The 1966 Freedom of Information Act is often used to cover up NONFEASANT, MISFEASANT, AND MALFEASANT government behavior.  A functional system is needed.

The FOIA system should provide taxpayers a convenient means of communication with government officials for obtaining information regarding government activities.  Instead, FOIA helps rogue government officials obscure information and hide less than acceptable activity from citizen view.  This denial of accountability is wrong.  American citizens are the sovereign owners of their republic.  Government records are proprietary to legal citizens.  Government records are not proprietary to officials or employees paid to work for taxpayers.  Taxpayers are the boss.  Abuse of power by government officials MUST stop now.

Sadly, no longer taught in our schools, the United States Constitution is historically unique.  All powers temporarily lent to the U.S. government by the people are Constitutionally authorized through consent of the governed.  Powers lent to government by the people can be expanded or taken away by the people via the Article 5 amendment process.  The bicameral houses of the U.S. legislature for example, are limited to eighteen powers specified in Article 1, Section 8.  Those limited powers can only be removed or added to by amending the Constitution per Article 5.

Somewhere on the order of 75% to 90% of all federal U.S. legislation IS NOT AUTHORIZED by the U.S. Constitution.  Unauthorized legislation is illegal.  Rogue elements in government withholding information from taxpayers and even from Congress to obscure such illegality is nothing new.  Long before 2018’s FASAB 56 streamlined concealment of government financial shenanigans from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act streamlined concealment of all government records from taxpayer scrutiny—in claimed defense of our right-to-know, of course.  For more on FASAB 56, see Solari Report_FASAB 56 .

I get that an appropriate procedure for requesting information is necessary.  If FOIA information requests were responded to in a reasonably precise or timely fashion, I wouldn’t criticize the system. BUT that is not the case, is it.  Hence, my FOIA complaint is couched as an accusation against UniParty corruption protection for elites, corporatist shot callers, and government pawns.

The idea behind FOIA is simple.  Bad optics arise when privileged government pawns tell taxpayers to buzz off when questions are asked.  In the extreme case, rusty Main Street pitchforks could be shined up.  Therefore, instead of foolishly risking revolt by just saying, “take a hike little person”; rogue elements play the long con by creating a FOIA program claiming to protect the Little People’s right-to-know.  Then the little Main Street suckers can spend the next century uselessly filling out FOIA forms to beg for information legal taxpayers already own.

Yea, it’s stupid is as stupid does, (H/T to 1994’s Forrest Gump), but by clever intent, the long con ensures dumbed-down education, compound interest shackles, regulatory burdens, endless wars, and unconstitutional taxation keep hard working people too busy and too anxious to notice.  How about an example showing how smoothly, and with a UniParty smirk, the well-oiled FOIA machine obscures information from the brainwashed public.

President, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.  Whatever the reason, we the American people are not happy about President Kennedy’s murder or its coverup.  More than sixty in-our-face-dubious years later, lies and incoherency still cloud that brazen coup d’état.  Main Street doesn’t know what happened that day, but we do know the pathetic, lone gunman story conjured up by parasites hiding inside and outside U.S. government is a poorly crafted fabrication.  How handy is it, that as questions multiplied after November 1963, how expediently the corruption nurturing BS we call FOIA WAS ENACTED in July 1966, less than three-years later; then signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson on July 5, 1967 “to protect and nurture the people’s right to know” we are told?

I don’t claim ASSASSINATION–FOIA Dots connect but do find it curious why some jerk or jerks in government woke up one hungover morning thinking information should be hidden from taxpayers.  Do we imagine this absurdity evolved from thin air and coincidence?  Maybe space aliens demanded FOIA be enacted?  What should we think here, or is it better for taxpayers not to think at all as elite power mongers and criminals in government prefer?

FOIA is deceitfully abused as a powerful weapon launched against the owners of the U.S. government, i.e., we the people who by our consent ordained our American republic.  Seditious and even treasonous parasites are now burrowed deep into the layered guts of our bloated government.  Accountability is AWOL.  Privileged parasitic pawns working for powerful dynastic financial interests deeply embedded behind the scenes since Lincoln’s War and its twelve years of Reconstruction, have deceptively removed constitutional checks and balances from day-to-day operations.  This subversion destroyed the Rule of Law, thereby morphing representative republican government into a malicious Administrative Dictatorship feared by the entire world.  All of this harm has been done by abusing the good faith and credit of hard-working Americans.

Taxpayers like me have been pleading ignorance and innocence since 1877 and more so since 1913 but can deny the obvious no longer.  The American middle-class MUST with God’s grace stand up to This Globalist Beast created in our good name.  We MUST stop these atrocities for ourselves, and for future generations.  Kids around the world MUST not grow up as fearful cyborg serfs confined by tyrannical digital chains and psychopathic nanotechnology while being poisoned by fake medicine, industrial farm garbage, and toxic food processing.

The financial dynastic family cabal functions as a Global Syndicate by syndicating evil around the globe “doing as they wilt whenever and however, they wilt” in service to agendas concocted by their Dark Lord—agendas focused on wealth confiscation, power, and destruction of all creation.   Along those lines among too many crimes to list, four U.S. Presidents have been assassinated while in office:  Abraham Lincoln (1865); James Garfield (1881); William McKinley (1901); and John F. Kennedy (1963).  These four in-our-face assassinations expose just the tiny tip of a wide-ranging, very dark historic iceberg.   New World Order psychopaths are busy, so there’s never a shortage of black activities running around the American Titanic requiring protective cover.  Asking legitimate questions is not evidence of conspiracy theory.

Note: “Conspiracy Theory” is not a term coined by rogue CIA assets, but the now unabashedly treasonous CIA and their complicit Mockingbird Media parrots sure did popularize the term.  BAD PEOPLE holding influential power use big unaccountable governments to do BAD THINGS.  Hiding this harmful government activity requires garbage like FOIA and FASAB 56 to limit exposure of crimes from the sight of prying eyes.  This is best accomplished via deceitful programs claiming benefits for the little people while delivering harm.  Here is a link to the amended 2016 FOIA language, 5 U.S.C. § 552.  https://www.justice.gov/oip/freedom-information-act-5-usc-552

FOIA sounds like a swell idea, until we read the language and examine its exemptions and exclusions.  There are nine FOIA exemptions and three FOIA law enforcement record exclusions.  FOIA is a con job perpetrated by Bad People who do Bad Things.

Here’s a link to the nine exemptions and three exclusions:

If you read these carefully worded exemptions and exclusions, you’ll notice that nearly anything any rogue government or media pawn is told to cover-up can be tied to a FOIA exemption or exclusion.  The system hides information beautifully because who dares question the paucity of requested information provided?  Certainly not White House pawns or members of our captured bicameral Congress.  Certainly not heavily compensated Mockingbird Media parrots.  No hard questions are asked by those we are indoctrinated to trust as reliable institutions.

Only the little people stunned by the stupidity of official narrative will ask questions.  Commoners frequently wonder how we are getting screwed this time – so FOIA protocols force cannon fodder commoners to BEG government liars paid for and working for the commoners in the first place, for information commoners already own.  In six months, six years, or never, the persistent FOIA request might be answered in part—the rest of course MUST remain hidden.  It’s national security, you know.

It’s far past time for American taxpayers to regain critical thinking skills, abandon the treasonous UniParty, then take appropriate action enforcing self-governance.  The American people cannot govern themselves or their government employees and contractors without useful information.  We use our Constitution to enforce our unalienable rights as human beings, or American liberty dies a miserable nanotechnology death.  If American freedom dies, world freedom is lost along with it.  This is not acceptable. How about we work together and help each other choose abundant life for everyone.

08-20-2024:  Rights of Englishmen, U.S. Constitution, and Free People—Under Attack.

08-20-2024:  Rights of Englishmen, U.S. Constitution, and Free People—Under Attack.

The Rule of Western Civilized Law is being murdered and MUST be saved.
Can a Trump/Musk Commission for Sound Government help save it?

Human freedom was uniquely enhanced in North America on July 4th, 1776, but its spirit was born centuries before America’s Revolutionary War on other continents by America’s ancestors.  Unfortunately, the spirit of human freedom worldwide is suffering a gruesome late-term abortion.  Many of us don’t see this, don’t care, or maybe benefit; but rest assured, blind or not, when life is devalued by legislators and jurists ruling baby murder for convenience to be an acceptable legal pastime; the death of our adult freedom is not far off.  We are devaluing our lives by choice.

Equality of rich and poor under rule of law is an ancient concept arising from the practicality of effective people management—bringing the phrase Pitchfork Avoidance Strategy to mind.  Anyway, this human moral concept is being trashed with relish by G20 leaders and multinational corporate nincompoops.  Nowhere, is this truer than in the United States of America.  The cancer of global totalitarianism is infecting humanity in a Satanic frenzy of lies—intended of course, to become a deluge of lockdowns, pain, suffering, starvation, and war if we the people of Main Street do not emphatically scream, NO THANK YOU.”

How much history are so-called world leaders crapping on?  ANSWER:  Quite a bit.

Life on Earth hangs in the balance.  PUSH YOUR RED BUTTON NOW![1]

I am not a legal scholar, but my lay perspective is that American Constitutional thinking traces back to the origins of Christianity and historic attempts to invoke Natural Law as the foundation for establishing and applying legal doctrines “equally to everyone regardless of income, wealth, or position.” [2]  In post-Enlightenment times we might think about what came to be known as the Rights of Englishmen covered in detail by Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton in The Tyranny of Good Intentions, first published in 2000.

I don’t know the source of this legal characterization, but it was popularized by 18th century English Judge, William Blackstone when referring to these rights as, “The absolute rights of every Englishman.”  This same term was used in 1873 by U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Joseph P. Bradley in his dissenting opinion on the Slaughterhouse Cases when arguing these rights were a foundation of American law.

Much earlier, in 1606, King James I (1603–1625) guaranteed to “colonists and their posterity” in the First Charter of Virginia, all the “liberties, franchises, and immunities possessed by anyone born in England.”  If I’m not mistaken, all colonial English charters included such guarantees.

The first formal declaration of absolute rights in England I know of was stated in the Dooms of 694 issued by Ine (670–728), King of Wessex.  (Note:  Dooms were a form of codified Anglo-Saxon legal practice instituted during the period 601–1021 AD.)  England became unified under Æthelstan in 929 A.D.) After the devastating Viking invasion, the Dooms of Alfred the Great (844–899) re-established and further elaborated the idea of “equal justice under the law.”  Later Dooms followed, and common law slowly developed after the 1066 Norman Conquest (think Viking Battle of Hastings) but this organizational thinking was more fully codified as common law after 1215 when King John agreed to the Magna Carta, Europe’s 1st constitution.

The Magna Carta, as we know, resulted from several different controversies but is mentioned here because more than 800-years-ago, the Magna Carta declared all English sovereigns subject to the Rule of Law and documented the liberties held by “free men.”  This historic influence on our 1776 U.S. Declaration of Independence and formation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot be ignored or underestimated as American miseducation sadly does today.

The concept of human freedom under Natural Law, once abandoned, will not easily be taken back from the evil forces aggressively suffocating it.  This evil influence threatens all life on Earth, not just humanity – so environmentalists unite – though not as destructively as collectivist hero Karl Marx and the Club of Rome suggest.  Let’s take a more common-sense constructive view.  Let’s reinvigorate truth together and re-establish the Rule of Law for Earth’s benefit.

In this post-healthcare holocaustic, Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama PsyOp World in which medical mafiosi the likes of Tony Fauci and vegetables like rutabaga pawns, Biden and Harris lie, distract, and thrive, we’ve seen no shortage of recognized American civil rights shat upon by every level of government.  The U.S. justice system is AWOL, mired in its own UniParty criminality.  Making matters worse, elite girly boy fear of The Donald’s MAGA movement spreading popularly across the globe, has prompted an all-out elite war on every civil right imaginable and maybe some we haven’t heard of.  Pandering Ds and Rs alike are rubbing up on their panicked handlers, compliantly driving this middle-class slave train to its UniParty perdition.  Simultaneously, cruelty like permanently mutilating young genitals, thereby manufacturing life-long critical care patients is alive and well—at least for young people surviving profitably subsidized abortion mills and body parts retail markets.

Add in a pile of subsidized climate change lies, costly energy misdirection, out of control money laundering – all enabled by mass election fraud on an unimaginable scale, and we have entire countries soiling their financial diapers with full compliance of corrupt judges, law enforcement, prosecutors, and media.  This war on the independent middle class is escalating to a hailstorm of currency collapse, transportation obstruction, supply chain disruption, mass aerosol and medical nanotech poisoning, industrial farm poisoning, and finally, predictable widespread famine—all of it enabled by captured media, election fraud, and annihilation of the Rule of Law.

We might ask – what surely kills the rule of law.

We have STUCK OURSELVES with civically uneducated people holding corporate and government positions. Influential people who don’t know their civics ass from their elbow.  Congressional idiots routinely propose new legislation written by corrupt outside third parties to fix old legislation no one pays attention to anyway.  We don’t need the farce of new unenforced laws papering over existing unenforced laws we already ignore; with government supported human trafficking and a fentanyl drenched U.S. open border being two examples.

We tolerate 100 selected oath violators in the U.S. Senate and 435 oath violators in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Each of them regularly violates their oath of office and likely, don’t know it—good intentions or not.  These uneducated civics abdicators pander nonstop about legislation and/or policy they have no Constitutional Authority to even discuss, much less vote for.  At 73-years of age, I have yet to recall a member of the U.S. Congress mention Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.  Section 8 lists eighteen (18) things legislators are Constitutionally authorized to deal with.  Eighteen limited things.  That’s it.  Nothing beyond the eighteen without Constitutional Amendment per Article 5.  That’s Constitutional law we carefully avoid noticing in America.  Our lack of attention makes us liable for more than $35 trillion in criminally legislated debt.

Does this make every American taxpayer a complicit con artist?

Every legislative discussion considering items outside the scope of Section 8 is unconstitutional, i.e., if passed, is illegal under U.S. Rule of Law.  I have yet to hear an attorney general file suit, or a judge enforce this element of constitutional law—and NO, don’t talk to me about the general welfare clause in the first paragraph of Section 8—a major source of abuse and the only clause of Section 8 popularly mentioned as expedient justification for government facilitated crimes against humanity.  Original intent is well hidden and never discussed, at least not honestly in Washington D.C., CCP infected state houses, nor in County offices.

Every problem in our U.S. government can be effectively addressed by 545 members of our bicameral congress honoring their oath of office to ENFORCE ARTICLE 1, SECTION 8 of the U.S. Constitution.  This, of course, requires downsizing the U.S. government on the order of 75% or more, which could reasonably be done over a 36-month re-establishment period.  Main Street America is not enforcing “representation by consent of the governed” as an active operating principle necessary for self-governance.  The inevitable result is: Our corrupt executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government will never shut down their privileged gravy trains.  Unnamed handlers armed with blackmail, extortion, and fear will not allow it.  This unfortunate reality makes me wonder if the COMMISSION publicly suggested to President Trump by Elon Musk on Monday, August 12th might shine light on this enormous issue—a captured government issue so huge, it is endangering the entire planet.

Could such a commission, with a bit of courage and God’s grace help identify and assist removal of psychopaths from power?  Since psychopaths are not removing themselves—let’s vote on November 5th, 2024 for Donald Trump and friends to give the United States a cheat machine-overwhelming 2025 shot at honest government and see what happens.

An independent commission of at least reasonably honest, reasonably moral influential people speaking through an honest alternative media could enlighten a grossly uninformed Main Street, thereby raising public interest and encouraging active involvement geared toward re-establishing American self-governance as originally intended.  This only works if Main Street responds actively and appropriately in massive numbers—yea, like participatory self-governance.  With some babysitting by watchful citizens, couldn’t this offer better solutions for our future than the possible 2nd civil war we are moronically flirting with now?

I don’t trust any human being financed powerfully enough to be positioned in the popular limelight; but given our present dilemma and the putrescent shitholes we are turning American cities into; we MUST do something warranting our Creator’s forgiveness.  Since repentance is a serious activity, let’s at least consider getting two hundred million or so U.S. citizens behind a relatively honest INDEPENDENT COMMISSION FOR SOUND GOVERNMENT.  As President Trump said in 2016, “what do we have to lose?”

[1] “The Red Button Story – Solari Report.”

[2] Roberts and Stratton, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, 8.

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