seen in our White House, he is the man for the job, and we should be happy to have him and his family working for us. The best thing we can do for now, is pray for President Trump, pray for his family, pray for his team, and pray for our country so that by Making America Great Again we can make the entire world great again.
GIVE TRUMP A CHANCE. As he said in 2016, “what do we have to lose?”
[1] “The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition: Robert Axelrod, Richard Dawkins: 9780465005642: Amazon.Com: Books,” accessed January 17, 2025,
If we read history and pay attention, we quickly learn that to the extent our Constitution is not enforced, government is weaponized by a few against the many.
Ignoring state constitutions for the time being, let’s consider how abuses of federal power can be mitigated by adherence to oaths sworn before God to protect and defend our U.S. Constitution. No unauthorized legislation, agencies, or programs beyond Constitutional stipulation are necessary, or even legal.
The (1776) Declaration of Independence states our unalienable, God-given human rights. The U.S. Constitution (adopted 1787 and ratified by the States 1788) and its Bill of Rights (1791) provide a representative 3-branch structure and legal foundation for our United States’ government to protect and defend our recognized human rights.
Protecting U.S. citizens per our Constitution is the only function of the U.S. government. There is no other legal government function. Legislative authority is specifically outlined in Article 1, Section 8. Legislation outside of the eighteen (18) areas listed in Article 1, Section 8 requires a Constitutional Amendment via processes specified in Article 5. When specific Constitutional legal requirements are ignored, Washington D.C. behavior threatens not only the security of the American people—but that of sovereign countries around the world. ±73 countries live with the bitter pain of this lesson.
Despite wholesale abuse of the unfortunate general welfare clause included in Clause 1 of Section 8 and the commerce clause included in Clause 3 of Section 8, there is no constitutional stipulation authorizing the federal government to provide for material wants or needs of citizens. Equal opportunity for every human can be constitutionally provided. Equality of outcome cannot be provided because every human is different. Some people want to think for themselves—some do not. Some people want to work hard—some do not. Some people are creative and entrepreneurial—some are less so. Some people are smarter than others or more physically healthy. God-given free will renders every human being uniquely responsible for using their gifts as they see fit, thereby enabling their own free will choices and outcomes.
The Constitution of the United States provides the only sacralized protection of God-given human rights in world history. It stands to reason, within the context of good versus evil, Satan’s minions and pawns labor continuously trying to bring about its destruction.
Balanced Budget: The primary reason blackmailed congresspersons distract taxpayers with disingenuous arguments for a balanced budget they will never agree to – IS – blaming the budget avoids admitting to or discussing the 75% to 90% of federal spending that is not authorized under Article 1, Section 8. Every unconstitutional piece of legislation is civilly or criminally illegal as is every noncompliant agency, department, or program. Surveys show most congresspersons don’t even know this, but ignorance doesn’t excuse corruption, nor obviate the financial and regulatory harm done to American citizens. This harm, when enabled by outside government entity lobbyists and handlers is not just civilly or criminally illegal, it is treason by government.
If our bicameral congress persons honored their oath of office, limiting legislation within the constraints of Article 1, Section 8 – our federal government could never exceed 5% to 10% of national GDP and would never be a financial problem. Lies by omission and dishonest debate supported by CIA coerced Mockingbird Media hide this reality from taxpayers.
Endless Wars: Clause 11 of Article 1, Section 8 grants Congress the power and authority to DECALRE WAR on behalf of the United States. Per U.S. Senate records, congress has formally declared war eleven (11) times, beginning with the War of 1812, ending with World War 2. See quote below.
“The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war. Congress has declared war on 11 occasions, including its first declaration of war with Great Britain in 1812. Congress approved its last formal declaration of war during World War II. Since that time it has agreed to resolutions authorizing the use of military force and continues to shape U.S. military policy through appropriations and oversight.”[1]
Every member of the U.S. House and Senate going along with military force resolutions, police actions, etc. is in violation of their oath of office. All wars are evil whether for money, power, regime change, resource rape, or any other reason, BUT UNDECLARED WARS are illegal and in many, if not most cases, like Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, Korea, Kosovo, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc., involve collusion with other nations, so possibly treason. I’ve read,[2] but can’t confirm, that the U.S. government has engaged in at least 300 uses of force since our founding. This is an astonishing abandonment of constitutional law—and MUST be stopped.
Clause 11 of Article 1, Section 8 also limits the funding for armies to a maximum term of two years. Our Founders saw the need for a navy to defend Americans on the high seas, but did not approve of standing federal armies. Clauses 15 and 16 of Section 8 call for the individual States to organize, arm, discipline, and govern their own State militias, which could be employed in the service of the United States. Endless wars would not be financially nor politically viable if the constitution was enforced regarding Section 8.
Foreign Aid: Clause 3 of Section 8 authorized congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, BUT this does not include so-called foreign aid. Our Founders abhorred meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. Foreign aid distributed by our feral agencies, like welfare inside our boundaries is unaudited. Once federal government disbursement of funds occurs to a recipient country, NGO, or other institution, the audit trail dies. There is no accounting record I’ve heard of tracking who or what took possession of these hundreds of billions of dollars annually. It is observable, however, that very little of the foreign aid and welfare spending reaches its supposed targets. Most of the monies, like military spending, are syphoned off by middle managers with no record of what went where. The comical idea that congress performs financial oversight is completely fatuous. There is no oversight except by the beneficiaries of this fraud, who take it to the bank on nontransparent digital pallets.
We can easily extend countless more examples into a book, but my astute readers get the point. Somewhere in the realm of 75% to 90% of all federal spending is not constitutionally authorized—it is illegal, whether on a civil or criminal basis. Often, this spending is treasonously arrayed against the best interests of the American people.
I hope and pray that Trump’s DOGE Team, his new Department of Government Efficiency—itself not constitutionally authorized—is washed with the grace of God to realize minor budget tinkering and personnel changes will have zero impact on federal corruption. American sustainability, financial, spiritual, etc., require demolishing every government agency, department, and program not authorized under Article 1, Section 8. Each must prove its authorization or be terminated over a one-, two-, or three-year transition.
This action plus renewed transparency will return America to constitutional health, which brings about financial health, and ultimately will not avoid near-term bumps in the road and resultant turmoil BUT can prevent the complete collapse of the United States as a country.
Please realize that since the Obama regime attack on America’s middle class, millions of terrorists of every possible stripe have been imported into American cities. These cells are poised to launch violent jihad along with Leftist useful idiots, and establishment traitors’ intent to annihilate America’s independent middle-class backbone via internet and credit shutdowns, grid failures, supply chain disruptions, resulting famine, etc. DJT’s successful MAGA Movement renders these horrified cretins desperate to retain their Satanically influenced power.
America’s future as one country under one roof or degeneration into several regional countries rides on the success or failure of the MAGA Movement. Winning this battle against evil means getting past our media incited differences to work together in support of spiritual and material freedom.
This is speculation, BUT I believe the TRUMP Team necessarily damaged their reputation on the COVID issue because we the people, the court of public opinion HAD TO SEE THE EVIL FOR OURSELVES TO BELIEVE IT. Despite the casualties in this Big Pharma/Big Government battle, I do believe that eventually, not millions, but billions of lives will be saved from incremental extermination by ongoing toxic pharma, toxic industrial agriculture, toxic food processing, toxic aerosol spraying, etc.
I believe DJT’s strategy for Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal are not to create the North American Union for Satanic New World Order benefit, BUT to powerfully turn their own strategy against them. An alliance between America, Canada, Greenland, and perhaps Russia or others, all forced into misery by New World Order mutants cannot be successfully opposed by European powers, the BRICS, or any alliance of any other powers on Earth. If my speculation is wrong, we lose nothing in the bargain anyway, because under the increasingly aggressive, desperate, already failing, New World Order reset demons, we are completely and 100% predictably screwed into permanent, worldwide feudal serfdom. The TRMP TEAM offers the possibility of real choice along with the hard work of taking back self-government and WINNING.
Does anyone see a second possibility enabling citizen freedom? Anyone? Anyone? I don’t.
From my old man’s perspective in the southwestern Arizona deserts—we would be absolute fools to not give the TRUMP TEAM their hard-earned chance to lead us against evil forces and a possible win via God’s grace for a real time sustainable lifestyle sans the lies and persistent nagging bites of New World Order goons.
Have a great 2025 and please prepare, because if the jihadists and gangbangers welcomed into our country by the Obama and Biden Regimes go kinetic along with Antifa, BLM and other moronic slave groups, shit’s gonna get interesting and hazardous real quick. It is imperative we meet people in our neighborhoods and build reliable networks of good honest human beings with varying useful skill sets.
Giving PRESIDENT TRUMP a chance may give us a chance to re-establish self-governance in America—and then across the entire world. We MUST take a risk and work together in support of our potential opportunity or it can never be realized. DJT cannot save us. DJT can only inspire and lead us. The work is our responsibility. It’s time to not be AWOL. Let’s meet each other and get to work. Make life great again under the armor of our Creator’s love.
Happy New Year from Bruce K. at The Kolinski Chronicle.
We cannot lose if we never quit.
[1] “U.S. Senate: About Declarations of War by Congress,” accessed January 8, 2025,
[2] Ryan C. Hendrickson, The Clinton Wars: The Constitution, Congress, and War Powers, 1st edition (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2002).
Answer: Our kids sure hope so because the bicameral U.S. Congress absolutely will not. The CIA, its infiltrated FBI counterpart (no longer law enforcement), and corrupted judiciary ensure they cannot function per the oath every member swears before God.
Mockingbird Media asks and Normies wonder, “can the DOGE save our U.S. government? This is the wrong, or at least nonspecific enough question to ask since liberty and freedom worldwide require our current Satanically influenced D.C. septic pit be court martialed and dissolved, not saved in its present form. Per Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., more than 73 nations have been destabilized and abused by the CIA and its psychopathic assets. We can put the United States itself, with more than 420 unconstitutional agencies and corrupt money laundering departments at the head of this tragic list. The already blackmailed, bribed, and extorted U.S. government bureaucracy, under attack since 1865’s reconstruction, created this CIA monster in 1947. It sounded so logical; so comforting, to be protected by such high-brow gravitas.
DOGE—Department of Government Efficiency—as proposed is situationally ironic at best and preposterous at its worst. Yet within the tragic game theory futility of rendering an obscenely corrupted $7 trillion federal money laundering cancer still called government, there stands the crutch of hope. History’s answer, though written by the winners, will demonstrate whether President Donald J. Trump, our world’s Third Cyrus as some prophesy, is as he claimed in November 2016 and many times since—or not.
I believe President Trump understands congress and our courts cannot possibly be returned to their legal Constitutional functionality without first destroying the international City of London, Vatican City, CIA, Mafia, and international banking networks. Blackmail, extortion, and other cabal threats MUST be removed from D.C., our state houses, and our county governments. This requires considerable prayer and God’s blessings for success. There is no other path to honest self-government, freedom, and abundance for the United States and the world.
Note: I’ve never heard DJT using the Cyrus reference about himself. The Third Cyrus prophecy comes from prophets like the late, Kim Clement, who in 2007 predicted Trump to be God’s chosen Trumpet (
), who would serve two terms. Biblical/financial analyst Bo Polny, and Messianic Rabbi, Jonathan Cahn have both referred to DJT as the Third Cyrus. I hope they are correct. It will make our upcoming Main Street task less hazardous.
Out of character for me, but I take President Trump at his word, since in my lifetime, he is the only U.S. President to ever do what he said he would do during his first term – unheard of in the United States’ political arena. And he did this against overwhelming opposition. President Trump recently shared the following on Elon Musk’s X Page; “Together these two wonderful Americans will pave the way for my Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditure, and restructure Federal Agencies – Essential to the ‘save America’ Movement.”
I assume DJT is Xing here about Elon Musk and either Vivek Ramaswamy or RFK, Jr. as “the two”, though I wonder why he doesn’t mention “the three” instead of two. In any event, I get Trump’s necessity for stepping outside everyday congressional legal obstruction to get anything at all done for “we the people”. Congress is not Main Street’s friend, but functions instead as a blackmailed/extorted Elite regulatory and money laundering fiend. Our U.S. Congress is Public Enemy No. 1, followed by the Judiciary as proud No. 2. The CIA and FBI are congressional spawn, whose assets are tasked with wet work required for corrupt compliance with Elite demands. Neither the CIA or FBI can be fixed. They must be ripped apart, shredded, and if renewed, built with transparency and constitutional responsibility from the ground up.
President Trump painfully learned early in his first term when lectured by career criminal, Chuck Schumer, on propagandist, Rachel Maddow’s Sept. 26, 2019 indoctrination show
“if you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you”. Schumer understands from personal complicity, the CIA will never allow congress, the courts, or the White House to honor the Constitution as their federal oath requires or to faithfully represent the American taxpayer’s best interests. Elite handlers will not tolerate fairness to Main Street cattle.
Vivek is unfamiliar to me, though his brilliant Harvard, Phi Beta Kappa, pharma, and tech background suggest he should never be trusted by Main Street without proof in the pudding. I don’t trust Vivek but hope for his pudding to prove me wrong. We take our wins where we can get ‘em and hey, maybe some billionaires can be on Main Street’s side—even if for questionable reasons? Vivek, to his credit, has spoken of cutting 75% or more of agency budgets—a target I agree with and have advocated for at least a decade, since at least 75% of federal spending is unconstitutional.
RFK, Jr. is singularly on Main Street’s side of health and medical issues, so may formally not be part of DOGE, therefore DJT’s reference to “the two”, instead of three. In any case, RFK, Jr. has proven himself competently and courageously willing and able to persistently stand up to debate liars, threats, and legal battles. On most other Constitutional legislative issues, RFK, Jr. is way left of any appropriate position I can accept. For example, I have never heard him denounce the fact that more than 90% of all congressional funding and regulatory legislation is outside the Constitutional authorization of Article 1, Section 8—and is therefore illegal. Such agencies must be eliminated, not fixed.
More than 400 federal agencies and departments are unconstitutionally funded and operated outside Article 1, Section 8. The existence and funding of each of these corrupt money laundering entities requires constitutional amendment for authorization through Article 5 protocols or are illegal and MUST be dissolved. RFK, Jr., Vivek, or Elon cannot rightfully recommend fixes for these unconstitutionally authorized agencies. They must be legitimized via amendment or gotten rid of. I do not hear such things being discussed, though hope behind the scenes, they are.
I am not capable of trusting the Neuralink Guy, Elon Musk. I love the idea of this medical application idea, BUT, BUT, BUT am not aware of any such technology not weaponized against Main Street citizens for surveillance and control by DARPA and other covert entities. I hope Mr. Musk will also make pudding proving me wrong, but that hasn’t happened so far.
What we do know is: Tesla’s largest financial bundler is the Chinese Communist Party. Elon’s SpaceX is a highly compensated U.S. defense and intelligence service contractor through Space Force and others. Tesla’s material supply chain is pure evil, though claims of eliminating rare earth materials in the future are ongoing, whether market competitive or not.
Elon Musk’s involvement with EVs, batteries, and solar energy are heavily subsidized by U.S. tax dollars on the front manufacturing end, and the consumer buying end—without which these products, like wind turbines, are so financially unsustainable, they cannot survive free market forces on their own merit. I suspect Elon Musk’s primary interest in making America great again is to salvage and protect his considerable government contracts and subsidies. My final issue with Musk projects is that his EV and solar business are driven by carbon cycle lies and globalist propaganda. Climate falsehoods and environmental lies were concocted by Club of Rome and other Round Table groups and think tanks back in the early 1970s. These lies and half-truths have been and still are extrapolated ever since as useful tools strengthening Elite controls over Main Street thinking, behavior, and ever weakening private property rights.
For what it’s worth, aside from whatever weaponized weather (think DARPA)warfare is doing to regional climates, and it appears to be considerable, carbon levels in Earth’s atmosphere are near catastrophic lows at around 420 ppm, not dangerous highs. This circumstance is worsened by continued ionization of Earth’s atmosphere via aerosol sprayed nano-particulates reducing effective amounts of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface, a serious threat to all plant life on Earth. Can we spell FAMINE?
Elon Musk is smart, funny, cute, and puts a profitable subsidized smile face on support for environmental/climate lies, but that said, I hope his pudding proves me wrong and his Neuralink technology will never be weaponized against us like cryptocurrencies will. Elon is a crypto fan by the way, at least of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. It would be nice to see Tesla succeed without reliance on confiscated taxpayer dollars as well. Let’s give ’er a shot, hey, Mr. Musk.
Despite my hope for DOGE, I stubbornly don’t see how our new billionaire superheroes on President Trump’s comeback team can emanate from parasitic business practices vacuuming up hundreds of billions of subsidy and contract dollars of hard-earned wealth confiscated from taxpayers by corrupt, unconstitutional government agencies. This doesn’t smell good, but maybe lipstick will finally beautify the pig. I hope so, because our kid’s futures hang in the balance. If the DOGE Team does good work, let’s support that good work with all we got. If it fails, we’re in no worse position than we have been—that is, sucking the bottom of the government corruption barrel getting taxed, squeezed, and regulated into feudal serf dust.
The success of DOGE, necessary because congress is both worthless in terms of citizen benefit, and dangerous in terms of citizen harm, requires vast Main Street support numbers to overcome blackmail, bribery, extortion, threats, and sweetheart deal greed, but stranger things have happened, and I believe God is in this picture. God’s grace cannot be overcome and if we keep asking for grace and God’s blessings for our continued efforts- we cannot fail.
I wish God Speed and blessings on a successful DOGE despite my old man lost in the south-central Arizona desert cynicism. Have a great 2025 everyone even with its bumps in the road. Overcoming our differences and helping each other is a more productive plan than criticizing each other.
Answer:Yes, centrally planned U.N. SMART Cities are digital prisons. S.M.A.R.T. = Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMART is an ironically euphemistic acronym for an anti-God, anti-human, anti-life full spectrum dominant, surveillance/control system built into and communicating with all electronic devices and systems (Internet of Things) including our ionized atmosphere – as well as programable transmit/receive nanotechnology implanted/ingested into all organic life forms—plant, animal, and of course, all human terrain including our physical bodies.
Those of us believing SMART City convenience claptrap peddled by ignorant or corrupt state governors, state legislators, county supervisors, county managers, city mayors, city managers, and city councils are gullible lemmings being herded into the elite Global Reset Paddock, i.e., feudal serfdom of old—BUT Built Back Better electromagnetically.
Under this “build back better” Orwellian scheme of Free Masonry and Prussian oligarchic heirs such as Britain’s King Charles III, to name one, and a small cult of billionaire cronies – elite puppets like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum or Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research (PIK) proudly proclaim: YOU and ME WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.
Please note that founding one of the most dishonest think tanks on Earth in the historic city of Potsdam, once the powerful capital of the Prussian Kingdom, is not a coincidence. Prussian (now Germany, Poland, and Russia) power, since the Allied Control Council ruling in 1947 lurks unseen, deep within and above the so-called shadow governments of the international deep state. Potsdam today, is the re-spawning center of Fredrick the Great’s Enlightened Despotism, a nesting place of the Enlightened Era, from which twisted sisters Marxism and Fascism synthesize into Globalism, i.e., worldwide feudalism in the form of inescapable scientific gulags. TRUST THE SCIENCE.
Of course, elite order followers are not talking about science are they. They’re revealing their own parasitic insanity on unimaginably obsessive levels—selling it to us as security and convenience. Be Not Afraid as Pope John Paul II said three times during his October 1978 inaugural homily. None of this Satanically inspired New World Order crap can or will happen. That said, elite dynastic descendants of the House of Hohenzollern, House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (now House of Windsor) and other cultist bloodlines, historic or nouveau, i.e., owners of most central banks, and their Pawns of Privilege intend to harm and/or mass murder as many Main Street people as possible while trying to bring about their nightmarish vision of worldwide techno/nano-feudalism.
The centrally planned global network of United Nation’s mandated SMART Cities being expedited via UNESCO, called by many, the New World Order is intended to be AI managed. The insane scope of this fiasco is estimated to require ±85% of all globally generated electricity to sustain its digital control appetite. This is one reason elites don’t want useless eaters to waste energy. Elites want it all for their own use, mostly bad for us use.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) play a central role in the global serfdom power grab, not just to force inclusion, but just as importantly to deny inclusion for the non-compliant. Here’s a link to the IMF virtual handbook for implementation propaganda; CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY. It sounds nice but its foundation is built on LIES BY OMMISSION.
If we’ve already connected many of the dots correlating this Satanically influenced plan for a return to global serfdom, we can begin to understand why $trillions of dollars are spent each decade propagandizing and normalizing lower-income and middle-income classes of Main Street students to the fake value of centrally dictated social engineering as the only solution to critical environmental issues. TRUST THE SCIENCE echoes like an insistent political cuckoo clock every hour on the news alert hour, and we’re all dumber for hearing it.
A wonderfully informative deep dive into this S.M.A.R.T. subject matter from which I’ve liberally drawn here has been compiled by Mr. Will Zoll in his Substack series called PRUSSIA GATE. Here’s a link: Prussia Gate . Mr. Zoll’s article, When Decades Happen – Part VII, Patterns of Life and the Open Air Panopticons is most relevant to this article. Thank you, Mr. Zoll.
OK. That’s enough overview. Following is a short list of SMART City Intentions:
Note:The following bulleted information and more can be found in documents related to United Nations’ Agendas 21, 30, 50, etc., planning and mapping for which has been ongoing for many years. Tip – search terms related to: agricultural productivity, area-based conservation measures, biodiversity corridors, biodiversity reserves, climate change, climate-based depopulation, drought, ecosystems, equity, extreme weather, flooding, fossil fuels, genetic resources, inclusion, global preparedness, green energy, greenfield projects, LGBT genital mutilation (just kidding, they don’t call it that), population control, Smart City governance, UN Conference of the Parties (COP), and too many more to name.
•Most Main Street commoners will not volunteer to confine their lives within digital prisons called SMART Cities. Motivational pain is necessary to jump start the no ownership, feudal program, so planned civil unrest and wars are to be utilized, along with weaponized weather events to better engage citizen engagement and buy-in.
•Marxist style revolutions—or at least civil unrest along with orchestrated public health threats are intended to bring about the chaos, fear, and massive death numbers from which impoverished, starving society will beg for relief.
•The New World Order solution promising societal relief from the chaos, supply chain disruptions, famines, violence, etc., is called the The Great Reset, PARTIALLY described euphemistically in Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret’s dystopian book of the same name.[1] Hundreds of less well-known NGOs have issued academic white papers describing how this digital prison can be marketed, constructed, and operated.
•Globally networked SMART City public health is to be centrally mandated by the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Agreement beneath the auspices of the United Nations.
•Britain’s King Charles III, a big fan of the Great Reset, announced the launch of his Great Reset support program, TERRA CARTA at DAVOS in 2020. This proposed global REWILDING PLAN, under the guise of sustaining nature is intended to reduce Main Street people across the globe to a state of abject poverty within a digitally controlled, stack and pack feudal serfdom within SMART City boundaries.
•Sick programs like THE GREAT RESET and TERRA CARTA’s Re-Wilding are aggressively enabled and augmented by UNESCO and/or other NGO efforts. We the people of Main Street are NEVER INFORMED that we save our planet by developing policies removing ourselves from planet Earth.
•Human rights will not exist in the New Biodiverse World Order of networked SMART Cities.
•SMART City residency will require pledging allegiance to the United Nations and its minions. Pledging will be optional, but refusal means no SMART City access. This leaves noncompliant citizens outside protected boundaries where they will fight to survive among tens of millions of impoverished, starving, population swapped immigrants, many of them male and of military age.
•Another critical NGO link to this eugenics, de-population, re-settlement plan is the World Wide Fund for Nature (originally the World Wildlife Fund founded in 1961), an evil land acquisition fund co-founded by King Charles III’s father, Prince Phillip (Duke of Edinburgh) in partnership with Dutch, Prince Bernhard of Bilderberg fame. Lands acquired are placed into the 1001 Club’s Nature Trust, founded in 1971 by Prince Bernhard.
•Biodiversly reserved Nature Trust Lands will be off-limits to humans except for Elites and Pawns of Privilege. Commoner boating, camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, mountain biking, mountain climbing, rock climbing, etc. are a thing of the past.
•All digital financial transactions for purchases, services, etc., will be AI monitored with controlled access through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Individual, family, and community transactive ability will be AI monitored for social behavior compliance scoring with spending amounts increased, decreased, or cut off all together for misbehavior.
•Digital financial transactions will be operationally accessed via a regulatory Internet of Value system incorporating blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to monitor equity behavior for financial inclusion or exclusion.
•Commoners are to be limited via the Internet of Value scoring system to whatever activities are permitted within digitally monitored SMART City boundaries. Every aspect of human life will be monitored and controlled by AI, ensuring earnings, consumption, and investment patterns fall within the UN’s diversity, equity, and inclusion mandates.
•Globally networked SMART City governance and decision-making will be conducted via unelected, unaccountable, hierarchal levels of regulatory committees with regulatory tasks carried out by heavily compensated government preferred crony corporations. Individual decision making will be verboten, even for minor living details. All human activity will become a function of regulatory mandates, prohibitions, rules, stipulations, and so forth.
•Enormous volumes of meta data storage and analysis will become so energy intensive, only marginal survival levels of sporadically available energy will be available to citizen serfs.
•All commodities such as clothing, food, medical services, medicines, stack and pack shelter, tools, public transportation, utensils, water, etc. will be AI-allocated.
•Convenient euthanasia will be readily available for those unable to cope with the tediously oppressive SMART City environment.
•The New World Order concept of SMART Cities is a new way of imposing mandatory serfdom in open-air digital gulags where entire populations are to be enslaved by the Internet of Things they are forced to depend on for survival.
I don’t know about you; BUT everything I know about SMART Cities at this point is stupefyingly stupid.
Of course, New World Order (NWO) goons are afraid of pitchforks held in calloused hard-working hands, so they carefully do not allow the proverbial digital gate to slam us in the butt on the way in. We might revolt. For this reason, NWO subjugation is imposed incrementally—in tiny baby steps. This slow process coupled with lies encourages we the gullible people to freely choose stepping further and further into the SMART City digital vault until finally, there is no escape from the maze we chose to enter.
We see the incremental introduction of SMART Neighborhoods and Cities sprawling across my home state of Arizona and other areas across the country like a metastasizing neural cancer devouring common sense and spiritual discernment in its voracious maw of ignorance and hope porn.
I sure hope we start waking up in mass because United Nation SMART Cities offer no livable future at all for human beings or any other life form on Earth.
[1] Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, COVID-19: The Great Reset (Cologny/Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2020).
Answer: NO. Every federal agency is UNIPARTY weaponized. WW III, Fifth Generation Warfare[1] has begun. 5GW is 99% spiritual, so enemies inside and outside government rat nests are difficult to identify, much less defend against.
Generational citizen apathy and refusal to teach basic civics and practical aspects of managing a self-governing republic have dumbed down generations of American students. The successful destruction of American education enables efforts of psychopathic miscreants to further abuse the good faith and generosity of Americans to the point our republic can no longer function and certainly cannot protect citizens—government’s primary function.
Our 1776 Declaration of Independence, a covenant with God, recognized humanity’s God-given unalienable rights and our necessary reliance on Divine Providence along with committing our Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for protection of those rights. As a confederation of sovereign states called the USA, we have foolishly abandoned every point mentioned in that last sentence. We’ve been cheated and lied to by government thugs and still accept the lies—many, many lies.
Some current malfeasant examples are: Propagandized USDA food pyramids, now called My Plate, lead grocery store customers directly into metabolic syndrome issues such as Type 2 diabetes; to keep us safe from the COVID 19 bioweapon, small independent businesses MUST SHUT DOWN while Big Box monopoly stores thrive; commonly treated respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu, and pneumonia were renamed SARS-coV-2 and cannot be treated except with highly toxic Remdesivir which makes patients sicker faster; toxic COVID JABS falsely labeled safe and effective replace viral treatment thereby harming and sometimes killing thousands of medical victims; burning down cities is peaceful protest while asking questions about election fraud is criminal activity; Russia is blamed for the 2014 CIA instigated Ukrainian Maidan Revolution and subsequent money laundering war slaughtering and exiling millions of Ukrainians. We get the picture. The U.S. government is organized crime.
Our U.S. Constitution provides a three-branch structure of government with appropriate checks and balances necessary to protecting and sustaining our God-given unalienable rights outlined in the 1776 Declaration. Neither document can stand alone. These two historically exceptional documents together with our free will commitment to protect and defend our Constitution, have blessed Americans with more freedom and abundance than ever before seen on Earth.
And now we’ve intentionally crapped on the entire inheritance we were given because lying government scum and insider multinational corporate cronies convinced many that fair and equal lower and middle-class impoverishment is equity; productive, wealth building pursuit of excellence is selfish and discriminatory; free-everything is sustainable; dependency on illegal government handouts is sustainable, etc. The global population is being poisoned by annual aerosol spraying of ±40-60 tons of nano-particulates worldwide, atmospheric ionization, industrial agriculture, big food processing, big medicine, big pharma, environmental pollution, etc., and most of us don’t notice. None of this is authorized in Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution, hence is illegal. Government MUST be downsized by at least 75%.
Why? How did we become so gullible? The simplest answer is Satanic influence. We are all Adam and Eve every day of our lives, reliving the ancient battle of temptation between the easy path of evil over the more difficult path of loving one another. It’s like an endless Groundhog Night of Darkness, with every aerosol sprayed, nano-tech day, steadily decreasing sunlight intensity, thereby reducing Earth’s ability to sustain plant and animal life.
Why has it been said America is exceptional—or at least was exceptional? Many reasons, one of which is the nature and manner of our founding. A nation is a community of people joined together on a foundation comprised of commonalities of language, ethnicity, culture, shared territory, etc. America has never been a nation, even back to the 10th century Vikings or other early explorers. Certainly not since 1607’s British founding of Jamestown. America, for reasons outside my wheelhouse has been a magnet for people around the world craving the freedom to live unrestrained “by others”. America is a country, a community of independent people sharing a common government for the protection of all its people, regardless of cultural or traditional differences.
As a country, the United States of America is unique. We the independent American people are reliant on enforcement of our Constitution to protect each other. Without our Constitution we are divided cannon fodder. Through the Bill of Rights, the U.S. is the only country on Earth to sanctify “free speech” as a sacrosanct human right granted by God. Our 2nd Amendment grants us the freedom to bear arms to protect free speech along with other recognized human rights. No other nation or country has done this. Many countries claim to have free speech, BUT… there’s always a catch. Giving our freedom away is choosing to be dumb and dumber.
Because America is founded, not as a nation, but as a country comprised of individuals with differing beliefs, ethnicities, races, traditions, cultures, etc. – our only assurance of continued freedom is our mutually honorable agreement to protect and defend our Constitutional Rule of Law against all enemies—foreign and domestic. We defend our Constitution or give it up. Unfortunately, there are evil people in the world who want America’s resources for their own agendas, none of which include freedom for Main Street citizens or illegal invaders. Sadly, rogue elements in U.S. government, elected, appointed, and hired are willingly complicit in this treachery.
These sick people, cunningly brain-washed through an international network of confiscated tax dollar funded globalist NGOs[2], both fear and hate the independent American middle class with its bibles, guns, and attitude. Fear of this American lion brings on a strategy of lies, false promises, and deceit to trick industrious American families into trading freedom we already have for security no human will ever have. Life on Earth is a battle between good and evil. There is nothing safe or secure relative to life on Earth. Our only security comes through faith in Jesus Christ and our willingness to treat each other as we would like to be treated.
A small group of dynastic families own and control the world’s central banks, through the corrupt operations of which this cabal INTENDS to control commoners across the world through AI driven digital currency, entrainment, fear, dependency on government, propaganda, surveillance, etc. The abysmal fiat financial system these clowns constructed since the Civil War to rob Main Street of its created wealth is collapsing.
The cabal is using its billionaire pied pipers to RESET this putrid financial system by reducing population and trapping us in a financial prison of digital currency slavery. So far, we are falling for this pile of totalitarian feces. We bought the banker’s lies in 1913 and they’re selling the same crap again because crap is all they have to sell.
Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts and people working with her Solari Report have and are providing excellent sources of information we can use to defend ourselves against digital enslavement, poisoning, etc.[3] This wonderful Solari Report collection of short educational videos shows banksters and corporate goons in their own words telling us how they are going to reduce population and control every aspect of our lives. Please watch at least some of these short videos. Knowledge is power if we put what we learn to effective use.
Satanic influence, a spiritually powerful force, induces weak, dishonorable people to plot and scheme searching for various ways to take advantage of other people. Restraint of a person’s liberty by another person is theft of the first person’s freedom, a clear violation of the Eighth Commandment, Thou shalt not steal.
Stealing is the only career path elites aspire to. The more painful for us Main Street useless eaters the stealing is, the more enjoyable the process becomes for global elite psychopaths. This demonic leviathan MUST be stopped, toppled over, and flushed down the garbage disposal of history’s mistakes. America’s ability to remain one country under one roof hangs in the balance.
If our current generation fails in this upcoming 2024 election and its civil unrest aftermath to right our ship of state under the protection of Divine Providence, America’s secessionary movement will blossom, splitting the U.S. into several countries. Our missing money—$21 trillion as of fiscal year 2015—now some unknown amount due to FASAB 56 (See ) will be impossible to recover as will indictment and prosecution of the treasonously guilty.
Let’s set aside our differences as the late Aaron Russo asked in his 2006 documentary film – America, Freedom to Fascism. Here’s a link if it’s still up: America, Freedom to Fascism
Let’s help each other stop being good Ds and Rs and start acting like good American citizens. If we don’t, our kids and grandkids will be digital slaves to world central banks, owned by the sickest group of people on Earth. WEF parrots brazenly tell us by 2030 you and I will OWN NOTHING. The banksters even intend to own our children and we have no idea what they will do to them or with them. We cannot allow this catastrophe to happen on our watch.
As we passively accept and believe in the pitifully treasonous Biden/Harris fake executive freak show wandering dazed and confused through OUR White House; and while we continue swallowing the treasonous behavior of our blackmailed and extorted bicameral Congress selling our country out to the most heinous elite bidder—it becomes easier and easier for the banksters to sell us their lying slavery solution to save us from planned supply chain disruptions, possible famine, and the painful chaos of elite fomented and funded with our tax dollars civil unrest. Let’s wake up and say NO THANK YOU to this globalist plan for Hell on Earth.
With God’s grace we cannot fail and as Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us – under our current uni-polar economic system we produce only about 1% of the wealth we could create using a more generous multi-polar economic model. How can we tell our kids we turned down this idea?
[1] Ltg Michael Flynn and Boone Cutler, The Role of THE CHURCH (Boone Cutler Media Enterprise, LLC, 2024).
[2] Bruce J. Kolinski, Beyond All Isms (Grit Company Unlimited, 2022).
“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” {quote from President Ronald Reagan’s January 20th, 1981, inaugural address}
43-years ago, President Reagan was gunned down for among other things, explaining government is a problem. He was addressing BIG UNACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT specifically; not constitutionally limited government and we should have taken his warning seriously. Even with our President gunned down for warning us, we took no defensive action, and now the aging D.C. crime problem is a bloated monster with extinction event capability.
The attack on America’s potential sovereignty was launched in 1776, with serious problems surfacing by 1865. Ignoring this earlier criminal history, just going back to the CIA’s spawning in 1947, we can see the formation of an organized government crime syndicate. Uninformed voters have since, apathetically squandered 38 congressional terms, 19 presidential terms, and 12 senate terms with no effective vigilance regarding lack of government accountability. The result is CIA domestic infiltration so deep and wide, the U.S. State Department, DEA, FBI, NSA, and worse, the unconstitutional DHS are all nothing more than captured extensions of the Central Intelligence Agency, itself a criminal organization from inception.
President Ronald Reagan’s initial attempts to govern per his inaugural remarks were apparently so upsetting to U.S. Shadow Government handlers, they reached into their Deep State herd of wackos for a mind-control victim to shoot President Reagan on March 30th, 1981, just 69 days later. Less weekend days, these psychopaths waited just 50 working days from Renaldas Reagan’s swearing in as President to kill him or educate him—I don’t know which. Perhaps William Casey, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, or more likely, upstream elite handlers of these pawns could have shed light on that question, had we known to ask.
If doing the right thing in Washington D.C., or at least trying to do the right thing are considered crimes by shadow government and deep state actors, I suppose, if asked, four assassinated, sitting U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901), and John F. Kennedy (1963) would tell us, the personal cost is difficult to deal with, even excessive. I suspect the late Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump share similar views. Honor and courage in D.C. are AWOL. Ill-gotten money on the other hand is generously provided by elite handlers in exchange for personal debasement.
Historic evidence since WW II demonstrates the civic necessity of treating unlimited, unaccountable U.S. government as a dangerous problem, rather than a safe solution. Author Paul L. Williams has done hard work and shared his work with us in OPERATION GLADIO: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (2018).[1] We see Truman’s White House and our U.S. Congress never raising an eyebrow over the 1947 creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, nor its direct connection to the Mafia and Chinese Army of the day.
No D.C. concern was noticed regarding Wild Bill Donavan’s implementation of the HELLIWELL PLAN[2] worked out by Frank Wisner and James Angleton to marry the CIA and Mafia with no interference of congressional funding or congressional oversight. How could that go wrong? There were no objections regarding the wisdom of the new CIA having covert ties to the privately held Vatican Bank, already created on June 27, 1942, by Pope Pius XII and Bernardino Nogara. Note that the Vatican Bank, a sovereign financial entity encased within a sovereign state, “cannot be compelled to redress wrongs—not even the most egregious violations of international law.”[3] Incidentally, Nogara instituted the policy of regularly destroying all Vatican Bank transaction records thereby avoiding any possibility of public or private scrutiny. No problem with this CIA partnership, huh.
Congress expressed no meaningful issues with the CIA forming a self-financing partnership with China’s drug-running General, Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT (Chinese National Army), nor a partnership with notorious Mafia Boss, Charles “Lucky” Luciano and Calogero “Don Calo” Vizzini, boss of all Sicilian bosses—of the feared Vizzini/Agostino crime family.
With nary a question asked by Congress, this jolly little cabal intended to initially fund its OPERATION GLADIO, stay-behind, European para-military forces by selling heroin on the streets of Harlem. This CIA snake’s nest of order-following psychopaths was immediately stuffed full of wealthy Americans recruited from prominent families such as Carnegie, DuPont, Mellon, Morgan, Roosevelt, Ryan, Vanderbilt, and others. It was the CIA that should have been called The Untouchables.
A near total lack of U.S. bi-cameral congressional interest in psychotic, if not full on Satanically influenced behavior demonstrated worldwide by CIA assets since its spawning has not visibly changed. The Church Hearings in the mid-seventies and a few other investigative committee actions did raise an eyebrow for about a minute, but these slight inconveniences just drove CIA assets deeper underground to pursue even more lucrative pastimes like child and adult sex trafficking, more creative opium and other drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, resource rape planning, and of course, much better domestic spying, blackmail, and extortion methods. Consider Epstein and P Diddy as two field operators working for better government everywhere.
After foolishly granting CIA assets with zero congressional oversight, carte blanche crimes against humanity authority around the world for three-quarters of a century, how do we as Main Street taxpayers stop this criminal organization now? Given the CIA has brought its color revolution expertise via Gladio, Condor, the Phoenix Program, and other destabilization operations home to take down and control the independent minded U.S. middle class—we MUST stop it, but how? We should have paid attention when Neil Sadaka told us in 1962, “Waking up is hard to do”– OK, I know it was “Breaking up” but what fun is that. Sorry Neil, but great song.
The simple answer is, we roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and do the hard work necessary to take out the government and multinational corporate garbage sanctioning this criminality and treason in the first place. Saying NO THANK YOU to every government proposal uncompliant with congressional authority outlined in Article 1, Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution is a good start, though convincing bribed, blackmailed, and extorted congressional members to vote against handler instructions is a current NO GO. Sans twenty or so honest congress persons, congress is fully captured. The White House and judicial system are fully captured as well excepting one four-year partial respite during President Trump’s America First Administration.
Local, local, local is the strategic answer according to retired military veterans like Colonel John Mills, LTG. Michael Flynn, Sgt. Boone Cutler, and many others. We take back our captured local governments one county at a time, then roll our counties up to the captured state level, and finally we can take back our captured federal government. This is no plan for the faint-hearted. The lost souls who conned us out of our republic are stupid and afraid. They would rather mass murder billions of people and annihilate every form of life on Earth than cooperate with Main Street commoners. We forget who these poor unfortunates worship during their ritual sacrifices at our peril.
Waking up to evil is Phase One. Realizing we cannot win over evil without the protection of Divine Providence as stipulated in our 1776 Declaration of Independence is Phase Two. Agreeing to work together despite differences so we can DO the hard work of taking out the garbage at local, state, and federal levels is Phase Three, A, B, & C. Re-establishing the healthy function of our Constitutional Republic at local, state, and federal levels is Phase Four, A, B, & C. Eternal vigilance is Phase Five. Failure within any of our Five Phases means TILT—GAME OVER.
We cannot free America nor the world from the grip of sociopathic lunatics while behaving as obedient, non-thinking serfs or as compliant, nanotechnology slaves. We MUST take an independently motivated, professional attitude toward cooperating with each other to combine our many gifts into the force powerful enough to complete this mighty task. Our task of course, is regaining and securing our lost human rights as granted to us by our Creator and recognized by our U.S. Constitution.
To regain our lost republic, we must get real and dump fear at the door. No fear is necessary. We can fight with courage, joy, happiness, and love for people and things we care about. There is no need to attack or defend each other with hatred. Our enemies need help, not more hatred, though we must defend against globalist ignorance and angst. Globalists are slaves to Satan, whose rage is unimaginable.
Given the nearly complete globalist capture of American education and its conversion to U.N. Agenda 21, 30, 50, etc. conditioning centers, how can American taxpayers overcome the multi-tentacled FEDERAL CRIMINAL BEAST now feeding on our watch?
Looking at government philosophically from an amateur versus professional point of view, author Steven Pressfield, in Turning Pro (2010) talks about amateurs living shadow lives – not to be confused with shadow governments. “In the shadow life, we live in denial and act by addiction.”[4] Obviously, amateurs cannot successfully remove clever criminal trash from public offices. Amateurs are easily outclassed and outgunned.
Going PRO, however, is difficult. Going PRO demands getting up every day and “DOING THE WORK”. No excuses. My own experience as a civil engineer and general contractor, trying to be professional suggests this is the only way problems get solved and shit gets done. Solving problems requires focusing our commitment on the task at hand and doing the work. Wishing, hoping, and talking alone, accomplish nothing, but with fear and hope porn support we are encouraged to feel good and even brag on our useless pandering while entranced by 4K and 8K high-res pixelated media propaganda. Main Street Americans were and are not well prepared to withstand this malevolent media onslaught.
Pressfield tells us GOING PRO usually comes with RESISTANCE. Again, my own experience finds this observation to be true. I’ll add that when our task involves “responsibly doing the right thing”, as in say, skirmishing with bad actors in government or corporate life—resistance increases dramatically. Spiritual warfare, taken lightly, does not produce positive results.
For those whose work depends on ideas, whether for work or play, author Austin Kleon’s suggestions in Steal Like an Artist (2012), Show Your Work (2014), and Keep Going (2019), rank high on my list of favs. Mr. Kleon, like Mr. Pressfield, suggests getting off our butts and doing the work is the best way to invite the muse into our consciousness. At the same time, we need to get over ourselves. Trying too hard tends to block creative thought processes, and paralyze constructive action. Along those lines, I love Austin Kleon’s Sol LeWitt quote from KEEP GOING.[5]
“You must practice being stupid, dumb, unthinking, empty. Then you will be able to DO… Try to do some BAD work—the worst you can think of and see what happens but mainly relax and let everything go to hell—you are not responsible for the world—you are only responsible for your work—so DO it.” {Sol LeWitt} Quote stolen from Austin Kleon’s KEEP GOING (2019).
No one is coming to fix our broken republic for us. The Trump/Vance and friends’ MAGA Team can motivate all 100 million or so of us, even guide us; but we DO the local work ourselves or it doesn’t get done. You and I together are the sovereign Court of Public Opinion necessary to revive “consent of the governed” for “limited government” constrained by Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution. We enforce Constitutional Rule of Law or become nanotech slaves under the Rule of Man.
•President Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex in his Farewell Speech on January 17, 1961. That was 63 years ago. What did we do to address his concern?
•President, John F. Kennedy warned us again, 100-days after Eisenhower’s warning, on April 27, 1961, stating, “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”
•President Reagan warned us a third time on January 20, 1981, as mentioned earlier. Did we address his warning?
•Now, apparently, a 2024 open hunting season has been declared on President Donald J. Trump by the nincompoops who stole our republic and are trying to keep it. This behavior cannot be tolerated by a Christian society.
Looking back, even briefly, at how the U.S. government was captured since 1947 by international globalist forces and domestic actors, we better understand how dishonest media, widespread election fraud, departments of injustice, corrupted courts, and woke military malfeasance come about. In historic context, it becomes easier to realize when Fake News claims pervasive crimes are nonexistent, that the claims are ridiculous. Media parrots, Hollywood mouthpieces, and some music A-listers unabashedly demonstrate complicity in the criminal cover-up.
Looking in the mirror, naïve citizens believing the silly media narratives spewed out beginning at 4:00 AM EST every morning, we can see staring back at us, the clear image of an AMATEUR CITIZEN, living as Pressfield observed in a state of denial and addiction. Only as we develop ourselves into PROFESSIONAL CITIZENS can we discipline ourselves and help each other DO THE HARD WORK required for true self-governance.
It is far past time we confront and end this attack by a small group of inbred elite mutants and their pawns on American and world freedom. We stand up and defend each other; we live or die protecting each other as warriors; or we perish together as slaughtered useless eaters. I will not die a transhuman slave and pray you intend not to as well. Together, with the armor of God, we got this.
Current generations bear the challenge of OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to overcome the criminal capture of U.S. government. It is our DUTY to stop government sanctioned crimes against humanity perpetrated in our name. It should be our pleasure to help make the entire world a safer, more abundant place to raise happy, healthy kids. A world where fear of shitty shadow governments is no longer necessary.