Answer: NO. Every federal agency is UNIPARTY weaponized. WW III, Fifth Generation Warfare[1] has begun. 5GW is 99% spiritual, so enemies inside and outside government rat nests are difficult to identify, much less defend against.
Generational citizen apathy and refusal to teach basic civics and practical aspects of managing a self-governing republic have dumbed down generations of American students. The successful destruction of American education enables efforts of psychopathic miscreants to further abuse the good faith and generosity of Americans to the point our republic can no longer function and certainly cannot protect citizens—government’s primary function.
Our 1776 Declaration of Independence, a covenant with God, recognized humanity’s God-given unalienable rights and our necessary reliance on Divine Providence along with committing our Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for protection of those rights. As a confederation of sovereign states called the USA, we have foolishly abandoned every point mentioned in that last sentence. We’ve been cheated and lied to by government thugs and still accept the lies—many, many lies.
Some current malfeasant examples are: Propagandized USDA food pyramids, now called My Plate, lead grocery store customers directly into metabolic syndrome issues such as Type 2 diabetes; to keep us safe from the COVID 19 bioweapon, small independent businesses MUST SHUT DOWN while Big Box monopoly stores thrive; commonly treated respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu, and pneumonia were renamed SARS-coV-2 and cannot be treated except with highly toxic Remdesivir which makes patients sicker faster; toxic COVID JABS falsely labeled safe and effective replace viral treatment thereby harming and sometimes killing thousands of medical victims; burning down cities is peaceful protest while asking questions about election fraud is criminal activity; Russia is blamed for the 2014 CIA instigated Ukrainian Maidan Revolution and subsequent money laundering war slaughtering and exiling millions of Ukrainians. We get the picture. The U.S. government is organized crime.
Our U.S. Constitution provides a three-branch structure of government with appropriate checks and balances necessary to protecting and sustaining our God-given unalienable rights outlined in the 1776 Declaration. Neither document can stand alone. These two historically exceptional documents together with our free will commitment to protect and defend our Constitution, have blessed Americans with more freedom and abundance than ever before seen on Earth.
And now we’ve intentionally crapped on the entire inheritance we were given because lying government scum and insider multinational corporate cronies convinced many that fair and equal lower and middle-class impoverishment is equity; productive, wealth building pursuit of excellence is selfish and discriminatory; free-everything is sustainable; dependency on illegal government handouts is sustainable, etc. The global population is being poisoned by annual aerosol spraying of ±40-60 tons of nano-particulates worldwide, atmospheric ionization, industrial agriculture, big food processing, big medicine, big pharma, environmental pollution, etc., and most of us don’t notice. None of this is authorized in Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution, hence is illegal. Government MUST be downsized by at least 75%.
Why? How did we become so gullible? The simplest answer is Satanic influence. We are all Adam and Eve every day of our lives, reliving the ancient battle of temptation between the easy path of evil over the more difficult path of loving one another. It’s like an endless Groundhog Night of Darkness, with every aerosol sprayed, nano-tech day, steadily decreasing sunlight intensity, thereby reducing Earth’s ability to sustain plant and animal life.
Why has it been said America is exceptional—or at least was exceptional? Many reasons, one of which is the nature and manner of our founding. A nation is a community of people joined together on a foundation comprised of commonalities of language, ethnicity, culture, shared territory, etc. America has never been a nation, even back to the 10th century Vikings or other early explorers. Certainly not since 1607’s British founding of Jamestown. America, for reasons outside my wheelhouse has been a magnet for people around the world craving the freedom to live unrestrained “by others”. America is a country, a community of independent people sharing a common government for the protection of all its people, regardless of cultural or traditional differences.
As a country, the United States of America is unique. We the independent American people are reliant on enforcement of our Constitution to protect each other. Without our Constitution we are divided cannon fodder. Through the Bill of Rights, the U.S. is the only country on Earth to sanctify “free speech” as a sacrosanct human right granted by God. Our 2nd Amendment grants us the freedom to bear arms to protect free speech along with other recognized human rights. No other nation or country has done this. Many countries claim to have free speech, BUT… there’s always a catch. Giving our freedom away is choosing to be dumb and dumber.
Because America is founded, not as a nation, but as a country comprised of individuals with differing beliefs, ethnicities, races, traditions, cultures, etc. – our only assurance of continued freedom is our mutually honorable agreement to protect and defend our Constitutional Rule of Law against all enemies—foreign and domestic. We defend our Constitution or give it up. Unfortunately, there are evil people in the world who want America’s resources for their own agendas, none of which include freedom for Main Street citizens or illegal invaders. Sadly, rogue elements in U.S. government, elected, appointed, and hired are willingly complicit in this treachery.
These sick people, cunningly brain-washed through an international network of confiscated tax dollar funded globalist NGOs[2], both fear and hate the independent American middle class with its bibles, guns, and attitude. Fear of this American lion brings on a strategy of lies, false promises, and deceit to trick industrious American families into trading freedom we already have for security no human will ever have. Life on Earth is a battle between good and evil. There is nothing safe or secure relative to life on Earth. Our only security comes through faith in Jesus Christ and our willingness to treat each other as we would like to be treated.
A small group of dynastic families own and control the world’s central banks, through the corrupt operations of which this cabal INTENDS to control commoners across the world through AI driven digital currency, entrainment, fear, dependency on government, propaganda, surveillance, etc. The abysmal fiat financial system these clowns constructed since the Civil War to rob Main Street of its created wealth is collapsing.
The cabal is using its billionaire pied pipers to RESET this putrid financial system by reducing population and trapping us in a financial prison of digital currency slavery. So far, we are falling for this pile of totalitarian feces. We bought the banker’s lies in 1913 and they’re selling the same crap again because crap is all they have to sell.
Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts and people working with her Solari Report have and are providing excellent sources of information we can use to defend ourselves against digital enslavement, poisoning, etc.[3] This wonderful Solari Report collection of short educational videos shows banksters and corporate goons in their own words telling us how they are going to reduce population and control every aspect of our lives. Please watch at least some of these short videos. Knowledge is power if we put what we learn to effective use.
Satanic influence, a spiritually powerful force, induces weak, dishonorable people to plot and scheme searching for various ways to take advantage of other people. Restraint of a person’s liberty by another person is theft of the first person’s freedom, a clear violation of the Eighth Commandment, Thou shalt not steal.
Stealing is the only career path elites aspire to. The more painful for us Main Street useless eaters the stealing is, the more enjoyable the process becomes for global elite psychopaths. This demonic leviathan MUST be stopped, toppled over, and flushed down the garbage disposal of history’s mistakes. America’s ability to remain one country under one roof hangs in the balance.
If our current generation fails in this upcoming 2024 election and its civil unrest aftermath to right our ship of state under the protection of Divine Providence, America’s secessionary movement will blossom, splitting the U.S. into several countries. Our missing money—$21 trillion as of fiscal year 2015—now some unknown amount due to FASAB 56 (See ) will be impossible to recover as will indictment and prosecution of the treasonously guilty.
Let’s set aside our differences as the late Aaron Russo asked in his 2006 documentary film – America, Freedom to Fascism. Here’s a link if it’s still up: America, Freedom to Fascism
Let’s help each other stop being good Ds and Rs and start acting like good American citizens. If we don’t, our kids and grandkids will be digital slaves to world central banks, owned by the sickest group of people on Earth. WEF parrots brazenly tell us by 2030 you and I will OWN NOTHING. The banksters even intend to own our children and we have no idea what they will do to them or with them. We cannot allow this catastrophe to happen on our watch.
As we passively accept and believe in the pitifully treasonous Biden/Harris fake executive freak show wandering dazed and confused through OUR White House; and while we continue swallowing the treasonous behavior of our blackmailed and extorted bicameral Congress selling our country out to the most heinous elite bidder—it becomes easier and easier for the banksters to sell us their lying slavery solution to save us from planned supply chain disruptions, possible famine, and the painful chaos of elite fomented and funded with our tax dollars civil unrest. Let’s wake up and say NO THANK YOU to this globalist plan for Hell on Earth.
With God’s grace we cannot fail and as Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us – under our current uni-polar economic system we produce only about 1% of the wealth we could create using a more generous multi-polar economic model. How can we tell our kids we turned down this idea?
[1] Ltg Michael Flynn and Boone Cutler, The Role of THE CHURCH (Boone Cutler Media Enterprise, LLC, 2024).
[2] Bruce J. Kolinski, Beyond All Isms (Grit Company Unlimited, 2022).
[3] “Video Shorties – Solari Report,” accessed October 22, 2024,