Why is the UNIPARTY taking down America’s Republic and entrepreneurial middle class?
Who does the UniParty work for?  How does political Jiu-Jitsu work?

{President Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom, 1913} “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 

President Woodrow Wilson unfortunately provided premium service for the “power” he mentioned in 1913 and knew his handlers intimately.  On December 23, 1913, Wilson’s regime brought about the privately owned Federal Reserve central banking system (5th plank in the Communist Manifesto) and began luring the United States into World War I, which could not be financed without the Federal Reserve and the new U.S. income tax wealth raid.  In 1914 no country in Europe had the money necessary to wage WW I.  The Wilson regime fixed that deficiency for the elites, thereby changing the world our generation has been born into—and not for the better.

Today, it is our Constitutional Duty, wearing the armor of God, to help President Donald J. Trump and friends remedy this U.S. catastrophe—not just for Americans, but for the world.  Since 1913, the U.S. State Department, and since September 1947 our CIA, together, have been rampaging across the globe using hard-working American good faith and credit.  Wilson’s administration earlier in 1913, passed the 16th Amendment establishing a progressive income tax (2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto) and the 17th Amendment which destroyed any meaningful state voice in federal legislation.  The 17th Amendment makes it nearly impossible for Congress to fix anything.

Many of us wonder who or what is this “power” Wilson spoke of?  The answer is, “just people” – though these people dance in time to a Luciferian drumbeat manifesting evil influence so widely, it impacts every life on Earth—until now. The MAGA Movement, Yellow Vest Movement, Trucker’s Movement, Farmer’s Movement, and other populist movements are standing up to this beast and with God’s grace and our hard work, the Dragon is crashing and burning.

Even though the Dragon is going down, it is still dangerous and as Sun Tzu taught in the 5th century BC, to win battles we must know both ourselves and our enemies.  Following is an ultra-brief TKC primer on how the Dragon wreaks its havoc through Big Government coercion.  A brief consideration of multinational corporate and government behavior relative to dynastic family control sheds considerable light on why major governments rarely represent voters, often using and harming, rather than benefiting citizens.  Observation suggests cause and effect.


When needed to serve elite agendas, media parrots manipulate mass perception by cleverly injecting misleading and/or distracting terms into the popular vernacular.  Deep State is one of those poorly, or mis-defined terms, as is Shadow Government.  Mainstream talking heads suggest if mentioning it at all, that the Deep State is a bunch of Obama Administration holdovers battling with the Trump Administration.  Marxist Democrats and Establishment Republicans, i.e., the UNIPARTY play this childish tune like a sophisticated Theodorakis concerto.  Yes—of course, Soetoro Administration trolls undermine constitutional government, as do Establishment Republicans. Dah!  They are all brainwashed Deep State tools, but expendable cannon fodder does not make decisions and are never shot callers.  The carrot and stick ensure uniform compliance to overcome any misgivings.

Before digging in, let’s remind ourselves of a few past geopolitical Jiu-Jitsu takedowns.

Both before and since the September 1964 release of the Warren Commission cover-up of John F. Kennedy’s brutally televised assassination in November 1963, Main Street taxpayers have had near zero access to correct information about the reality of certain historic events.  BUT we do know the official narrative is not true.  This shameless official duplicity slaps self-governance right smack in the chops and it’s time we roared, “we ain’t takin’ it no more.”.  Other questionable narratives surround Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 1914), Pearl Harbor (December 1941), Gulf of Tonkin (August 1964), Martin Luther King (April 1968), Robert F. Kennedy (June 1968), Oklahoma City (April 1995), 911, and J6, to name just eight more.

All these events have undisclosed or deceptively documented causes—and today, we have silly government narratives competing for dumbest cover up possible of the attempted assassination of President Trump on July 13, 2024.  This worn Dragon playbook is nauseating and requires treatment.

Anyway, we should care about truth because the United States, United Kingdom, and Western Europe are being asymmetrically destabilized, sickened, weakened, and taken over by organized globalist forces mobilized inside and outside established national boundaries.  Cultural traditions, economic systems, private property rights, spiritual beliefs, and level after level of basic human rights dating back to the Dooms of 694, King John’s 1215, Magna Carta, our 1788 U.S. Constitution, and 1791 Bill of Rights are steadily being done away with.

Sadly, many of us are unaware that historic Rules of Law in the western hemisphere are being eradicated, in part, by our own Main Street acceptance of false promises, lies by omission, and outright lies.  In all instances, subversion of citizen legal protection under the law is carried out by order following pawns across all levels of government.  The octagon strategy is run by an international cabal of Satanically influenced, interlocking financial interests owned by elite dynastic families, some with historic bloodlines, some nouveau.  These interests are the Dragon’s mouth.

The operational structure used for this global totalitarian Jiu-Jitsu strategy is circles within circles, spreading ever outward and overlapping from three dark epicenters—City of London, Washington D.C., and Vatican City. As radial distance from one of the epicenters increases, levels of information, size of rewards, and levels of power decrease.  This simple structure enables a tiny group of conspirators to appear omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent—as well as invisible from outside the protected inner circles of power.  Most Deep State pawns have no idea what they are involved in; though some do, and don’t care as long as they receive accolades, promotions, and financial compensation.  Such pawns don’t seem to understand that at some future point, all useful idiot members of the outer rings are headed to the gulags along with the little people, they hoodwinked. History shows no exceptions.

Mass indoctrination, for example, can be enabled by a public announcement issued by an individual near the inner circle of the system at, say 4:00 AM on a foggy City of London morning, then echoing across several thousand media outlets to the outer circles in just minutes. A few hours later, worldwide audiences believe millions, even billions of listeners and viewers around the globe agree with the viewpoint stated by that one strategically placed individual.  This is a powerfully dynamic perception manipulating echo chamber controlled by a handful of media conglomerates and publishers working exclusively for elite dynastic family agendas.

Oversimplifying, as I don’t go to the meetings so am not intimate with cabal or as I term it, global syndicate organizational details, we can identify the following hierarchal layers by observation.

  1. Tiny inner circle of powerful dynastic family members.
  2. Larger, though still small inner circle of global managers.  Each management family, say thirteen or so, specializes in an industry or in an area of influence, like education, the spiritual occult, or political maneuvers.
  3. The first circle of power visible to Main Street consists of approximately three hundred or so dynastic families, each with their own public representative(s).  We see these reps and their associates at Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Davos, and other parasite gatherings.
  4. This visible layer unveils, spreads, and magnifies the latest greatest crazy ideas from inner circles to the masses through what I loosely call the Study Group System.  Here, through more than 3,000 think tanks and NGO sponsors in the U.S. alone, we find highly privileged talking heads like the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, Sergei Brin, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari, the late Julian Huxley, the late Henry Kissinger, Larry Page, the late Bertrand Russell, Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, and many dozens of other lifetime actors mingling among up and coming NWO indoctrinates, who then carry the message to “the little people”.
  5. Dynastic family agenda enforcement, both carrot and stick, are conducted by nation state intelligence services comprising each country’s Shadow Government.  Shadow Governments supply the Dragon’s teeth.
  6. Shadow Governments across the world, sometimes cooperating with each other, sometimes adversarial, depending on moods of elite psychopathy, oversee the so-called Deep State.  The internationally networked Deep State is comprised of all entities exercising influence and/or power, whether in agriculture, armaments, banking, chemicals, education, energy, finance, industry, military, mining, politics, psychology, shipping, transportation, etc.  This includes academia, Big Advertising, Big Government, Industrial Farming, Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Food Processing, publishing, media, Hollywood, and more.
  7. Privileged Deep State pawns are controlled by Shadow Governments via accolades, awards, blackmail, bribes, extortion, sweetheart deals, positive or negative press coverage, threats of violence against associates, family, friends, pets, or even themselves.  Many A-Listers in Hollywood, music, and news are trapped or buy into becoming not much more than paddocked human show animals, who sell their souls for fame and material rewards.  We get a hint of this highly compensated slavery via the leakage of pedophilia and ritual abuse stories despite tight controls.
  8. Deep State multinational conglomerates interface directly with corrupted or soon to be corrupted corporate and government agency personnel including those elected, appointed, hired, contracted with, etc. The multinationals typically take care of writing or editing legislation while coercing the cooperation of all governments elites want to molest—always at taxpayer expense. Countries selected for useful abuse are rated by susceptibility to resource rape, being a good source for drug and/or human trafficking, weapons trafficking, or abuse of diplomatic, financial, or military influence and power, etc.  Every country is fair game.
  9. The court of public perception is further guided by the Study Group System mentioned above.  This unofficial recruiting, vetting, promotional, brainwashing network is comprised of various societies, academia, endowments, foundations, and trusts—standing behind influential think tanks, and critical corporate interests such as, all major banks, all major oil companies, all major manufacturers, and notoriously, companies like Disney, Dupont, IG Farben, Google, IBM, MITRE, Rand, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and too many more to name.
  10. The top think tank on Earth is Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, but contemporaries and offshoots abound. Consider just a few like Aspen Institute, Atlantic Council, Bloomberg Breakaway, Brookings Institute, Carnegie Endowment, Cato Institute, Center For Strategic and International Studies, Ford Foundation, Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institute, Hudson Institute, Rockefeller Foundation(s), and again, too many to name—more than 3,000 in the U.S. alone.
  11. Near the top of this dung heap is the U.S. military’s think tank, DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the CIA’s In-Q-Tel capital fund, along with NSA, among other associated entities, including banks.  This nexus funded development of Google for example, incorporated by Stanford researchers, Sergei Brin, and Larry Page in September 1998.  Standing behind Google Earth was a firm called Keyhole, working on another In-Q-Tel funded program for developing advanced satellite mapping software.  Google acquired Keyhole in 2004, some aspects of whose work are incorporated into Google Maps.
    Here’s a link to an article about this.
  12. The psychopathic goal of surveilling and controlling all human terrain, i.e., full spectrum dominance requires integration of companies like Google and Meta (formerly Facebook, formerly DARPA’s Life-Log System) with Big Government.  The overt military science marriage with Silicon Valley is without adult oversight and is completely off the sanity rails.  Add DARPA’s modified HAARP technology, weaponized weather, toxic aerosol spraying, toxic JABS, nanotechnology, and quantum computing for AI and all creation is at risk.

CEO’s, directors, and managers of all Deep State entities, private or government, are recruited, vetted, and promoted through the international Study Group System (my name for this matrix networking system) wherein a person’s value to the cabal is recognized and put to work. What a prospect for an influential position thinks or will say on matters critical to elites is known long before any promotion or sweetheart deal is offered.  For example, a network news anchor rarely requires coaching regarding “what to say”, and of course, some of them brag on that.  What an anchor will say on matters critical to New World Order power brokers is a known quantity.  If not; it soon will be.  No one in media is paid upwards of $500,000 per week for telling the truth, though partial truths embellish the lies by omission as well as outright lies.

Social media plays a prominent role in mass brainwashing by elite order followers.  We should note when considering legal aspects of social media platform abuses, that these platforms have never been and are not private platforms.  They are spawned as quasi-government platforms, as are telecom companies, unconstitutionally integrated with corrupt government agencies to surveil, lie to, subjugate, and control citizen behavior.  So-called national security provides an abusive umbrella for masking unconstitutional government agency activity harmful to citizens.  When social media companies censor, edit, and shadow ban user communications they are not open platforms, but are publishers with zero protections under Section 230, since 230 applies only to online services, not publishers.

UNIPARTIES, CONTROLLED CONFLICT, and MONEY are the quiet weapons of “power.”  These three things have derailed the Constitutional authority and undermined the honesty of our legislative congress by illegally coercing them to DELEGATE their law-making authority to unelected bureaucrats and corrupt judges.  The result, since 1865, is that America now lives beneath a vast Administrative Dictatorship answerable only to the cabal’s Shadow Government and its upstream matrix handlers

Main Street Americans have no voice in the government we pay for.  Fake electronic votes keep us believing we do have a political voice, but reality proves otherwise.  Both sides of the UNIPARTY support fake electronic voting systems, rigged electronic voter rolls, and mail-in ballots with no chain of custody. Let a thousand poll observers who can’t see inside the machines stand around watching tabulators or count fake ballots hundreds of times. What difference does it make as a notorious parasite once screeched?

All twelve items mentioned earlier are made possible and could not occur except via the corrupt marriage of Marxist Democrats with Establishment Republicans into a treasonous UNIPARTYThe UniParty only answers to its Fascist Globalist facilitators, i.e., the Dragon, never to we the people.  Dishonorable UniParty power and lack of representative and judicial moral integrity reduce our good representatives like The Courageous Twenty to frustrated Don Quixote-like characters tilting at windmills (pun intended) with broken sticks and hoarse voices instead of swords.

The only vibrant opposition to this “power” is President Donald J. Trump and his Make America Great Again MovementAmerica First, then we make our entire world great again.

The hard working, productive people of the United States and the world are caught in a war for their souls and lives.  Humanity is under asymmetric attack by government and corporate goons, most of whom are brainwashed into believing they are saving the world from evil taxpayers and Christianity.

Called unrestricted warfare by the Communist Chinese Military, Michael T. Flynn, LTG, U.S. Army (retired) refers to this asymmetric strategy as Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW).  We fight a new kind of warfare in which the naïve become mind-control weapons dangerous to themselves and others.  Brainwashing blinds us to the potential danger of imported terrorists, heavily armed criminal gangs, hungry uneducated illegals—and of course, domestic terrorists like ANTIFA and BLM among others.  Our own government is forcing us into a clash of civilizations and it must stop.

If the much-anticipated BIG NWO EVENT, say WEF’s CYBER POLYGON or something like it comes down before the 2024 November election, we will see supply chain disruptions and orchestrated civil unrest at levels never seen in North America.  Should the November U.S. election be prohibited, we may even see our Supreme Circus attempt to protect its own financial survival by redeeming itself with a sudden ruling that the 2020 Biden Freak Show is in fact, fraudulent – and President Trump MUST be sworn in for his second full term.

It’s probable that President Donald J. Trump’s Second Administration is America’s last opportunity to survive as one nation under God—and under one roof.  A breakup of America would cost all nine supreme justices their livelihoods wouldn’t it.  Surely, the supremes would finally do the right thing to salvage their own financial posterity.  Even black robed clowns understand that our intentionally fractured country will descend into civil war without adequate moral leadership.

Working for the benefit and protection of each other means living with NO FEAR.  Remember, the New World Oder cabal, i.e., the global syndicate is not a tightly focused, uniform group specializing in generosity.  They are at best, a self-absorbed, self-destructive group brought together by self-interest and greed.  Depending on perceived benefit or loss from moment to moment, they cooperate or cheat each other based on personal aggrandizement or fear.  For spiritual reasons beyond my wheelhouse, Satan’s elites have already lost their power in this era but intend to damage creation and harm humanity as much as possible while swirling down the toilet of history’s mistakes.

It’s important we don’t get caught in the whirlpool, while evil runs its downhill course.

Redeeming humanity by fighting and winning this 5GW war between good and evil may require physical self-defense, but surely requires spiritual armor and weaponry.  The only spiritual armory I’m aware of is operated by the Holy Spirit and good angels through Whom we can obtain grace necessary for successfully combatting evil forces.  Prayer, Patience, and Love are our most formidable weapons.  Divided we lose our souls to the Dark Side.  Together we win everlasting Light along with our Creator’s army of angels.  Let’s look past our differences and work together.  With courage, consideration, fortitude, patience, and resolve – everyone wins.

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