10-22-2024:  Do Any Lawful U.S. Federal Agencies Exist Anymore?

Answer:  NO.  Every federal agency is UNIPARTY weaponized.  WW III, Fifth Generation Warfare[1] has begun.  5GW is 99% spiritual, so enemies inside and outside government rat nests are difficult to identify, much less defend against.

Generational citizen apathy and refusal to teach basic civics and practical aspects of managing a self-governing republic have dumbed down generations of American students.  The successful destruction of American education enables efforts of psychopathic miscreants to further abuse the good faith and generosity of Americans to the point our republic can no longer function and certainly cannot protect citizens—government’s primary function.

Our 1776 Declaration of Independence, a covenant with God, recognized humanity’s God-given unalienable rights and our necessary reliance on Divine Providence along with committing our Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for protection of those rights.  As a confederation of sovereign states called the USA, we have foolishly abandoned every point mentioned in that last sentence.  We’ve been cheated and lied to by government thugs and still accept the lies—many, many lies.

Some current malfeasant examples are:  Propagandized USDA food pyramids, now called My Plate, lead grocery store customers directly into metabolic syndrome issues such as Type 2 diabetes; to keep us safe from the COVID 19 bioweapon, small independent businesses MUST SHUT DOWN while Big Box monopoly stores thrive;  commonly treated  respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu, and pneumonia were renamed SARS-coV-2 and cannot be treated except with highly toxic Remdesivir which makes patients sicker faster; toxic COVID JABS falsely labeled safe and effective replace viral treatment thereby harming and sometimes killing thousands of medical victims;  burning down cities is peaceful protest while asking questions about election fraud is criminal activity;  Russia is blamed for the 2014 CIA instigated Ukrainian Maidan Revolution and subsequent money laundering war slaughtering and exiling millions of Ukrainians.  We get the picture.  The U.S. government is organized crime.

Our U.S. Constitution provides a three-branch structure of government with appropriate checks and balances necessary to protecting and sustaining our God-given unalienable rights outlined in the 1776 Declaration.  Neither document can stand alone.  These two historically exceptional documents together with our free will commitment to protect and defend our Constitution, have blessed Americans with more freedom and abundance than ever before seen on Earth.

And now we’ve intentionally crapped on the entire inheritance we were given because lying government scum and insider multinational corporate cronies convinced many that fair and equal lower and middle-class impoverishment is equity; productive, wealth building pursuit of excellence is selfish and discriminatory; free-everything is sustainable; dependency on illegal government handouts is sustainable, etc.  The global population is being poisoned by annual aerosol spraying of ±40-60 tons of nano-particulates worldwide, atmospheric ionization, industrial agriculture, big food processing, big medicine, big pharma, environmental pollution, etc., and most of us don’t notice.  None of this is authorized in Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution, hence is illegal.  Government MUST be downsized by at least 75%.

Why?  How did we become so gullible? The simplest answer is Satanic influence.  We are all Adam and Eve every day of our lives, reliving the ancient battle of temptation between the easy path of evil over the more difficult path of loving one another.  It’s like an endless Groundhog Night of Darkness, with every aerosol sprayed, nano-tech day, steadily decreasing sunlight intensity, thereby reducing Earth’s ability to sustain plant and animal life.

Why has it been said America is exceptional—or at least was exceptional?  Many reasons, one of which is the nature and manner of our founding.  A nation is a community of people joined together on a foundation comprised of commonalities of language, ethnicity, culture, shared territory, etc.  America has never been a nation, even back to the 10th century Vikings or other early explorers.  Certainly not since 1607’s British founding of Jamestown.  America, for reasons outside my wheelhouse has been a magnet for people around the world craving the freedom to live unrestrained “by others”.  America is a country, a community of independent people sharing a common government for the protection of all its people, regardless of cultural or traditional differences.

As a country, the United States of America is unique.  We the independent American people are reliant on enforcement of our Constitution to protect each other.  Without our Constitution we are divided cannon fodder.  Through the Bill of Rights, the U.S. is the only country on Earth to sanctify “free speech” as a sacrosanct human right granted by God.  Our 2nd Amendment grants us the freedom to bear arms to protect free speech along with other recognized human rights. No other nation or country has done this.  Many countries claim to have free speech, BUT… there’s always a catch.  Giving our freedom away is choosing to be dumb and dumber.

Because America is founded, not as a nation, but as a country comprised of individuals with differing beliefs, ethnicities, races, traditions, cultures, etc. – our only assurance of continued freedom is our mutually honorable agreement to protect and defend our Constitutional Rule of Law against all enemies—foreign and domestic.  We defend our Constitution or give it up.  Unfortunately, there are evil people in the world who want America’s resources for their own agendas, none of which include freedom for Main Street citizens or illegal invaders.  Sadly, rogue elements in U.S. government, elected, appointed, and hired are willingly complicit in this treachery.

These sick people, cunningly brain-washed through an international network of confiscated tax dollar funded globalist NGOs[2], both fear and hate the independent American middle class with its bibles, guns, and attitude.  Fear of this American lion brings on a strategy of lies, false promises, and deceit to trick industrious American families into trading freedom we already have for security no human will ever have.  Life on Earth is a battle between good and evil.  There is nothing safe or secure relative to life on Earth.  Our only security comes through faith in Jesus Christ and our willingness to treat each other as we would like to be treated.

A small group of dynastic families own and control the world’s central banks, through the corrupt operations of which this cabal INTENDS to control commoners across the world through AI driven digital currency, entrainment, fear, dependency on government, propaganda, surveillance, etc.  The abysmal fiat financial system these clowns constructed since the Civil War to rob Main Street of its created wealth is collapsing.

The cabal is using its billionaire pied pipers to RESET this putrid financial system by reducing population and trapping us in a financial prison of digital currency slavery.  So far, we are falling for this pile of totalitarian feces.  We bought the banker’s lies in 1913 and they’re selling the same crap again because crap is all they have to sell.

Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts and people working with her Solari Report have and are providing excellent sources of information we can use to defend ourselves against digital enslavement, poisoning, etc.[3]  This wonderful Solari Report collection of short educational videos shows banksters and corporate goons in their own words telling us how they are going to reduce population and control every aspect of our lives.  Please watch at least some of these short videos.  Knowledge is power if we put what we learn to effective use.

Satanic influence, a spiritually powerful force, induces weak, dishonorable people to plot and scheme searching for various ways to take advantage of other people.  Restraint of a person’s liberty by another person is theft of the first person’s freedom, a clear violation of the Eighth Commandment, Thou shalt not steal.

Stealing is the only career path elites aspire to.  The more painful for us Main Street useless eaters the stealing is, the more enjoyable the process becomes for global elite psychopaths.  This demonic leviathan MUST be stopped, toppled over, and flushed down the garbage disposal of history’s mistakes.  America’s ability to remain one country under one roof hangs in the balance.

If our current generation fails in this upcoming 2024 election and its civil unrest aftermath to right our ship of state under the protection of Divine Providence, America’s secessionary movement will blossom, splitting the U.S. into several countries.  Our missing money—$21 trillion as of fiscal year 2015—now some unknown amount due to FASAB 56 (See https://missingmoney.solari.com/ ) will be impossible to recover as will indictment and prosecution of the treasonously guilty.

Let’s set aside our differences as the late Aaron Russo asked in his 2006 documentary film – America, Freedom to Fascism.  Here’s a link if it’s still up:  America, Freedom to Fascism

Let’s help each other stop being good Ds and Rs and start acting like good American citizens.  If we don’t, our kids and grandkids will be digital slaves to world central banks, owned by the sickest group of people on Earth.  WEF parrots brazenly tell us by 2030 you and I will OWN NOTHING.  The banksters even intend to own our children and we have no idea what they will do to them or with them.  We cannot allow this catastrophe to happen on our watch.

As we passively accept and believe in the pitifully treasonous Biden/Harris fake executive freak show wandering dazed and confused through OUR White House; and while we continue swallowing the treasonous behavior of our blackmailed and extorted bicameral Congress selling our country out to the most heinous elite bidder—it becomes easier and easier for the banksters to sell us their lying slavery solution to save us from planned supply chain disruptions, possible famine, and the painful chaos of elite fomented and funded with our tax dollars civil unrest.  Let’s wake up and say NO THANK YOU to this globalist plan for Hell on Earth.

With God’s grace we cannot fail and as Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us – under our current uni-polar economic system we produce only about 1% of the wealth we could create using a more generous multi-polar economic model.  How can we tell our kids we turned down this idea?

[1] Ltg Michael Flynn and Boone Cutler, The Role of THE CHURCH (Boone Cutler Media Enterprise, LLC, 2024).

[2] Bruce J. Kolinski, Beyond All Isms (Grit Company Unlimited, 2022).

[3] “Video Shorties – Solari Report,” accessed October 22, 2024, https://home.solari.com/short-videos/.

10-02-2024: Is Captured U.S. Government A Crime Syndicate?

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
{quote from President Ronald Reagan’s January 20th, 1981, inaugural address}

43-years ago, President Reagan was gunned down for among other things, explaining government is a problem.  He was addressing BIG UNACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT specifically; not constitutionally limited government and we should have taken his warning seriously.  Even with our President gunned down for warning us, we took no defensive action, and now the aging D.C. crime problem is a bloated monster with extinction event capability.

The attack on America’s potential sovereignty was launched in 1776, with serious problems surfacing by 1865.  Ignoring this earlier criminal history, just going back to the CIA’s spawning in 1947, we can see the formation of an organized government crime syndicate.  Uninformed voters have since, apathetically squandered 38 congressional terms, 19 presidential terms, and 12 senate terms with no effective vigilance regarding lack of government accountability.  The result is CIA domestic infiltration so deep and wide, the U.S. State Department, DEA, FBI, NSA, and worse, the unconstitutional DHS are all nothing more than captured extensions of the Central Intelligence Agency, itself a criminal organization from inception.

President Ronald Reagan’s initial attempts to govern per his inaugural remarks were apparently so upsetting to U.S. Shadow Government handlers, they reached into their Deep State herd of wackos for a mind-control victim to shoot President Reagan on March 30th, 1981, just 69 days later.  Less weekend days, these psychopaths waited just 50 working days from Renaldas Reagan’s swearing in as President to kill him or educate him—I don’t know which.  Perhaps William Casey, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, or more likely, upstream elite handlers of these pawns could have shed light on that question, had we known to ask.

If doing the right thing in Washington D.C., or at least trying to do the right thing are considered crimes by shadow government and deep state actors, I suppose, if asked, four assassinated, sitting U.S. Presidents:  Abraham Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901), and John F. Kennedy (1963) would tell us, the personal cost is difficult to deal with, even excessive.  I suspect the late Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump share similar views.  Honor and courage in D.C. are AWOL.  Ill-gotten money on the other hand is generously provided by elite handlers in exchange for personal debasement.

Historic evidence since WW II demonstrates the civic necessity of treating unlimited, unaccountable U.S. government as a dangerous problem, rather than a safe solution. Author Paul L. Williams has done hard work and shared his work with us in OPERATION GLADIO: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (2018).[1]  We see Truman’s White House and our U.S. Congress never raising an eyebrow over the 1947 creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, nor its direct connection to the Mafia and Chinese Army of the day.

No D.C. concern was noticed regarding Wild Bill Donavan’s implementation of the HELLIWELL PLAN[2] worked out by Frank Wisner and James Angleton to marry the CIA and Mafia with no interference of congressional funding or congressional oversight.  How could that go wrong?  There were no objections regarding the wisdom of the new CIA having covert ties to the privately held Vatican Bank, already created on June 27, 1942, by Pope Pius XII and Bernardino Nogara.  Note that the Vatican Bank, a sovereign financial entity encased within a sovereign state, “cannot be compelled to redress wrongs—not even the most egregious violations of international law.”[3]  Incidentally, Nogara instituted the policy of regularly destroying all Vatican Bank transaction records thereby avoiding any possibility of public or private scrutiny.  No problem with this CIA partnership, huh.

Congress expressed no meaningful issues with the CIA forming a self-financing partnership with China’s drug-running General, Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT (Chinese National Army), nor a partnership with notorious Mafia Boss, Charles “Lucky” Luciano and Calogero “Don Calo” Vizzini, boss of all Sicilian bosses—of the feared Vizzini/Agostino crime family.

With nary a question asked by Congress, this jolly little cabal intended to initially fund its OPERATION GLADIO, stay-behind, European para-military forces by selling heroin on the streets of Harlem.  This CIA snake’s nest of order-following psychopaths was immediately stuffed full of wealthy Americans recruited from prominent families such as Carnegie, DuPont, Mellon, Morgan, Roosevelt, Ryan, Vanderbilt, and others.  It was the CIA that should have been called The Untouchables.

A near total lack of U.S. bi-cameral congressional interest in psychotic, if not full on Satanically influenced behavior demonstrated worldwide by CIA assets since its spawning has not visibly changed.  The Church Hearings in the mid-seventies and a few other investigative committee actions did raise an eyebrow for about a minute, but these slight inconveniences just drove CIA assets deeper underground to pursue even more lucrative pastimes like child and adult sex trafficking, more creative opium and other drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, resource rape planning, and of course, much better domestic spying, blackmail, and extortion methods.  Consider Epstein and P Diddy as two field operators working for better government everywhere.

After foolishly granting CIA assets with zero congressional oversight, carte blanche crimes against humanity authority around the world for three-quarters of a century, how do we as Main Street taxpayers stop this criminal organization now?  Given the CIA has brought its color revolution expertise via Gladio, Condor, the Phoenix Program, and other destabilization operations home to take down and control the independent minded U.S. middle class—we MUST stop it, but how?  We should have paid attention when Neil Sadaka told us in 1962, “Waking up is hard to do”– OK, I know it was “Breaking up” but what fun is that.  Sorry Neil, but great song.

The simple answer is, we roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and do the hard work necessary to take out the government and multinational corporate garbage sanctioning this criminality and treason in the first place.  Saying NO THANK YOU to every government proposal uncompliant with congressional authority outlined in Article 1, Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution is a good start, though convincing bribed, blackmailed, and extorted congressional members to vote against handler instructions is a current NO GO.  Sans twenty or so honest congress persons, congress is fully captured.  The White House and judicial system are fully captured as well excepting one four-year partial respite during President Trump’s America First Administration.

Local, local, local is the strategic answer according to retired military veterans like Colonel John Mills, LTG. Michael Flynn, Sgt. Boone Cutler, and many others.  We take back our captured local governments one county at a time, then roll our counties up to the captured state level, and finally we can take back our captured federal government.  This is no plan for the faint-hearted.  The lost souls who conned us out of our republic are stupid and afraid.  They would rather mass murder billions of people and annihilate every form of life on Earth than cooperate with Main Street commoners.  We forget who these poor unfortunates worship during their ritual sacrifices at our peril.

Waking up to evil is Phase One.  Realizing we cannot win over evil without the protection of Divine Providence as stipulated in our 1776 Declaration of Independence is Phase Two.  Agreeing to work together despite differences so we can DO the hard work of taking out the garbage at local, state, and federal levels is Phase Three, A, B, & C.  Re-establishing the healthy function of our Constitutional Republic at local, state, and federal levels is Phase Four, A, B, & C.  Eternal vigilance is Phase Five.  Failure within any of our Five Phases means TILT—GAME OVER.

We cannot free America nor the world from the grip of sociopathic lunatics while behaving as obedient, non-thinking serfs or as compliant, nanotechnology slaves.  We MUST take an independently motivated, professional attitude toward cooperating with each other to combine our many gifts into the force powerful enough to complete this mighty task.  Our task of course, is regaining and securing our lost human rights as granted to us by our Creator and recognized by our U.S. Constitution.

To regain our lost republic, we must get real and dump fear at the door.  No fear is necessary.  We can fight with courage, joy, happiness, and love for people and things we care about.  There is no need to attack or defend each other with hatred.  Our enemies need help, not more hatred, though we must defend against globalist ignorance and angst.  Globalists are slaves to Satan, whose rage is unimaginable.


Given the nearly complete globalist capture of American education and its conversion to U.N. Agenda 21, 30, 50, etc. conditioning centers, how can American taxpayers overcome the multi-tentacled FEDERAL CRIMINAL BEAST now feeding on our watch?


Looking at government philosophically from an amateur versus professional point of view, author Steven Pressfield, in Turning Pro (2010) talks about amateurs living shadow lives – not to be confused with shadow governments.  “In the shadow life, we live in denial and act by addiction.”[4]  Obviously, amateurs cannot successfully remove clever criminal trash from public offices.  Amateurs are easily outclassed and outgunned.

Going PRO, however, is difficult.  Going PRO demands getting up every day and “DOING THE WORK”.  No excuses.  My own experience as a civil engineer and general contractor, trying to be professional suggests this is the only way problems get solved and shit gets done.  Solving problems requires focusing our commitment on the task at hand and doing the work.  Wishing, hoping, and talking alone, accomplish nothing, but with fear and hope porn support we are encouraged to feel good and even brag on our useless pandering while entranced by 4K and 8K high-res pixelated media propaganda.  Main Street Americans were and are not well prepared to withstand this malevolent media onslaught.

Pressfield tells us GOING PRO usually comes with RESISTANCE.  Again, my own experience finds this observation to be true.  I’ll add that when our task involves “responsibly doing the right thing”, as in say, skirmishing with bad actors in government or corporate life—resistance increases dramatically.  Spiritual warfare, taken lightly, does not produce positive results.

For those whose work depends on ideas, whether for work or play, author Austin Kleon’s suggestions in Steal Like an Artist (2012), Show Your Work (2014), and Keep Going (2019), rank high on my list of favs.  Mr. Kleon, like Mr. Pressfield, suggests getting off our butts and doing the work is the best way to invite the muse into our consciousness.  At the same time, we need to get over ourselves.  Trying too hard tends to block creative thought processes, and paralyze constructive action.  Along those lines, I love Austin Kleon’s Sol LeWitt quote from KEEP GOING.[5]

“You must practice being stupid, dumb, unthinking, empty.  Then you will be able to DO… Try to do some BAD work—the worst you can think of and see what happens but mainly relax and let everything go to hell—you are not responsible for the world—you are only responsible for your work—so DO it.”
{Sol LeWitt} Quote stolen from Austin Kleon’s KEEP GOING (2019).

No one is coming to fix our broken republic for us.  The Trump/Vance and friends’ MAGA Team can motivate all 100 million or so of us, even guide us; but we DO the local work ourselves or it doesn’t get done.  You and I together are the sovereign Court of Public Opinion necessary to revive “consent of the governed” for “limited government” constrained by Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution.  We enforce Constitutional Rule of Law or become nanotech slaves under the Rule of Man.

•President Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex in his Farewell Speech on January 17, 1961.  That was 63 years ago.  What did we do to address his concern?

•President, John F. Kennedy warned us again, 100-days after Eisenhower’s warning, on April 27, 1961, stating, “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.  We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”

•President Reagan warned us a third time on January 20, 1981, as mentioned earlier.  Did we address his warning?

•Now, apparently, a 2024 open hunting season has been declared on President Donald J. Trump by the nincompoops who stole our republic and are trying to keep it.  This behavior cannot be tolerated by a Christian society.


Looking back, even briefly, at how the U.S. government was captured since 1947 by international globalist forces and domestic actors, we better understand how dishonest media, widespread election fraud, departments of injustice, corrupted courts, and woke military malfeasance come about.  In historic context, it becomes easier to realize when Fake News claims pervasive crimes are nonexistent, that the claims are ridiculous.  Media parrots, Hollywood mouthpieces, and some music A-listers unabashedly demonstrate complicity in the criminal cover-up.

Looking in the mirror, naïve citizens believing the silly media narratives spewed out beginning at 4:00 AM EST every morning, we can see staring back at us, the clear image of an AMATEUR CITIZEN, living as Pressfield observed in a state of denial and addiction.  Only as we develop ourselves into PROFESSIONAL CITIZENS can we discipline ourselves and help each other DO THE HARD WORK required for true self-governance.

It is far past time we confront and end this attack by a small group of inbred elite mutants and their pawns on American and world freedom.  We stand up and defend each other; we live or die protecting each other as warriors; or we perish together as slaughtered useless eaters.  I will not die a transhuman slave and pray you intend not to as well.  Together, with the armor of God, we got this.

Current generations bear the challenge of OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to overcome the criminal capture of U.S. government.  It is our DUTY to stop government sanctioned crimes against humanity perpetrated in our name.  It should be our pleasure to help make the entire world a safer, more abundant place to raise happy, healthy kids.  A world where fear of shitty shadow governments is no longer necessary.

[1] Williams, Operation Gladio.

[2] Williams, 41.

[3] Williams, 45.

[4] Pressfield and LLC, Turning Pro, 18.

[5] Kleon, Keep Going, 75.

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