Refugees don’t come from thin air like fiat money does. Unfortunately, fiat money empowers and enables a tiny circle of powerful people to impoverish millions of victims, then use those victims to impoverish others around the world. The circle must be broken.
Do we imagine penniless, tin-pot war lords and dictators are financing, supplying, and arming themselves to murder, torture, and impoverish thousands of their own people? Of course not. They have help, inspiration, and gobs of fiat money. Lots of help from the wealthiest of the wealthy oligarchs around the globe. Aristocrats are few. Commoners are many. We have the numbers—but do we have the will to stop the devastation; to make our world safer and more abundant; to stop the endless creation of refugees who should never be forced to leave their homes in the first place?
I’m going to pick on America today; not because I hate her but because I love her. America’s role in the Anglo-American Establishment and the course of human events around the world demands America re-embrace Nature’s God to regain her people’s health, strength, and determination to secure life, liberty, and happiness for everyone on God’s Earth. This article discusses WHY, for the good of the world, America MUST look in the mirror, assess itself honestly, then take back the self-governance we gave away to evil dynastic families. We MUST, WILL, and ARE DOING THIS.
Our failure to turn back to Divine Providence has been carefully planned to suffocate America’s spiritual and financial independence, thereby bringing about the “impoverished equity and hopelessness” needed for WOKE New World Order goons to implement global transhuman slavery. America is the last country standing and like it or not, it is our job, our duty to stop this evil from going any further. Refugees are brutally created and cruelly used as weapons in our war of good against evil and we MUST recognize that fact. It’s not about refugees versus non-refugees—this is about all people on Earth standing together against Satanically influenced tyranny.
Abused globalist victims fleeing from Marxist hellholes across the world are being delivered at American expense to American cities for the purpose of turning the United States into the world’s newest globalist hellhole. Urine and feces smothered sidewalks are a sign. The same group of psychopaths destroying dozens of victim nations annually; psychopaths creating vicious terrorists and millions of desperate refugees; are importing those terrorists and refugees to create chaos, overload the system, and force America’s middle-class to its bloody financial knees. Fortunately, the MAGA Movement WILL NOT COMPLY.
Refugees emanate from all over the world but are almost always driven from their homes due to contrived circumstances serving the international cartel Professor Carroll Quigley referred to as The Anglo-American Establishment[1], and of course, their associates. Usually, refugee home countries are under global syndicate attack as are guest countries where recently herded refugees, like cattle, are being shipped. The clash of civilizations de-stabilizes both the fleeing and arriving ends of the cartel’s disaster train. Sadly, all G20 and most other national governments are infected with corrupt groups of privileged rogue elements serving, not their own countries and people, but the exclusive interests of heartless, greedy dynastic family elites.
Via an international Study Group System comprised of academia, associations, clubs, endowments, foundations, institutes, media, NGOs, publishing, societies, think tanks, trusts, etc., rogue element recruits are hazed by, indoctrinated by, networked by, promoted by, rewarded by, linked to, and are working for this Anglo-American Establishment. Notorious order-following psychopath, Klaus Schwab, for example, chairman and founder of the Satanically globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) and its 1,400 or so Young Global Leaders, just one small link in the international Study Group System, insanely brags about infiltrating every major national government on Earth. Young Global Leaders comprise a litter of fashionably dressed, indoctrinated swine guilty of home country treason in most greedy cases—and I mean no insult to hogs.
This so-called Establishment—not all Anglo, nor American, nor Atlanticist—by the way, take advantage of good intentions and institutional trust of decent, wealth producing, American middle-class people by abusing the good faith and credit built by those people. In other words, United States’ wealth, diplomatic influence, and military power are abused around the world for various purposes such as, population control, regime change, resource rape, or other horrific agendas.
Despite press corpse lies, worldwide democide programs, famines, and generational poverty are the result of political histrionics, not natural happenstance. Mother nature, even at her most extreme, does not cause institutionalized starvation and endemic poverty. Rogue elements in governments do that—either directly or more often by hiring heartless surrogate NGOs and paramilitary forces via the Money Trust to foment civil discord and Designer Wars—all coordinated through the U.N. and various foreign aid programs—in turn financed by big banks using confiscated U.S. tax dollars and digital debt. {Hat Tip to correspondent, Michael Yon for his term, Designer Wars.}
These crimes against humanity, paid for by uninformed American taxpayers and a few others around the world, are the source of victim refugees. The same psychopaths telling Main Street we must take care of these refugees are the same people using our confiscated wealth to earn hundreds of billions in military and trafficking blood money annually by destroying entire nations pitted against each other, thereby creating these refugees in the first place. Then they earn hundreds of billions more each year, raking in tax dollars and national debt to finance their pillaging, resource rape, and profitable infrastructure reconstruction. Why do we participate in this sick process?
Instead of prattling on about this global evil—let’s look at a list of specific countries voraciously attacked by multinational corporate goons working with intelligence service Shadow Governments of various nations such as: CIA and para-military forces; Britain’s MI6; China’s Ministry of State Security; Germany’s FIS (BND); Iran’s MOIS (SAVAMA); Israel’s Mossad; Pakistan’s ISI; Russia’s CBR, FSB, KGB, and SVR; Saudi Arabia’s Mahabith; and too many others to name.
Per various researchers with some disagreement, here are most but not all countries de-stabilized by recent generations of the Anglo-American Establishment. This is important to understand because Designer Wars and orchestrated Civil Unrest produce Designer Refugees. The pain isn’t accidental—it’s planned. Here’s a short list of refugee sources.
Afghanistan 1979-1992 & 2001-2021 Albania 1949-1953 & 1991 Algeria 1954-2019-? Angola 1975-1991 Argentina 1976 Australia 1973 – 1975 Austria-Hungary 1917-1920 Austria 1945-1955 Belgium 1944-1945 Bolivia 1964 & 1971
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1990-2010-? Burma (and China) 1950-1953 Brazil 1962-1964
British Guiana (Guyana) 1953-1964 Bulgaria 1990 Cambodia 1955-1970 Chad 1981-1982 Chile 1964-1973 China 1945-1949-1960s Columbia 1846-2023 Congo (Zaire) 1960-1975 & 1996-1997 Costa Rica 1917 & 1948-1950s & 1970-1971 Cuba 1906-1909 & 1959–1962 Dominican Republic 1916-1924 & 1961 – 1963 Ecuador 1960-1963 & 2000
Egypt 1952-1957 El Salvador 1863-2023 Ethiopia 1974-1991 Fiji 1987 France 1944-1965
East & West Germany 1917-1950s Ghana 1966 Greece 1947-1949 & 1967 Grenada 1983 Guatemala 1952-1954 Haiti 1915-1934 & 1994-1995 & 2004 Hawaii 1893 Honduras 1903-1925 & 2009 India 1858-1947
Indonesia 1957-1958 & 1965-1967 Iran 1952-1953 Iraq 1959 & 1963 & 1991-1996 & 2003-2021 Italy 1941-1946
Jamaica 1976-1980 Japan 1941-1952 South Korea 1945-1948 Kuwait 1899-2017 Kyrgystan 2005 Laos 1958-1960 Lebanon 1943-2023 Libya 1980s & 2011 Mexico 1865-1867 Mongolia 1944-2023 Morocco 1912-1956 & 1974-2017-?
Nepal 1951-1977-? Nicaragua 1909-1910 & 1912-1933 & 1981-1990 Netherlands 1944-1945 North Korea 1950-2023 Russia (Soviet Union) 1917-2017 Pakistan 2022 Palestinian Territories 2006-2007 Panama 1989-1994
Philippines 1899-1902 & 1944-1945 Poland 1980-1989 Portugal 1974-1976 Samoa 1887-1889 Seychelles 1979-1981
Somalia 1993 & 2005-2007-? Sudan 1996-2007-? Syria 1949 & 1956-1957 & 2005-2009 & 2012-2017
Suriname 1982-1984 Thailand 1833-2023, East Timor 1975-1999 Ukraine 2014 United States 1871-2023 Uruguay 1976
Venezuela 2002 North & South Vietnam 1945-1973 Yemen 1982-1984 Yugoslavia 1999-2000
The above list of 80 countries, including the United States government which has now turned on its citizens, is what I’ve determined while searching various sources. Dates are uncertain since covert espionage, nation meddling, regime change, resource rape, and other nefarious activities aren’t advertised, and I don’t attend the meetings. The list seems excessive but prominent 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has mentioned governments of 73 nations interfered with, overturned, or otherwise suppressed. CIA bastion of propaganda, the Washington Post has also mentioned interference in more than 70 nations, so there’s that.
Additionally, author and historian, the late William Blum (1933-2018) tells us in America’s Deadliest Export[2], “that since the end of World War II the United States has
•endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically elected;
•grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries;
•attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders;
•dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries;
•attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.”
The list is so long we may think, “so what, regime change happens all the time—it’s nothing.” I get it, but seriously doubt even one person fleeing these hellholes; fleeing imposed famine, poverty, imprisonment, torture, mass murder, and a hopeless future of despair imagines it is nothing. This is coordinated evil and American apathy is sucking hard-working, busy citizens into it. We MUST wake up.
Despite documented U.S. involvement, I don’t place singular blame on the U.S. for what is mentioned above. The CIA has been evil from its inception but not all encompassing. Mr. Blum’s allegation, I believe mistakenly, suggests American political leaders are decider guys and gals. That is not the case. At least since globalist Woodrow Wilson in 1913 through globalist Barack Obama in 2009, U.S. Presidents have been nothing more than mid-level global syndicate managers, though some have been more patriotic than others. President Donald J. Trump, fortunately for Main Street, broke this mold in 2017 and will break it again in 2025. The Biden Freak Show isn’t worth mentioning.
Outside 20 or so U.S. House members and one U.S. Senator that I know of, the rest of Congress have made themselves so corruptly irrelevant to honest government operations, they don’t even qualify as mid-level management. No one respects Congressional cowardice or stupidity. Most Congressional members and their despicable supporting staff are just money laundering bag men and women for global syndicate handlers. Order-following agency scum involved in our $7 trillion per year Administrative Dictatorship don’t bother responding to Congressional subpoenas and the U.S. judicial system refuses to even recognize Congress still exists. Our present U.S. bi-cameral Congress is not just harmful to Main Street domestic interests—its cowardice poses a dangerous threat to the world as it compliantly lurches toward WW III.
America’s WOKE leaders are involved in international crime but do not lead this depravity.
The international horror show alluded to above requires influential, wealthy, powerfully connected cartel partners. Building up and tearing down entire nations requires cooperation between “above the law” entities like central banks, other big banks, multinational monopoly corporations, and treasonous legions of order-following government pawns. With the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Economic Forum, dozens of networked NGOs, para-military forces, communications, media, and propaganda networks all obediently arranged around the central banking cartel—The Money Trust—no one nation can operate all necessary moving parts. Effective international criminality, crimes against humanity, and genocide require a global village of willing psychopaths.
The head of this international horror show is Satan, worshipped by a small group of dynastic family members as the historic inner circle, surrounded by ever larger circles of lower and lower levels of less-informed criminal co-conspirators. Many Pawns of Privilege involved are so dumbed down, they don’t even know they’re involved. I guess they believe they’re saving the world or just enjoy their carrots.
OK! Enough about all that. The survival question is—how can American citizens stop their own illegitimate, rogue government and WOKE military from abusing our good Main Street intentions, good faith and credit, and more importantly our precious military blood, sweat, and tears? I’m not sure, but here’s today’s suggestion for consideration.
STEP 1. Turn back to God. Turning away from our Creator’s love cost us our country. We cannot win this battle against powers and principalities without wearing the armor of God.
STEP 2. Establish honest elections NOW—TODAY. Get rid of the cheat machines, early voting, mail-in ballots, and voting for weeks on end. Aside from a horrible idea like hosting a 2nd civil war, the only way we can remove scum from office is by ELECTING America First MAGA candidates to office. MAGA is the only group in America fighting for freedom, so MAGA it is.
STEP 3. Take out the garbage. Honest representation in the people’s White House, Congress, and at State, County, and City levels will enable FIRING seditious, often treasonous globalist scum throughout the D.C., State, County, and City bureaucracies.
STEP 4. Recover our tens of trillions of dollars missing out the back doors of Congress since 1998, or arrange to have it paid back, or obtain an equity position in what it’s spent on.
STEP 5. Punish the evil doers, though punishing thousands of traitors constitutes a serious Constitutional Crisis. I’m not sure if this can be done without losing our Constitution entirely. We all want justice but must proceed with caution to avoid doing more harm than good.
That’s it. Five steps. It’s long past time to stop pointing fingers and whining about America’s vacuous leaders selected by machines. It is time to fix the mess we allowed to be made on our watch. We have work to do and there’s never been a better crew to work with than American Patriots. One red shirt, one county at a time—let’s get ‘er done!
[1] Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment – Original Edition.
[2] Blum, America’s Deadliest Export, 1.