Answer:  Yes.

If we read history and pay attention, we quickly learn that to the extent our Constitution is not enforced, government is weaponized by a few against the many.

Ignoring state constitutions for the time being, let’s consider how abuses of federal power can be mitigated by adherence to oaths sworn before God to protect and defend our U.S. Constitution.  No unauthorized legislation, agencies, or programs beyond Constitutional stipulation are necessary, or even legal.

The (1776) Declaration of Independence states our unalienable, God-given human rights.  The U.S. Constitution (adopted 1787 and ratified by the States 1788) and its Bill of Rights (1791) provide a representative 3-branch structure and legal foundation for our United States’ government to protect and defend our recognized human rights.

Protecting U.S. citizens per our Constitution is the only function of the U.S. governmentThere is no other legal government function.  Legislative authority is specifically outlined in Article 1, Section 8.  Legislation outside of the eighteen (18) areas listed in Article 1, Section 8 requires a Constitutional Amendment via processes specified in Article 5.  When specific Constitutional legal requirements are ignored, Washington D.C. behavior threatens not only the security of the American people—but that of sovereign countries around the world.  ±73 countries live with the bitter pain of this lesson.

Despite wholesale abuse of the unfortunate general welfare clause included in Clause 1 of Section 8 and the commerce clause included in Clause 3 of Section 8, there is no constitutional stipulation authorizing the federal government to provide for material wants or needs of citizens.  Equal opportunity for every human can be constitutionally provided.  Equality of outcome cannot be provided because every human is different.  Some people want to think for themselves—some do not.  Some people want to work hard—some do not.  Some people are creative and entrepreneurial—some are less so.  Some people are smarter than others or more physically healthy. God-given free will renders every human being uniquely responsible for using their gifts as they see fit, thereby enabling their own free will choices and outcomes.

The Constitution of the United States provides the only sacralized protection of God-given human rights in world history.  It stands to reason, within the context of good versus evil, Satan’s minions and pawns labor continuously trying to bring about its destruction.


Balanced Budget:
The primary reason blackmailed congresspersons distract taxpayers with disingenuous arguments for a balanced budget they will never agree to – IS – blaming the budget avoids admitting to or discussing the 75% to 90% of federal spending that is not authorized under Article 1, Section 8.  Every unconstitutional piece of legislation is civilly or criminally illegal as is every noncompliant agency, department, or program.  Surveys show most congresspersons don’t even know this, but ignorance doesn’t excuse corruption, nor obviate the financial and regulatory harm done to American citizens.  This harm, when enabled by outside government entity lobbyists and handlers is not just civilly or criminally illegal, it is treason by government.

If our bicameral congress persons honored their oath of office, limiting legislation within the constraints of Article 1, Section 8 – our federal government could never exceed 5% to 10% of national GDP and would never be a financial problem.  Lies by omission and dishonest debate supported by CIA coerced Mockingbird Media hide this reality from taxpayers.

Endless Wars:
Clause 11 of Article 1, Section 8 grants Congress the power and authority to DECALRE WAR on behalf of the United States.  Per U.S. Senate records, congress has formally declared war eleven (11) times, beginning with the War of 1812, ending with World War 2.  See quote below.

“The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war. Congress has declared war on 11 occasions, including its first declaration of war with Great Britain in 1812. Congress approved its last formal declaration of war during World War II. Since that time it has agreed to resolutions authorizing the use of military force and continues to shape U.S. military policy through appropriations and oversight.”[1]

Every member of the U.S. House and Senate going along with military force resolutions, police actions, etc. is in violation of their oath of office.  All wars are evil whether for money, power, regime change, resource rape, or any other reason, BUT UNDECLARED WARS are illegal and in many, if not most cases, like Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, Korea, Kosovo, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc., involve collusion with other nations, so possibly treason.  I’ve read,[2] but can’t confirm, that the U.S. government has engaged in at least 300 uses of force since our founding. This is an astonishing abandonment of constitutional law—and MUST be stopped.

Clause 11 of Article 1, Section 8 also limits the funding for armies to a maximum term of two years.  Our Founders saw the need for a navy to defend Americans on the high seas, but did not approve of standing federal armies. Clauses 15 and 16 of Section 8 call for the individual States to organize, arm, discipline, and govern their own State militias, which could be employed in the service of the United States.  Endless wars would not be financially nor politically viable if the constitution was enforced regarding Section 8.

Foreign Aid:
Clause 3 of Section 8 authorized congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, BUT this does not include so-called foreign aid.  Our Founders abhorred meddling in the affairs of foreign countries.  Foreign aid distributed by our feral agencies, like welfare inside our boundaries is unaudited.  Once federal government disbursement of funds occurs to a recipient country, NGO, or other institution, the audit trail dies.  There is no accounting record I’ve heard of tracking who or what took possession of these hundreds of billions of dollars annually.  It is observable, however, that very little of the foreign aid and welfare spending reaches its supposed targets.  Most of the monies, like military spending, are syphoned off by middle managers with no record of what went where.  The comical idea that congress performs financial oversight is completely fatuous.  There is no oversight except by the beneficiaries of this fraud, who take it to the bank on nontransparent digital pallets.

We can easily extend countless more examples into a book, but my astute readers get the point.  Somewhere in the realm of 75% to 90% of all federal spending is not constitutionally authorized—it is illegal, whether on a civil or criminal basis.  Often, this spending is treasonously arrayed against the best interests of the American people.

I hope and pray that Trump’s DOGE Team, his new Department of Government Efficiency—itself not constitutionally authorized—is washed with the grace of God to realize minor budget tinkering and personnel changes will have zero impact on federal corruption.  American sustainability, financial, spiritual, etc., require demolishing every government agency, department, and program not authorized under Article 1, Section 8.  Each must prove its authorization or be terminated over a one-, two-, or three-year transition.

This action plus renewed transparency will return America to constitutional health, which brings about financial health, and ultimately will not avoid near-term bumps in the road and resultant turmoil BUT can prevent the complete collapse of the United States as a country.

Please realize that since the Obama regime attack on America’s middle class, millions of terrorists of every possible stripe have been imported into American cities.  These cells are poised to launch violent jihad along with Leftist useful idiots, and establishment traitors’ intent to annihilate America’s independent middle-class backbone via internet and credit shutdowns, grid failures, supply chain disruptions, resulting famine, etc.  DJT’s successful MAGA Movement renders these horrified cretins desperate to retain their Satanically influenced power.

America’s future as one country under one roof or degeneration into several regional countries rides on the success or failure of the MAGA Movement.  Winning this battle against evil means getting past our media incited differences to work together in support of spiritual and material freedom.

This is speculation, BUT I believe the TRUMP Team necessarily damaged their reputation on the COVID issue because we the people, the court of public opinion HAD TO SEE THE EVIL FOR OURSELVES TO BELIEVE IT.  Despite the casualties in this Big Pharma/Big Government battle, I do believe that eventually, not millions, but billions of lives will be saved from incremental extermination by ongoing toxic pharma, toxic industrial agriculture, toxic food processing, toxic aerosol spraying, etc.

I believe DJT’s strategy for Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal are not to create the North American Union for Satanic New World Order benefit, BUT to powerfully turn their own strategy against them.  An alliance between America, Canada, Greenland, and perhaps Russia or others, all forced into misery by New World Order mutants cannot be successfully opposed by European powers, the BRICS, or any alliance of any other powers on Earth.  If my speculation is wrong, we lose nothing in the bargain anyway, because under the increasingly aggressive, desperate, already failing, New World Order reset demons, we are completely and 100% predictably screwed into permanent, worldwide feudal serfdom.  The TRMP TEAM offers the possibility of real choice along with the hard work of taking back self-government and WINNING.

Does anyone see a second possibility enabling citizen freedom?  Anyone?  Anyone?  I don’t.

From my old man’s perspective in the southwestern Arizona deserts—we would be absolute fools to not give the TRUMP TEAM their hard-earned chance to lead us against evil forces and a possible win via God’s grace for a real time sustainable lifestyle sans the lies and persistent nagging bites of New World Order goons.

Have a great 2025 and please prepare, because if the jihadists and gangbangers welcomed into our country by the Obama and Biden Regimes go kinetic along with Antifa, BLM and other moronic slave groups, shit’s gonna get interesting and hazardous real quick.  It is imperative we meet people in our neighborhoods and build reliable networks of good honest human beings with varying useful skill sets.

Giving PRESIDENT TRUMP a chance may give us a chance to re-establish self-governance in America—and then across the entire world.  We MUST take a risk and work together in support of our potential opportunity or it can never be realized.  DJT cannot save us.  DJT can only inspire and lead us.  The work is our responsibility.  It’s time to not be AWOL.  Let’s meet each other and get to work.  Make life great again under the armor of our Creator’s love.

Happy New Year from Bruce K. at The Kolinski Chronicle.

We cannot lose if we never quit.

[1] “U.S. Senate: About Declarations of War by Congress,” accessed January 8, 2025,

[2] Ryan C. Hendrickson, The Clinton Wars: The Constitution, Congress, and War Powers, 1st edition (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2002).

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