05-26-2023: Certification of Voting Machines Certifies Election Fraud

If we despise our Main Street American political voice; if we detest having an honest voice in elections; if we hate freedom; if we yearn for psychopathic oligarchs to TAKE CARE OF US as cyborg slaves;  if we enjoy being RULED by privileged, order-following government thugs; early voting, mail-in ballots, and electronic voting systems guarantee all the above, and more for our future.

WTF, you might say.  I get it.  Most of us were taught to trust government institutions.  Tragically, nearly all of them at the County, State, and Federal level are weaponized against hard working taxpayers.  All G20 government order followers we mistakenly call leaders, bow in cowardly servitude to Satanically influenced Elite handlers.  Handlers who rely on election fraud to put and keep corrupt order followers in positions of power.  Once in power, sweetheart deal carrots or sticks like blackmail, extortion, or worse keep corrupt pawns in line.

Given the percentage of corrupted pawns now holding selected or appointed office, we can no longer eliminate corruption without first establishing honest elections.  The guilty don’t indict the guilty and wishing they would is futile.  We can, however, fix our elections by standing together in mass.  The question becomes, “how do we establish honest elections?” 

Before answering this question, we MUST understand why electronic voting systems CAN NEVER BE USED.  Below are links to two videos demonstrating this is the case.

The link below is to a 24-minute Bev Harris video made six years ago exposing how calculated FRACTION MAGIC is used to manipulate supposed vote counts.  This deceptive decimal strategy alone can precisely control election outcomes.  When we see decimal values in vote count totals, i.e., 748,697.31 votes for candidate X, this strategy is being used.  America does not yet have a human, 0.31 person mailing in a ballot.  Bev Harris incidentally, formed BlackBoxVoting.org in 2003 to expose built-in machine bias programmed into electronic voting systems.

Unfortunately, most systems today are designed to never show decimals used in actual calculation adjustments in the reported data. This renders the “cheat” invisible to honest election workers not involved in the programming.

The second link (see below) is to a 1-hour, 50-minute presentation by Mark Cook on Joe Oltmann’s Conservative Daily podcast.  If you’re interested in seeing how easily electronic voting systems are designed to be manipulated on site or remotely, this panel discussion presents the simplest, easy to understand demonstration I’ve yet seen.  In less than two hours you will become educated regarding electronic election fraud in today’s world.

Current INSECURE voting procedures, at least in my home state of Arizona, now a laughingstock in politically coherent company, guarantees no active Arizona voter of any party knows:

                                    1.  If they voted.

                                    2.  Who they voted for.
                                    3.  How many times they voted for somebody.

Three primary reasons for this inability to know with certainty are EARLY VOTING, MAIL-IN BALLOTS, and ELECTRONIC VOTING.

The current ELECTION FRAUD system operates something like this:

1. Early voting enables identification of voting trends.  Algorithms designed to manipulate vote counts are adjusted per the trend data bringing about the desired tabulated result.  This is why voting machines compute vote totals using algorithms as opposed to simply counting votes.  This system SELECTS rather than ELECTS candidates.

2. Programmed tabulators begin calculating final votes on voting day—or sometimes, for weeks afterward.  If unanticipated voting day trends upset predetermined outcomes, vote tabulation is stopped as in 2020 so algorithms can be adjusted, then fraudulent calculation and/or vote switching resumes.

3. Extended so-called COUNTING is continued beyond ELECTION DAY so the final tabulation calculations can be supported by adding or removing ballots, real or fake.  Longer so-called COUNTING periods enable the number of real or fake ballots to be adjusted so the final vote calculations appear balanced within acceptable limits.  NOTHING TO SEE HERE.


Eight Steps to END ARIZONA ( and U.S.) ELECTION FRAUD:

1. Voter identification required.

2. No mail-in ballots.

3. No early voting or late voting.

4. No electronic voting systems.

5. Use ear-marked or otherwise officially demarcated verifiable PAPER BALLOTS, printed by audited certified printers, protected by a transparently verifiable chain of custody provided by all political parties.

6. All ballots are CAST IN PERSON, then HAND COUNTED under transparent observation by observers appointed by all political parties involved.  Each party appoints a minimum of three observers.  Five each would be better.


8.  Precincts MUST be small enough for all VOTE COUNTING to be completed and results known within 5 hours of designated poll closing.

We take back our country by taking back our counties.  First—counties.  Then—states.  Finally national government.  Then we make our entire world great again.  I do  not believe there is any other way.  Asking DC elected and appointed parasites to indict themselves or honor their oath to protect and defend our Constitution is a fool’s errand.  We the people, i.e., YOU and ME must establish honest elections and throw the bums out.  Taking back American self-governance starts in our cities, counties, and states.  Just sayin’.

05-10-2023: U.S. INVASION: Treason From Within

U.S. Federal and State agencies are waging 5th Generation Warfare against middle-class and lower-class American citizens!

Since 1913, with Atlanticist nudging, America has been strolling toward inevitable collapse.  Now, 110-years later, traitorous Establishment Republicans and Marxist Democrats, WOKE Globalists All, are stampeding Main Street citizens over the insolvency cliff.  A malevolently organized PERFECT STORM lands at America’s southern border tomorrow, May 11th.

This malevolent whirlwind of global syndicate and DC pain is driven by the storm front collision of failed education, election fraud, financial corruption, insider patronage, lawfare, media narrative, resource rape, and most significantly, Satanic influence.

Rogue elements, buried deep in all U.S. government agencies, the White House, and our courts have treasonously worked against the best interest of the American working class for more than a century, usually under the table.  Today, EVERY FEDERAL AGENCY is openly and proudly weaponized against every independent American middle-class citizen.  Woke DC people living well off our confiscated tax dollars despise middle-class America, while producing nothing.  We have accepted stupidity, duplicity, and subversion in place of competent, transparent management and are now paying the price.

Case in point—the corrupt Biden Freak Show, with legacy media support, point out and negatively highlight differences between people nonstop.  Psychotic White House divisiveness has metastasized into a non-stop barrage of Hate Marketing spewed all over American streets by academia, AI bots, White House spokespersons, government agencies, legacy media, Hollywood, and Woke Corporate Culture.  Mass media never stops vomiting a rhetorical tsunami of fear, distrust, and violence, which of course, obscenely captures, then violates advertising, entertainment, news narratives, and sports.

Dishonest media parrots, Americans in Name Only, encourage and promote ethnic angst and hatred in every way possible—and NOW, THE BIDEN NIGHTMARE IS BRASHLY PUTTING THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS ON STEROIDS.  Title 42, enacted in 1944, but widely implemented in March 2020, expires tomorrow, May 11th.  Hundreds of thousands of illegals from all over the world have been informed about this new open door and have been traveling and massing in tent-cities for months by invitation of the Biden Regime; with transportation, food, water, clothing, medical care, and funding provided by uninformed U.S. taxpayers, various NGOs, the United Nations, and Marxist Catholic outreach organizations.

Many American neighborhoods will be attacked by hungry, unemployed illegals abandoned by the psychopaths who invited them—who are dropping these unfortunate souls on our doorsteps.  Hard-working taxpayers are paying for order-following cretins employed by or contracted with government agencies to transport the forced entrance of unwitting population swap victims.

Enabling this treason required whoever oversees Joe Biden, to SHUT DOWN President Trump’s border wall construction on Biden’s first illegal squatting day in our White House.  We can see fabricated bollard panels, i.e., fence sections uselessly and expensively stored in twenty or so southwestern locations.  These storage photos were taken in south central Arizona on May 7, 2023.

Storage sites are spread across Arizona and New Mexico like badges of stupidity.  Per U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and thirteen Republican colleagues—no Commie Dems I’m aware of—this is costing taxpayers an estimated $130,000/day; totaling more than 300 million dollars since border wall construction was halted in January 2021.  So, construction was halted, but payment for unused materials have not stopped.

According to my math, 27 months at say, 30-days each is about 810 days.  In other words, $300,000,000/810 days ≈ ‡$370,000/day, not $130,000 but since so many federal agency spokespeople are known liars—we will never know the true cost.  However we parse it, this insanity for fraud, political gain, hatred of America, or whatever it is, MUST STOP NOW.

While we don’t know what it costs to keep America’s southern border unprotected, we do know per investigative reporters and analysts Ben Berquam, Oscar Ramirez, Todd Bensman, and a few others appearing on Steve Bannon’s War Room—with video evidence by the way, nearly a million illegals from around the world are congregating along the Mexican side of our U.S. southern border—with uncounted hundreds of thousands more massing in South and Central America preparing to invade.  These abused victims are waiting for 2020’s COVID related expansion of Title 42 to end on May 11th as advertised by DC’s we hate America crowd.  This will kick down the U.S. immigration door so to speak, allowing illegals to freely, as advertised by the Biden Regime, enter the U.S. to receive their free stuff as promised.

We are about to meet and go belly to belly with, by Christmas of 2023, at least 15 million unprocessed, unidentified, foreign nationals at the Biden Regime’s invitation.  The U.S. does not have the workforce nor facilities to house, process, or care for this overwhelming influx.  Millions of illegals, as planned by the Biden Regime, will necessarily be abandoned on the U.S. side of the border.  Assuredly, none of these victims has had this horrible circumstance explained to them.  They and we are about to learn the hard way that election fraud has profound consequences.

Making matters worse, we know thousands among this swarm are convicted criminals, lunatics, and diseased patients emptied out of foreign prisons and hospitals.  Also inserted among this vast throng of imported, poverty stricken, humanity are unknown numbers of unidentified terrorists, traffickers of every evil slave-running type imaginable, and of course, other illegal opportunists bringing in illegal weapons and drugs.

This is not about to occur.  This is happening now—before May 11th even arrives.  American citizens MUST prepare to deal with the sickening reality of criminal malfeasant government.  A federal government weaponized against its own people, aided by most state governments, is a dangerous thing.  It is fair to say, Big Government is Public Enemy Number 1.

Prepare to take these unidentified illegals into your homes and churches to care for them; or prepare to defend your home—or both, because hungry people need to eat—and they, as we would, will hunt food wherever they must.

As the Boy Scouts still say despite WOKISM, “Be Prepared!”

05-04-2023: DC Corruption and Treason Can’t Be Cured In DC

05-04-2023: DC Corruption and Treason Can’t Be Cured In DC

This week’s big Congressional pander event is the House Oversight Committee sending important letters to our treasonous FBI, requesting documentation of an alleged PAY-TO-PLAY scheme between foreign nationals and hair-sniffing imbecile Biden and other family members while he was O’s VP.  What a joke?  The Committee anticipates the Honorable Christopher Wray complying with requests and/or subpoenas (if any).   Nothing will come of this, as most bicameral Congressional members are doing the same thing at some level, but the Committee will get this info into the public realm via alternative media—a very good thing, indeed.

The privileged Biden Crime Family, like the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Romney, and so many more DC crime families do not live in a vacuum.  Laundering hundreds of billions of dollars annually out the back doors of Congress, along with other lucrative pastimes require teamwork as well as a rigged arena to play in—large teams including corrupt bankers, fake news, corrupt law enforcement, corrupt judges, corrupt lawyers, too many corrupt NGOs to count, and so forth.

Lobbyists, for example, outnumber elected officials in DC by what: two or three to one?  Maybe more?  WHY do globalist-controlled multinationals and other special interests bear the lobbying expense?  Because lobbying is effective.  Elected and unelected DC parasites love access to power, positive press, accolades, awards, money-laundering sweetheart deals, gifts, and even old school bribes.  Privilege is a wonderful thing to have—above the law, even better.  The phrases “conflict of interest” and “fiduciary responsibility” are forgotten in DC—or at best, rarely mentioned except by Newbies.  Elected House and Senate parasites also enjoy living off campaign contributions, one reason so many are perpetual, energizer campaign bunnies.

Lobbying was once a euphemism for arm twisting and bribery.  Now lobbying is a reflexive legal term for sanctioned team corruption on an unimaginable level—trillions of dollars over time—sometimes crossing the line into sedition and treason—two more terms not spoken in DC.

If every elected U.S. Senator, House Member, and herds of unelected bureaucrats hosted a Congratulation Party for themselves, even the old Redskin’s Stadium (FedEx Field) seating 91,000 could not host the event.  I do not know how many stadiums, back-to-back, are required to host such an event, but one won’t do it.


The corrupted denizens of Washington DC (and yes I know it’s not 100% – we still have the GOP TWENTY) will not investigate or indict themselves, which is why scumbags like Joe Biden, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill and Hillary Clinton,  Barack Obama, at least half of Congress, and thousands of administrative thieves CAN NEVER APPEAR ON A WITNESS STAND IN FRONT OF A REAL PROSECUTOR AND A REAL JURY TO ANSWER REAL QUESTIONS UNDER OATH.  Think about it.  At least half of Congress would go down with them.  It is not going to happen—ever.

LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL.  Criminal cases must be rolled-up from the bottom by local law enforcement and constructed of sound evidence.  This does not happen because local jurisdictions, and even states, don’t have the money or resources to pursue cases of this enormous scale.  Our American citizen freedom requires re-prioritizing local government budgets away from Marxist cattle-slop (H/T Revolver News) with more for our legal citizen protection.  What we are discussing here, is just one reason ANTIFA, BLM, and other Marxist/Fascist/Globalist funded groups want local law enforcement de-funded.  It makes TAKING BACK AMERICA and MAGA impossible.

Across the ‡3,100 counties and parishes in America; County District Attorneys MUST investigate, indict, and if warranted by evidence, prosecute our corrupt elected U.S. Senate and House Members.  There are a lot of them—some we like and foolishly admire.  If General Flynn, in 2017 could be unfairly and politically indicted for nonsense in a United States District Court for the District of Columbia: THEN WHY can’t elected representatives from the various states committing felonies in Washington DC be indicted and prosecuted in their home counties by a County DA; or at the state level by a State Attorney General?

Every form of fraud, including election fraud, must be prosecuted in criminal court.  Unfortunately, most, if not all, these cases will qualify as racketeering under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.  These are tough, expensive cases taking a long time to investigate and prove.  This means we the people MUST DEMAND—LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT and our ELECTED DISTRICT ATTORNEYS and STATE ATTORNEY GENERALS begin investigations NOW. As citizens, we MUST adjust city, county, and state budgets to enforce our Rule of Law, or we lose it along with our freedom.

We take back our country by taking back our counties.  First – counties.  Then – states.  Finally – national government.  Then we make our entire world great again.  I do  not believe there is any other way.  Asking DC parasites to indict themselves is a fool’s errand.  Taking back American self-governance starts in our cities, counties, and states.  Just sayin.’

04-21-2023: Human Mind-Body Versus AI


Are covert weaponization of AI, nanotechnology, and the Cult of Transhumanism a threat?

I raise the above question because all three of these covert activities are related and paid for directly or indirectly by U.S. taxpayers through DARPA, the CIA’s IQT (formerly In-Q-Tel), and other funding mechanisms.  In other words, U.S. taxpayers are funding their own digital enslavement.  Perhaps we should know this—and STOP IT NOW.  Federal Agencies are being increasingly weaponized against the citizens they were created to protect and serve.  Self-government requires citizen involvement, and we are the citizens.  No one is coming to rescue us; we are who we are waiting for.

The scope of human behavior controls implemented by the above electromagnetic and chemical means in concert with captured G20 government agencies is staggering.  Such a worldwide reach requires entire books to even begin educating ourselves about this Luciferian global syndicate agenda.  If still in the dark, I’ve written an educational primer[1] on the worldwide Study Group System used to propagandize and promote this metastasizing AI mind-control gulag.  For now, we’ll limit considerations to a brief comparison of biology and artificial intelligence.

Clarification: As our latest pedophile defending U.S. Supreme Circus hack testified, “I am not a biologist.”  Neither am I, not to mention I am also not a tech guy, so there’s that.  I can, however, read English and still have a modicum of comprehension.  On that basis, my biased comparison follows.

Let’s consider human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) for a bit.  We have come a long genetic way since Friedrich Miescher back in the 1860’s; followed by scientists Erwin Chargaff, Phoebus Levene, and finally Francis Crick, James Watson (1950’s), and others.  Today, given the ongoing bioterror attack on Earth’s population via synthetically toxic mRNA COVID JABS, so popular with G20 government order followers as well as thousands of malfeasant medical professionals, discussing DNA and AI together seems appropriate.

Lots of biology coming up, so will seem a digression, but it’s not—a point of comparison will be made.

The human body consists of ±3.7±0.8×1013 cells (30-40 trillion), though estimates vary as cells are hard to count, and more frustratingly, they are regularly dying and being replaced.  Estimates range as high as ±100 trillion cells in our bodies.  I do not know, and my low boredom threshold precludes counting, so let’s agree there’s a lot of cells in each of us.  Large cells are about the width of a human hair, while small cells run about 1/10th the diameter of a human hair.  There are more than two hundred types of human cells performing exponential numbers of functions simultaneously 365/24/7.  No super or quantum computer approaches this level of functional capability and human bodies don’t require electrical outlets. Just sayin’.

Most human cells have a nucleus in which DNA is bundled.  Other cells, like red blood cells, or cornified cells in hair, nails, and skin do not have a nucleus.  As we know, DNA contains genetic information encapsulating the basic blueprint of who and what we are.  We now better understand from quantum physics, epigenetics, and other areas of study—our genetic blueprint does not comprise an irrevocably, unchangeable contract with God.  Quite the contrary.  Human beings are designed via intelligent creation to share in creation through expression of our free will working in concert with Divine grace, i.e., God’s blessings.

For more on manifesting good stuff in our lives, including physical healing, please check out a few of my favs:  Two Essays on Analytical Psychology by C.G. Jung (1953 from Jung’s Collected Works): Beyond Visualization by Viki King (1992); The Making of Intelligence by Ken Richardson (2000); The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto (2001); The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by D. Church (2014); You Are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza (2014); and Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances (2020).

Getting back to it, there is an unimaginable amount of DNA stuffed into every human cell nucleus.  You may recall from high school biology; each half of a spiral DNA zipper-like structure is composed of corresponding nucleic acids called base pairs.  Each cell nucleus has about 3 billion base pairs.  Long chains of nucleic acid pairs make up our genesand now the fun begins.

Per Dr. Joe Dispenza[2], the DNA from just a single cell nucleus, stretched from end to end is ±6 feet long.  All this DNA material is bundled in the nucleus which is smaller than the cell, often about 10% of cell volume.  All the DNA within our human body, stretched end to end would extend from Earth to the Sun and back ±150 times.  Picture that, then realize if we collected all the DNA from the ±7-8 billion people on Earth, it could be scrunched into a single grain of rice.  That is an amazing amount of information packed into such a tiny volume.  Compare this grain of rice to the spectacular size of supercomputing farms needed just for AI surveillance and tracking.  Supercomputers are not impressive when compared to created life.

Anyway, DNA material as well as the entire human body are electromagnetically responsive, resonating with surrounding energy frequencies of plants, animals, and other objects. Resonant frequencies are life enhancing.  Non-resonant frequencies cause interference and can be debilitating.  Incidentally, Dr. Masaru Emoto[3] explains: “Humans are the only creatures that have the capacity to resonate with all other creatures and objects found in nature.  We can speak with all that exists in the universe.  We can give out energy and also receive energy in return.”  Not sure how DNA interconnects, but is this resonance thing not amazing?

We will mercifully not delve into the logistics of protein production here, but please realize protein manufacture is controlled by DNA and proteins are used to make antibodies and hormones, to be stored as fat, build muscle, and are burned for energy.  Proteins are a big deal, which is why COVID bioweapon JABS teach our bodies to produce harmful proteins—for whatever reasons we might imagine—all of them bad. Here is a link to just one 2022 study. https://www.cell.com/trends/molecular-medicine/fulltext/S1471-4914(22)00189-7

The Human Genome Project (1990-2003), continued as the Human Epigenome Project since 2003 , found approximately 100,000 different proteins plus another 40,000 regulatory proteins needed to make other proteins—all produced by only 23,688 genes[4].  In other words, our genetic expression is variable, fluctuating on a moment-to-moment basis controlled in part by the linking of our thoughts (mind) to our bodies (emotion) in a coordinated mind-body connection.  Typically, we activate about 1.5% of our DNA, while the remaining 98.5% is dormant, or at least appears dormant.  Ken Richardson[5] tells us 90% of our genes are activated by environmental signals, but this does not suggest thought and emotion play an insignificant role in genetic expression.  Our thoughts and emotions intersect with our environment, so it all fits nicely.

Earnest Rossi, Ph.D., writes in The Psychobiology of Gene Expression: “Our subjective states of mind, consciously motivated behavior, and our perception of free will, can modulate gene expression to optimize health.”  Such a change of gene expression occurring over the span of minutes can be passed on to future generations.

Dawson Church, Ph.D., writes in The Genie in Your Genes; “The tools of our consciousness—including our beliefs, prayers, thoughts, intentions, and faith—often correlate more strongly with our health, longevity, and happiness than our genes do.”

I bring all this bio-stuff up because it relates directly to the complexity of human brain-body functionality, and how our natural biological systems governed by Natural Law compare to the machines Transhumanists are bragging on.

Per Dr. Dispenza[6], our brain, about 75% water, is comprised of about 100 billion nerve cells called neurons seamlessly suspended in our brain’s aqueous environment.  Each nerve cell makes from 1,000 to 100,000 connections with other cells depending where in the brain the nerve cell resides.  Each tiny neuron functions like a bio-computer with more than 60 megabytes of RAM.  Each of our ±100 billion neurons can process hundreds of thousands of functions per second, and as we learn new things via experience, our neurons make new connections while exchanging electrochemical information with each other.

I don’t want to go on further with the bio-functions but would like the reader to understand that as we think a new thought, we change; we automatically evolve neurologically, chemically, and genetically.  Genes, both activated or latent, are turned on or off immediately as thoughts occur and as emotions are felt.  In other words, again paraphrasing Dr. Dispenza, our natural spirit-mind-body neural network is creating its own software, embedding that software into the hardware—then every time the software is used, it reinforces the hardware.

The complexity of the human bio-system and its ability to consciously and subconsciously interact with the spiritual unconscious, i.e., the created intelligence within all energy and matter, as well as with the physical world around us cannot be duplicated by a machine.  Not even close.  Not even imaginable.  Artificial intelligence superseding human potential is not possible; is a lie; and the only question is, WHY THE LIE?

In other words, artificial intelligence is not as smart as techno-psychopaths suggest.  The spiritually based subconsciousness of the human mind-body biosystem with its direct connection to the universal unconscious, i.e., what C.G. Jung called the “collective unconscious” along with conscious awareness and thought, makes the creative power of supercomputer farms a joke.  That is why transhumanist order followers work to integrate machine-mind interface nanotechnology. Man-made machines, easily disabled by rust, electric grid failures, sun activity, and so forth NEED the human brain to achieve real power.

Computers do not think.  Computers calculate as programmed, usually through algorithms, basically math equations or word cues—and do so wonderfully, almost magically it seems.  Algorithms are mathematical equations, i.e., lists of instructions used for performing computations, searching data, data processing, running automated systems, etc.  Algorithms or routines comprised of several algorithms are programmed with a set of instructions leading to a decision-making process or some other task.  Output is expressed as data or completion of a task.

Two common examples of functional algorithms are:
1. A “search query” as input run through a set of instructions to search a database for items relevant to the input query.

2. “Automation software”, usually comprised of many algorithms working together via a programmed set of rules or instructions to complete a task or tasks.

Distinct types of algorithms serve different purposes.  Without going into it, the most important types are:  1. Brute Force  2. Recursive   3. Randomized   4. Sorting   5. Searching   6. Hashing.

Machines can be programmed to learn things.  Supervised machine learning, for example, combines complex algorithms with data sets and defined variables to search for correlations and patterns.  Both the input and output are algorithmically specified by the programmer.  Unsupervised machine learning, on the other hand, searches unlabeled data to identify patterns useful for correlating and grouping data into subsets.  As I understand it, so-called deep learning, usually associated with artificial neural networks, is a specific type of unsupervised machine learning designed to simulate human brain function via layers of nodes simulating networked biological neuron activity.

So-called Artificial Intelligence relies entirely on algorithms and is limited by the finite knowledge base available to and expressed through its programming language.  It does not matter whether the initial algorithms used are programmed by the developer or revised and expanded by the machine.  An AI system is foundationally based on and limited by programmer knowledge and skill level, along with inherent, inescapable bias and/or prejudice of the developer.  The machine and its systems have no spiritual essence, hence no connection or access to the universal unconscious, i.e., intelligent creation.  Lacking human essence created by God, the machine cannot access the creative unknown for ideas, nor can it make moral or ethical judgements.  A machine has no value system other than that programmed via the biases of the developers who built it.

Humans think using words or other symbols.  Both writing and speech are nuanced by context, linguistic sentiment, and emotional expression.  Machines learn using numbers, so word and punctuation cues for example, must be converted to numbers for the machine to compute the contextual sense of written or spoken words and sentences.  Machines don’t know what context or sentiment are, or how emotion is meaningfully incorporated into context.

The machine often uses labeled data and what programmers refer to as pre-trained language models, breaking sentences down into word embeddings.  For example, a phrase or sentence in a social media post might be labeled humorous, angry, sarcastic, or whatever using weighted cues, which can be tested against other phrases, sentences, and so forth for more clarity.  To the extent I understand it, embedding converts the machine’s programmed real-world observations into numerical vectors it then attempts to interpret.  The machine can only simulate reality and understanding, mimicking unconscious perceptions and conscious thought as best it can under the duress of programming bias and skill limitations.  This remains true even as the machine algorithmically adapts.

One obvious danger and reason for WHY THE LIE mentioned earlier is the malevolent attempt to control human outcomes using a conscienceless machine incapable of true understanding, moral considerations, judgement, compassion, generosity, or other cultural/societal imperatives necessary to intelligent human life.  Replacing human decision making with simulated thinking is a bad idea likely to run amok even with the best of intentions—and I do not believe Elite intentions of dynastic families funding this pathologic technology are positive, though they nor their order followers likely realize it.  Pawns of Privilege running loose in World Economic Forum circles beneath the hidden global syndicate hand openly brag about using technology to herd human Main Street livestock into digitally controlled, stack-and-pack slave paddocks – at least those not yet deemed excess population, and democided.

For more than a century, delusional One World Government obsessed, so-called intellectuals have been openly writing about mass population control; indoctrinating rogue elements within corrupt multinational monopolies, who in turn, work with co-opted government agencies, i.e., Fascism married to Marxism—thereby synthesizing Globalism, a nice term for worldwide slavery.

I do not believe artificial intelligence is intended by its delusional financial sponsors, i.e., global Elites, to benefit humanity or any other life on Earth.  Unseen puppet masters intend AI to enslave humanity, control humanity, and finally—not just destroy humanity, BUT destroy all created life on Earth…and I suppose beyond, if any.  I allege the intent of Satanic influence is to mimic intelligent created energy electromagnetically for the sole purpose of destroying God’s creation.  Such hateful intent is pure evil and MUST be stopped by decent people, most likely Christians, hence today’s growing contempt and disparagement of Christianity.

The remote-controlled nanotechnology embedded in toxic JABS, aerosol spraying, shedding, food, water, other medicines, and whatever else, are our rude introduction to TRANSHUMAN SLAVERY and inevitable OMNICIDE—UNLESS WE STAND UP AND SAY NO THANK YOU.

The Cult of Transhumanism is evil personified—or more accurately, de-personified.  So-called Artificial Intelligence could serve a usefully constructive purpose, BUT only if developed transparently, under supervision of responsible adults.  Permitting the mostly covert weaponization of transhuman technologies, including AI by egomaniacal psychopaths with multinational, above the law privileges bestowed by global syndicate controllers; all enforced by a corrupt, order following Ruling Class cannot have a happy ending.

Cicero, in his The Republic[7], written just before the collapse of the Roman Republic has Scipio state: “Well then, a republic is the property of the public.  But a public is not every kind of gathering, congregating in any manner, but a numerous gathering brought together by legal consent and community of interest.”

It is time for Main Street American citizens to TAKE BACK OWNERSHIP OF OUR REPUBLIC, then resolutely say NO THANK YOU to the demonic perversion of Transhumanism.  We join the battle against evil or die beneath its bloated desecration of decency, human life, and the goodness of all God’s creation.

[1] Bruce J. Kolinski, Beyond All Isms (Grit Company Unlimited, 2022).

[2] Dr Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter, Reprint edition (Carlsbad, California: Hay House Inc., 2015), 81.

[3] Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto, n.d., 51.

[4] Dispenza, You Are the Placebo, 84.

[5] Ken Richardson, The Making of Intelligence, 1st edition (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 50.

[6] Dispenza, You Are the Placebo, 56.

[7] Cicero, The Republic and The Laws, ed. Jonathan Powell, trans. Niall Rudd, Reissue edition (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), 19.

02-21-2023: Take Back Our Power From Corrupt Government

AMERICA FIRST STRATEGY Considerations:  Article #3 – Arizona Self Governance

SELF-GOVERNANCE requires citizen awareness, discernment, and active participation.
FREEDOM requires self-governance.  Human beings have found no other way to freely cohabitate.


Big Government Complicity results in abuse and subjugation of Main Street citizens, i.e., slavery.

Psychopaths, socially deviant or not, and treasonous order-followers parasitically nest as Ruling Class Thugs within big government systems where layers of bureaucracy defy accounting compliance, effective oversight of any kind, rule of law, and fiduciary responsibility to citizens whose confiscated wealth pays the bills, and whose blood feeds designer wars orchestrated by the dynastic family owners of the Ruling Class Thugs.  History shows NO EXCEPTIONS.

The United States of America began less than 250 years ago as a manageable, limited government system with Constitutional restraints hand-cuffing rogue elements in government from abusing and subjugating citizens.  2023 America has left Constitutional checks and balances in tatters, bloating Washington D.C. into a monster of corruption; a multi-headed Leviathan gnawing on our Bill of Rights, with most, if not all Federal agencies weaponized against we the people.  If we don’t stand up and fix this mess, if we fail to support and increase the courageous Congressional numbers of the so-called Twenty within the GOP Freedom Caucus, our kids and grandchildren will grow up as emaciated cyborg serfs living on ground up bugs, trying to breathe poisoned air, in concrete stack and pack smart gulag cities enclosed within full spectrum dominant electromagnetic boundaries.

So what do we do? Where do we begin? The answer is local, local, local, that is, from the bottom up.

There are ±330 million of us in the U.S.  Of those, roughly 100 million are lost to globalist indoctrination.  Approximately 100 million are awakening to the need for spiritual discernment, courage, and the will to resist brutal Fifth Generation Warfare being unconditionally waged against Main Street values, judgement, and freedom.  In the middle are roughly another 100 million or so who don’t know there’s a problem; or they do but have no idea how to effectively address it.  It is our Christian responsibility as spiritually awakening citizens, all ±100 million of us to protect all citizens including the lost and comatose. Salvation of the entire world, for reasons I don’t quite understand, hangs on America’s winning our battle against order-following globalist proponents of the Satanically inspired New World Order.

If we ±100 million awakening citizens unite in Christ’s name; if we effectively network together in prayer as well as action, we organically form a massive army for good, protected by the Armor of God, countering the chaotic evil surrounding us.  The world has never seen an army this large.  We have the numbers, the loving attitude, and the discernment to say NO THANK YOU to conveniences entrapping us in a globalist mind-control gulag.  We just need to organize ourselves, putting our numbers to work.  This can be done in small ways—each within our towns, cities, counties, and states.

Since we have the numbers, we don’t have to dedicate our entire lives, sacrificing everything to save our country and the world.  We MUST, however, each do something.  To get started, here’s a few action item suggestions.  We can each personalize our own short list per our individual interests, available time, training, and skill sets.

Since I reside in Coolidge, Arizona (Pinal County) I’ll start with just one suggestion:

▪ Follow what’s happening with active Arizona House and Senate legislation.
  Here’s a link to the AZ Legislature website’s “Introduced Bills” page.

  If you haven’t used this web page before, as I haven’t in the past, here’s what I’ve learned so far.  Hopefully, you’re a more skilled searcher than I am and know better ways to search bills—but this has been working for me.
     •Go to the Introduced Bills webpage using the above link.
     •Go to the Menu heading for House Bills or Senate Bills.  Click on the one you’re interested in.
     •In either case you’ll see a column with rows identifying a range of Bill Numbers.

             Let’s say you want to check on House Bill HB 2552 regarding voting; elections; tally; prohibition.  Click on the row showing the range of bills from 2551 to 2600.
              Then click on Bill 2552 in the column that comes up.
     •When HB 2552 comes up, you’ll see a summary page.  To see the text of the bill, click on the Menu Item “DOCUMENTS”.  This will bring up a page displaying related PDF documents to choose from.
     •If you would like to read the Introduced Version of HB 2552, click on the PDF blue icon on the right.  This will bring up the full text of the document.

▪ Contact your Arizona House or Senate Member to let them know where you stand on bills in question.  We should be sharing our opinions with representative regularly.  I know this, because I’m the guy irritated for decades because my representatives never did what I wanted—BUT how could they?  I never reached out to them with my agreement or concerns.

Following AZ legislation and commenting to our representatives is just one thing we can do as responsible citizens of Pinal County, Arizona to take our State back from the Establishment goons who attacked our election integrity and freedom to choose on November 8, 2022.  First we take back Arizona; then the United States of America; then the world. Just sayin’.

02-13-2023: Does America Have Electile Dysfunction ?

AMERICA FIRST STRATEGY Considerations:  Article #2 – Election Fraud

Do we know who we voted for in 2016?  2018?  2020?  2022?  Do we really know?

ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION (Hat Tip to Captain Seth Keshel) has been a mainstay of elections since modern day elections were invented, at least in Europe and North America during the 17th century as I understand it.  Ancient Athens and Rome as two examples employed elections much earlier, but today’s version of representative government slowly emerged in the 17th century—as I imagine, did modern day election fraud, since people are people and people like to win, especially psychopaths and their order following minions.

Current U.S. election whining began in 2000 when Gore supposedly lost to Bush II and Democrat AINOs screamed bloody murder about stolen elections.  Democrat AINOs were of course, media-vaunted freedom fighters.  We learned from bus-loads of expensive litigators about punch card voting problems, dimpled chads, pregnant chads, and hanging chads, all of which were counted and re-counted for days on end by anyone lacking a boredom threshold.  Orchestrated citizen frustration was amped up by wanna be corrupt politicos and Mockingbird Media to the point Congress passed 2002’s Help America Vote Act which as planned (my opinion), catapulted American elections from pathetic amateur election fraud levels to dreamed of professional electronic fraud—an impossibility to visibly secure.

Various types of optical scanning machines and other technologies were introduced in the sixties and seventies, but at that time the idea of audit trails and vote verification were considerations that had to be done away with for power mongers to benefit.  Amateur election fraud retains the inconvenience of audit trails and simply counting votes.  Professional grade election fraud demands votes be CALCULATED, not counted, and never audited.  Professional grade was brought about by direct-recording electronic voting machines.  Voila!  No audit trail what-so-ever!  Elite life is good and the people of Main Street are screwed.  Representative government is now criminalized to a more acceptably obscene level for perpetuation of our U.S. Administrative Dictatorship.  The old mechanical direct-recording machines were pretty good BUT could be taken apart and examined so had to be thrown out.  Invisible electronics now rule the election roost.

Leapfrog forward to 2016 with invisible electronic vote calculating firmly in place across the United States.  That took some serious under the table logistics and only traitors know how much money had to be paid out, but order-following won out in the end.  Vote counting was no longer a thing, and the invisibility concept was copacetic with voters, uninformed voters anyway, when out of the blue, Democrat AINO freedom fighters started screaming bloody murder about career criminal Hillary Clinton being cheated by Trump’s unimaginable alleged skullduggery.  It was probable cause challenged Russia, Russia, Russia treason, an expensive DNC fake dossier, FBI slugs, corrupted legacy media, and the whole globalist team working full time yet—Trump won.  Poor Hillary was so shocked by her guaranteed selection derailment she apparently didn’t prepare a concession speech.

Jump to 2020 and we watch a hair-sniffing imbecile and political prostitute hide from the campaign trail for month after month only to supposedly win more votes than Communist Barack Hussein Obama supposedly won when he was selected in 2008.  Now after two decades of Democrat AINO complaints, hard-working MAGA Republicans raise their heads out of the media goop, wondering how Trump with tens of thousands attending rallies across the country for months on end was beaten by a Delaware criminal who could not fill a high school gym on his best day.  These disgruntled America First voters, however, were immediately demonized as media-vaunted domestic terroristsOh, the horror of it!  Bring on the corrupt FBI Stasi.

Now, after two frustrating years of media ridiculed, election denier conspiracy, alleged insurrection by a ridiculous unarmed take-over of American government on January 6, 2021, and corrupted courts not acknowledging mountains of electronic “packet captured” meta data, photographic, video, and statistical evidence along with ignoring thousands of witness affidavits given under oath—World War III has begun.  Earth, now beaten down and embroiled by Fifth Generation Unrestricted Warfare, cowers on the brink of kinetic war.  Worse, given the integrity challenged nature of psychopathic G20 leadership malfeasance under the demented auspices of World Economic Forum urging, possibly nuclear war.

Question:  The WW I orchestrated trigger occurred in Bosnia amidst Balkan instability related to Austro-Hungarian oppression in Bosnia, Serbia, and Herzegovina.  The WW II orchestrated trigger was pulled when Germany invaded Poland, amidst discord involving France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, and Russia.  Today’s Ukraine completes a geostrategic triangle central to Mackinder’s concept for controlling the entire Eurasian Heartland.  My question is:  IS THE UKRANIAN CONFLCIT AN ACCIDENT OF HISTORY?  It does not appear to be. In any case, stopping the demented carnage or living through the pending WW III carnage is a choice brought about by political agency and elections.  ELECTIONS MATTER!  Main Street human beings are not obligated to become victims by choice.  Choice on the other hand requires freedom to choose—and again, we’re back to open, free, and honest elections.

How can American citizens secure their elections?  Are secure elections even a possibility?

For those not aware, a brief overview of how the vote tabulation system is corrupted:

Regardless of differing laws for handling EARLY VOTING and/or MAIL-IN BALLOTS in different jurisdictions, laws are ignored, and mail-in ballots are used to determine early voting trends.  Since electronic tabulation machines are programmed TO CALCULATE VOTES, rather than COUNT VOTES; the algorithms are calibrated per early trends in favor of selected parasitic candidates and ballot initiatives.  The longer EARLY VOTING IS PROLONGED, the easier it is to fine tune what are to become PREDETERMINED BALLOT CALCULATED OUTCOMES.  This knowingly corrupt, intentional process is augmented by jimmied voter rolls, ballot harvesting, fake ballots, etc.  Any group controlling vote tabulation logistics can produce any outcome they wish for any election.  So-called signature verification is so unreliably foolish, it doesn’t bear consideration as a security measure.

NOTE:  There are many ways for electronic voting tabulators to fraudulently function.  Votes can be switched, re-switched, not counted, counted more than once, etc.  Ballots can easily be printed out of scale, damaged, or misread, then placed into manual adjudication for non-transparent fraudulent counting by corrupt order followers.  Another method is simply weighting the count.  For example, a Republican or Democrat candidate vote can be calculated by tabulators as 0.80 votes.  An opposing candidate vote can be calculated as 1.20 votes.  Total ballots cast will equal total votes calculated within an acceptable margin of error and the selected candidate wins the count with zero transparency and no ability to reliably audit results.  This is how election results show impossible vote totals with partial votes like 10,687.3 or 103, 956.8, etc.  What person cast the 0.3 or 0.8 vote?  Wireless or physical internet connection to tabulators adds the capability for remotely adjusting calculation algorithms while confounding audit trails.  This can be done from outside the U.S. as we saw in Germany, Portugal, Italy and other locals in 2020 via online metadata packet-capture courts refused to look at.

Here’s one way ELECTION FRAUD works:

1. Early voting enables setting up programed algorithms for tabulated calculation instead of simple vote counting.

2. Programmed tabulators begin calculating final votes on voting day—or sometimes, for weeks afterward.  If unanticipated voting day trends upset predetermined outcomes, vote tabulation is stopped as in 2020 so algorithms can be adjusted, then fraudulent calculation resumes.

3. Extended so-called COUNTING is continued beyond ELECTION DAY so the final tabulation calculations can be supported by adding or removing ballots, real or fake.  Longer so-called COUNTING periods simply enable the number of real or fake ballots to be more conveniently adjusted so the final vote calculations appear balanced within acceptable limits.

Suggestions for ENDING ARIZONA ( and U.S.) ELECTION FRAUD:

1. Voter identification required.

2. No mail-in ballots.

3. No early voting or late voting.

4. No electronic vote tabulating machines.

5. Ear-marked or otherwise officially demarcated verifiable PAPER BALLOTS, printed by audited certified printers, protected by a transparently verifiable chain of custody provided by all political parties involved.

6. All ballots are HAND COUNTED under transparent observation by observers appointed by all political parties involved.  Each party appoints a minimum of three observers.

7. Voting is on ELECTION DAY.  Make ELECTION DAY AN ARIZONA HOLIDAY, or better, the U.S. establishes a NATIONAL VOTING HOLIDAY.

8.  Precincts MUST be made small enough for all VOTE COUNTING to be completed and results known within at most,  5 hours of designated poll closing.

The GOOD NEWS IS, these eight points will make a good start toward circumventing criminal election behavior.  If we can accomplish this election clean-up, then we can investigate and prosecute WHO DONE IT criminals.

The BAD NEWS IS, sufficient numbers of Main Street voters MUST get their hands dirty as political volunteers, poll observers, Precinct Committee Persons, social media warriors, etc., in order to establish fair and open elections.  Winning honest elections by COUNTED numbers is likely the only chance America has to avoid a 2nd Civil War, a disaster we MUST work hard to avoid.

02-02-2023: 1913 — 17TH AMENDMENT: Loss of State’s Voice in Federal Legislation

AMERICA FIRST STRATEGY Considerations:  Article #1 – Introduction

We cannot have full self-governance with the 17th Amendment in place.  From a strategic perspective we also cannot tackle it now.  We need a 5-Year plan.  I propose starting today with properly securing elections as Phase I.  We end the 5-Year Plan in 2027-28, hopefully with President Trump in office, by repealing the 17th Amendment; thereby returning the voice of State’s Rights to the Federal legislative process.  We MUST work together figuring out and implementing intermediate plan Phases leading us to our 5-Year Final Plan Phase.

Note:  Stopping election fraud NOW is a necessary first step toward getting AMERICA FIRST candidates elected generally and Donald J. Trump as President specifically.

This is my first article in a series related to working with people to develop a grass roots, deplorable organizational plan to SAVE AMERICAN FREEDOM, which for me, means beginning in Pinal County, Arizona; then 14 remaining Arizona counties; then the State of Arizona; then the country.  Our “ground-up” grass roots plan structure can be similar in all 50 states with revisions as appropriate.  So here we go!

Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states:
“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, [chosen by the Legislature thereof,] for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.”

The prescient language above established not just a significant check and balance for State’s Rights in the Federal legislative process; but an absolutely critical check and balance.  The loss to American citizens by revising this original Article 1, Section 3 language is incalculable—as intended within the overall 1913 coup.

Quick slice of American history:  The 1913 coup.
▪The 16th Amendment establishing an obscenity called the INCOME TAX, was ratified on February 3, 1913.  Some legal scholars insist this Amendment was never properly ratified by ¾ of the 48 States at the time.  We’ll not deal with this allegation here.  Note that a “heavy or graduated income tax” is the 2nd Plank in Marx & Engels’ Communist Manifesto of 1848.

▪The 17th Amendment subjecting U.S. Senators to the same mud-slinging popular vote (easy-peasy electoral corruption) as U.S. House Members was ratified April 8, 1913.  Again, some legal scholars insist this Amendment was not properly ratified and additionally violates States Rights under Article 5.  Note that, Alabama, Florida, Georgia , Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia did not ratify this Amendment.  Article 5 states: “…and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”   The 17th Amendment (in my non-lawyer view) does deprive States of equal Suffrage—but again, this argument is not in my wheelhouse.

▪The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by globalist President, Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913.  This act created America’s central banking system.  Note that a national bank monopoly centralizing and controlling credit is the 5th Plank in Marx & Engels’ Communist Manifesto.

From 1913 to 2023, America has been taken over by the marriage of dynastic family power, i.e., a global syndicate, along with obedient minions within organized crime and Shadow Government intelligence services engaging in surveillance, blackmail, and extortion.  Order following, Ruling Class Thugs, elected, and appointed conduct the legislative and administrative wealth confiscation, money laundering, regulatory subterfuge, and other dirty work.  This entire administrative (deep) state network is bound together through the international nexus of powerful banking interests—and has since 1850 or so, successfully perpetrated an incremental coup d’état, thereby taking operational control of the United States government to raid created wealth of productive Main Street wealth creators.  Making matters worse, most state and local governments are also corrupted by this same international network via, captured legacy media attack or support, captured multinational corporate monopolies, and always the so-called money trust.

Hard working American citizens have their wealth confiscated with government sanctioned impunity by Ruling Class order followers representing, not American citizens, but global elite families and their privileged multinational minions.  It doesn’t matter if elected and appointed officials know what they’re doing or not—the resulting harm to Main Street is the same.  The 17th Amendment cleverly and unabashedly rendered this unconstitutional theft, this pirating of hard-earned citizen wealth all but impossible to stop.

The day (April 8, 1913) U.S. Senators were no longer held responsible to their elected State legislatures, and could not be appropriately replaced for poor performance, they became subject to the vagaries of the world’s most powerful families and their minions, i.e., the global syndicate, cartel, or whatever we choose to call this psychopathic cartel pre-selecting only globalist candidates for Main Street voters to choose from.

How do we deal with our corrupted, once representative republic?  Can we handle taking on a Constitutional Amendment process today—and win?  NO, I do not believe so.  Prussian, now Marxist infiltration into America’s educational system since 1780 at Yale, 1781 at Harvard, then on and on and on has dumbed us down and left us unprepared to defend ourselves.  For that reason along with the nearly unimaginable magnitude of Washington D.C. corruption, sedition, and treason—we need a phased, citizen self-defense plan eventually leading to repeal of the 17th Amendment.  We cannot undertake this task now.  The root of our problematic circumstance is not alone here in America anyway; it is international in scope led by denizens of other power centers like City of London, the Vatican, Zurich, Frankfurt, Singapore, etc.

Constitutional Amendments are not easy to pass or repeal.  Entering the constitutional process for either is dangerous when financial, legal, and political power are not equally distributed among the haves and have-nots as America is today.  17A must be repealed for the United States to fully regain self-government BUT not today.  Today, we will lose this battle and could lose more constitutionally recognized rights as well.

Sadly, the U.S. Senate has been, since 1913, metastasized into one of the most corrupt groups of privileged lifetime actors on earth.  Unfortunately, we the people have been cheated by our education system, lied to by Mockingbird Media, abandoned and abused by elected and appointed officials, attacked by regulatory agencies, lost our judicial protections, taken advantage of by woke military leadership—so stand alone on Main Street.  We are who we have been waiting for to save us.  There is no one else.  Leaders come and go.  Leaders can be influenced, coerced, and turned against their own people.  Belief in our Creator, faith, generosity, integrity, and morality provide foundational principles upon which beneficial policy is constructed.  Such principles are universal, eternal, and indestructible.  With our principles and understanding to guide us, we are no longer dependent on leaders for answers, or even decisions.

We the people of Main Street MUST develop a sound strategy leading up to repeal of the 17th Amendment.  Given we have lost fair and open electoral control of our cities, counties, states, and Federal government, this is a sizable undertaking.  Concerned citizens MUST work together over the coming months and years to discuss and consider the most effective ways of mobilizing millions of patriotic Main Street Americans for effective action to throw off the shackles of this incremental coup.  This is not a Democrat/Republican, liberal/conservative battle.  This is American deplorables against the might of generationally entrenched wealth, power, and Satanic influence.  It is our SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION—this time against our own 21st century government tyranny.

If we fail — America will experience the tragedy of a 2nd Civil War.  We may anyway at this point, BUT with 330 million people, the destructive horror of such a conflagration will be unimaginable.  Better we unite against our true enemies—the psychopathic victims of Satanic influence abusing us and the rest of the world, all of whom must be freed.

Talking is not getting the job done.  We need action, but networked action must be organized and focused.  Shot-gunning many simultaneous solutions will fail, though they are needed.  My own analysis suggests ELECTION FRAUD must be Numero Uno on our priority activity list.  If we cannot fairly and openly elect our city, county, and state leadership—we cannot win in the corrupt  D.C. septic pit.  We MUST organize our carnival ducks in a row, discipline ourselves in tight networked organizations, then knock down our ducks, one at a time.  I appreciate and am requesting feedback from readers regarding election fraud as priority one.  Am I correct or missing something?

Over the coming weeks we can, if readers are interested, consider ways we might prioritize, organize, and accomplish our tasks.  In the meantime, something to think about is this.  The Democrat Party is lost to Marxist/Globalist totalitarianism, leaving us with the pathetic Republican Party, the Establishment portion of which rides with the Marxists as a functional UNIPARTY.  The corrupt RNC Establishment leadership renders the RNC AWOL for our self-governance purposes at both state and national levels.

Ostensibly, we need a large new national organization to say, roll the 80 million or so AMERICA FIRST MAGA voters into legislative battle formation.    However, if we have the money and will to do that—our single organization can easily be attacked and have its head cut off.  It may be safer to have hundreds, or thousands of small independent ad hoc America First organizations networked together across the country and territories through small neighborhood meetings, churches, clubs, social media, word-of-mouth, etc.  This diffuse structure would be almost impossible to effectively attack, though difficult to coordinate.  We already have many decent organizations we can join and work with to continue building a larger, more connected network of strong, willing, deplorable freedom warriors.

Once we build our 80-120 million citizen political network, guess what?  If it is too late?  If we already lost control of our government to the point it cannot or will not serve its own citizens; then sadly but fortunately we will have already built our 80-120 million citizen militia.  We don’t want to use this militia, MUST AVOID doing so, but can if we must.

ACTION!  ACTION!  ACTION!  We must blog, discuss, educate, meet, post on social media, and effectively organize ourselves to a better level of understanding, BUT it is time to roll up our sleeves, get our Main Street hands dirty, and carry our country back to legitimate self-government BY GETTING INVOLVED IN GOVERNMENTAL PROCESSES.  Our government at every level has abandoned us and MUST be fixed from the bottom up.

Washington D.C. is lost to Main Street America.  More than 90% of all monies borrowed or spent by our Federal government are not constitutionally authorized.  Tens of trillions of dollars are missing and unaccounted for.  D.C. can no longer be fixed from the top, down.  D.C. MUST be fixed from the ground, up.


SAVING AMERICAN FREEDOM requires developing our plan of action together beginning NOW—TODAY.  More to come from myself and many other deplorables more knowledgeable, wiser, and tougher than I am.

01-20-2023: Harmeet Dhillon or Mike Lindell For RNC Chair?

Bruce Kolinski, P.E. (Retired)

2 min ago

Mission success requires effective team management.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) regardless intent has specifically failed Republican voters since 2020 and has generally failed to stand for a secure U.S. electoral system.   Whatever success RNC leadership claims, RNC Chair, Ms. Ronna McDaniel and RNC Chief Counsel, Mr. Justin Riemer have weakly pandered to, and abjectly failed since November 2020 to aggressively fight for Republican voting rights or for overall election integrity. The entire country lives with corruption as a result.

How on Earth are we supposed to convincingly GET THE VOTE OUT, when tax paying “would be” voters KNOW their votes mean nothing when election fraud enabled by early voting, ballot harvesting, late voting, and machine voting will together with legislative and  judicial complicity disenfranchise their votes? It’s the count that elects, not the ballots.

The RNC has openly conducted itself as a professionally expensive pandering society helping bring about a totalitarian globalist future for American citizens.  Regardless intention, that is the result of their efforts.  Exposure, speeches, and obscenely racked up levels of RNC expenses do not add up to accountability for election integrity or for citizen friendly, operational government processes.  It is my humble opinion that RNC leadership MUST be changed and the entire RNC organization revamped for honest voter representation and America First effectiveness.

At present it appears Ms. Harmeet Dhillon and Mr. Michael Lindell are front runners for RNC chair in 2023.  Both are highly respected leaders in the Republican Party and are worthy of consideration.  For what it’s worth, my Sonoran Desert thoughts on this are as follows:

Good managers manage effectively and generally speaking; an individual successfully managing an auto factory, potato chip factory, pillow factory, or other endeavor will likely do well managing most anything—at least anything not requiring extensive technical or other special expertise.

♣Mike Lindell is a proven manager, proven fund raiser, and proven workaholic making energizer bunnies look lazy by comparison.  He donates his own time and spends tens of millions of his own hard earned dollars fighting diligently for election integrity and trying to educate eligible voters regarding same.  I know of no other person in America more deserving of a shot as RNC Chairman.

♣Harmeet Dhillon is an experienced, successful, nationally recognized attorney and proven warrior litigator.  Her skill set is impressive across a broad range of advocacy terrain, one aspect of which is “election law”.  I have no idea as to Ms. Dhillon’s managerial capability, but let’s assume it’s exceptional.

If Harmeet Dhillon becomes RNC Chairwoman, she will be handcuffed by routine travel along with managerial and fund raising tasks.  These are not small things in any realm, certainly not within the octagon of political in and out fighting.  With Ms. Dhillon as RNC Chairwoman, the Republican Party loses her skills as successful litigating warrior.  Is loss of Ms. Dhillon’s highest and best use a good choice?  Would Ms. Dhillon consider or accept a juicier role as RNC Chief Counsel? In the present felonious circumstance, Ms. Dhillon can spend weeks arguing before and coordinating arguments before District Courts and the Supreme Circus.

Mike Lindell is a proven manager and fund raiser.  This is his skill set—his highest and best use.  Mike is a fighter but not a litigator and the RNC desperately requires talented legal counsel to represent freedom as well as quality management. Can we have both?

I propose consideration of Harmeet Dhillon as our RNC warrior litigator (Chief Counsel) and Mike Lindell as RNC Chairman.  The America First RNC doesn’t just need a strong, aggressive leader; it also requires a strong warrior team to overcome the staggering globalist odds stacked against U.S. election integrity and freedom.

01-16-2023: One America First Strategy Consideration


For the first time in my 71-years as an American citizen, members of the U.S. House of Representatives stood together and said NO to the GLOBALIST LEVIATHAN.  Just a mere handful courageously forming a battle phalanx of twenty strong standing as the Spartans at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. against unimaginable international numbers of cowardly, lying, bought and paid for, seditious, and treasonous PAWNS OF PRIVILEGE.  David and Goliath.  A biblical standoff against Satanic influence, I suspect marking a major turning point in world history.  JANUARY 2023 ROCKS and we the people of God’s creation are just beginning to wake up—to the age-old fight against demonic authoritarianism.

Nothing like the MAGA AMERICA FIRST TWENTY has been witnessed in North America since the 1776 signing of America’s Declaration of Independence.  The spark of freedom heralded in January 2022 by brave Canadian and American truckers is bearing fruit.  If awakening American Main citizens hope to restore the American Founder’s Covenant with our Creator, thereby through God’s blessings, leading the entire world to freedom—one red shirt, one red cap, one small group, one city, one state, one nation, one continent at a time—THEN THE TWENTY MUST BE PROTECTED AGAINST GLOBALIST VIOLENCE, whether attacks are via informationfare, lawfare, mediafare, or other asymmetric means.

We the people MUST support the TWENTY’s efforts, helping them not just survive DC criminality, but to grow their battle phalanx, building its people power shield wall into an international alliance capable of bringing down the psychopathic global syndicate elite with their putrescent army of multinational corporate order followers, greedy lobbyist foot soldiers, indoctrinated Mockingbird media parrots, and cowardly treasonous political hacks buried layers deep in every level of academic, judicial, government, military, and corporate life.

The awakening of Main Street worldwide, certainly those of us in the United States, want and are working up to demanding justice for the miscreants steadily diminishing our Constitutionally recognized rights and stealing somewhere between $21 trillion and $86 trillion documented (Inspector General Audit Reports from 1998 to 2015) U.S. dollars out the corrupt back doors of Congress.  Our bicameral United States Congress is nothing more than a money laundering sieve for organized global crime networks and Satanic destruction of creation.  The global syndicate laughs while rubbing our Main Street noses in their filthy blackmail, extortion, pedophilia, sex slavery, drug and weapons trafficking, modern-day human slavery, organ harvesting, and designer wars by selecting a hair-sniffing, treasonous imbecile and a political whore to sully our White House, while our economy and lives are crushed into economic oblivion by order following elements in academia, banking, government, Hollywood, law enforcement, manufacturing, media, medicine, military, organized crime, shipping, transportation, etc.

Stopping this democidic omnicide requires supporting, protecting, and growing the numbers of our small group of TWENTY in their efforts to actually represent interests of American citizens against the metastasizing malevolent weaponization of government agencies against we the people.  Investigative committees such as a second Church and/or Pike style committee are proposed to shed light on facts, educate citizens, and help thwart the global syndicate’s slavering grab for full spectrum transhuman dominance over the American people.

The possibilities for investigation are endless—BUT—REALIZE every illegal, seditious, or treasonous activity to be investigated IS MADE POSSIBLE BY AND IS FUELED BY MONEY.  Widespread investigations can quickly waste resources, yielding little.  Integrity challenged $2,000/hour globalist litigators and corrupt or incompetent indoctrinated judges like Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson (my opinion) will use circular reflexive law arguments to reject hearing any legitimate case their handlers don’t want heard.  Corrupt SPECIAL PROSECUTORS will be appointed by the Biden Freak Show to wall-off communications, documents, information, and testimony from any serious investigation by Congressional committees, State Attorneys General, or private  lawsuits.

I’m not a lawyer and have no idea how this unconstitutional legal impasse can or will be jousted with.  Clearly, if Congressional investigations are limited to the toothless Trey Gowdy standards like the masturbatory frenzy of Benghazi wherein corrupt, even treasonous behavior by public officials, weapons traffickers, and others were available open source by early 2012—well, the whole effort would be pointless, wouldn’t it?  BUT what about:


Like the 1931 Al Capone mob case wherein Capone, heir to Johnny Torrio was found guilty of tax evasion, money can be followed by accounting audit trails.  Granted, DC doesn’t have any real accountability for anything, certainly not foreign aid, military expenditures, or for other Congressional and Executive money laundering business of the day.  This is even more true since 2018’s FASAB Standard 56 took government accounting transparency, such as it was, completely dark for so-called National Security reasons.  Here’s a link to FASAB 56:    http://files.fasab.gov/pdffiles/handbook_sffas_56.pdf

None the less, serious investigators, when subpoenas are enforceable, can attempt to audit bank transactions across the globe linking global syndicate order followers together within their international web of illegal, sometimes treasonous activity.  Perhaps the joke of our abused Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) can be used for some of the network tracking.  Global syndicate order followers are so historically protected and isolated from PUBLIC      scrutiny, they only operate offensively, thereby becoming the EDUCATED STUPID—possessing No Defensive Capability at all.  These sloppy psychopathic deviants can be tracked, and corrupt judges can be worked around by talented investigators armed with serviceable subpoenas.

The TWENTY may be able to better enforce subpoenas internationally by withholding funds to uncooperative nations.  Recall how hair-sniffing punk, Joe Biden leveraged Ukraine investigation of his crime family and the Obama Administration in 2016 by abusing American good faith and credit.

The TWENTY, if successful, and with our America First support, have an opportunity to head off the slowly developing 2nd American Civil War we sense approaching like a roiling black storm cloud—if we fail to stand up, working together to change America’s present course.  Dumping Row v. Wade was a step toward renewal of God’s blessings.  Let’s not waste this opportunity.  Let’s work together to capitalize on it by strategizing how we as the little people of Main Street can be of service to our freedom as well as freedom for the entire world.

There is a crack in the New World Order armor.  Let’s widen that crack and dump the DAVOS CROWD into the trash heap of history.  FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!  Money ties everything together and capital flows never lie.

When the World Economic Forum calls—always say NO THANK YOU.


In March 2004 Ms. Bev Harris published a book titled Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century.  Her book, based on more than 40,000 electronic files related to early generation electronic voting machines established the fact of votes routinely being added, deleted, and/or switched by rogue elements involved in the electoral process of vote tabulation.

Nearly two decades after (18-years) publication of Ms. Harris’ book and after someone in the White House ordered the book in 2004; local, state, and federal elected representatives, law enforcement, and the courts have done nothing to restrain ubiquitous national election fraud.  A form of cheating assuring the freedom and well-being of every Main Street citizen is at risk—or incrementally vanishing.

As a recently elected Arizona GOP Precinct Committeeman, I am sadly not surprised to see 2020’s openly unpunished AZ election fraud put on steroids for the 2022 November election.  My home state of Arizona is openly and apparently proudly, a totalitarian state RULED by Globalist Pawns comprising a UniParty of Marxist Democrats married by Constitutional insult to Establishment Republicans.  Ignorance and apathy bless this unholy marriage, tightly united by what I imagine to be sweetheart deals, favorable press coverage, awards, and future promotions as the carrot—along with blackmail, extortion, financial pressure, negative press coverage, public demonization, and no possibility of future promotions as the stick.

If we as Arizona, or U.S. citizens expect anything better than impoverished feudal serfdom as our future, this vile banana republic behavior must be terminated NOW.  This is not a Democrat/Republican or Liberal/Conservative issue.  This corruption, much of it promoted by, funded by, organized by, and institutionalized by entities outside our U.S. national boundaries is just one aspect of an openly aggressive asymmetric warfare attack on the U.S. rendering cooperating U.S. citizens guilty of, or possibly guilty of, …”adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” per Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.  A Constitutional basis of law the bleached skeletal bones of which still exist but enforced functionality of and balance of power vanished into a vast, multi-trillion-dollar quagmire of corruption, money laundering, sedition, and treason (my non-legal opinion) never seen at this scale in human history.

One question many of us have is as citizens and or supporters of political parties—can we or how do we address this invasive threat to our freedom, financial well-being, health, and security?

As a retired Professional Civil Engineer my focus is designing and constructing things that function effectively or fixing things that don’t work.  From this perspective, figuring out WHO DONE IT is not a primary concern.  The SYSTEM IS SUBVERTED AND BROKEN.  Guilty parties WHO DONE IT are easily replaceable and can be legally dealt with after the system is repaired and made whole.

We can simultaneously attempt to reclaim our election system while prosecuting WHO DONE IT fraud but will fail as the fraud is systemic throughout our executive, legislative, and judicial bodies at every level, i.e., this parasitic system protects itself and captured pawns sustaining it.  In Arizona, this infection is most prominently advertised by the Maricopa and Pima County Boards of Supervisors locally, at the state level of Governor, Secretary of State, and State Attorney General offices; and appears to be supported by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as well.

I suggest we the citizens of Arizona (and of course, citizens across all states in the U.S.), get past our useless “divide and conquer” differences, AND GET OFF OUR COUCHES  to form a strong, united coalition for ELECTION INTEGRITY.  As we do this, we can discuss priorities, strategies, and tactics for accomplishing our to be determined goals.  This process has already begun via True the Vote and other organizations.  We can build on this foundation via our own local clubs and organizations.

For those not aware, a brief overview of how the vote tabulation system is corrupted:

Regardless of differing laws for handling EARLY VOTING and/or MAIL-IN BALLOTS in different jurisdictions, laws are ignored, and these mail-in ballots are used to determine early voting trends.  Since electronic voting machines are programmed TO CALCULATE VOTES, rather than COUNT VOTES; the algorithms are calibrated per early trends in favor of selected parasitic candidates and ballot initiatives.  The longer EARLY VOTING IS PROLONGED, the easier it is to fine tune what are to become PREDETERMINED BALLOT COUNT OUTCOMES.  This knowingly corrupt, intentional process is augmented by jimmied voter rolls, ballot harvesting, fake ballots, etc.  Any group controlling vote tabulation logistics can produce any outcome they wish for any election.  So-called signature verification is so unreliably foolish, it doesn’t bear consideration as a security measure.

NOTE:  There are many ways for electronic voting tabulators to fraudulently function.  Votes can be switched, re-switched, not counted, counted more than once, etc.  Ballots can easily be damaged or misread, then placed into manual adjudication for non-transparent fraudulent counting by corrupt order followers.  Another method is simply weighting the count.  For example, a Republican or Democrat candidate vote can be calculated as 0.80 votes.  An opposing candidate vote can be calculated as 1.20 votes.  Total ballots cast will equal total votes calculated within an acceptable margin of error and the selected candidate wins the count with zero transparency and no ability to reliably audit results.  This is how election results show impossible vote totals with partial votes like 10,687.3 or 103, 956.8, etc.  What person cast the 0.3 or 0.8 vote?  Wireless or physical internet connection to tabulators adds the capability for remotely adjusting calculation algorithms while confounding audit trails.  This can be done from outside the U.S. as we saw in Germany, Portugal, Italy and other locals in 2020 via online metadata packet-capture courts refused to look at.

Here’s one way this ELECTION FRAUD works:

1. Early voting enables setting up programed algorithms for vote calculation instead of simple vote counting.

2. Programmed machines begin calculating final votes on voting day—or sometimes, for weeks afterward.  If unanticipated voting day trends upset predetermined outcomes, vote tabulation is stopped as in 2020, algorithms are adjusted, then fraudulent calculation resumes.

3. Extended so-called COUNTING is continued beyond ELECTION DAY so the final tabulation calculations can be supported by adding or removing ballots, real or fake.  Longer so-called COUNTING periods simply enable the number of real or fake ballots to be more conveniently adjusted so the final vote calculations appear balanced within acceptable limits.

My first suggested contribution to END ARIZONA ( and U.S.) ELECTION FRAUD is as follows:

1. Voter identification required.

2. No mail-in ballots.

3. No early voting or late voting.

4. No electronic voting machines.

5. Ear-marked or otherwise officially demarcated verifiable PAPER BALLOTS, printed by audited certified printers, protected by a transparently verifiable chain of custody provided by all political parties involved.

6. All ballots are HAND COUNTED under transparent observation by observers appointed by all political parties involved.  Each party appoints a minimum of three observers.

7. Voting is on ELECTION DAY.  Make ELECTION DAY A NATIONAL HOLIDAY, if necessary.

8.  Precincts MUST be made small enough for all VOTE TABULATION to be completed and results known within at most,  6 hours of designated poll closing.

These eight points will make a good start toward circumventing criminal behavior.  If we can accomplish this election clean-up, then we can investigate and prosecute WHO DONE IT criminals.  Just sayin’.

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