Four things necessary for good people to be free from tyranny are faith in God’s love, and a form of Constitutional Republic with limited government and enumerated powers.

Why are these four things necessary for freedom?  They are necessary because people are people and we’re prone to making bad decisions and messing things up for each other and ourselves.  Humans need practical, defined behavioral boundaries to secure life, liberty, and happiness.  These are four things our Founders thought about that I’m aware of, and that the White House squatting hair-sniffer might call, The Thing—you know, The Thing – which in good faith, and with honor, limits one group of people from injuring and stealing from other groups of people, though the CCP’s hair-sniffer wouldn’t respect that.

Thankfully, Americans have a Declaration of Independence identifying humanity’s unalienable rights and the principles governing those God-given rights.  In a nutshell as Dr. Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, David Barton of Wall Builders, or Rick Green at Patriot Academy would all eloquently explain; the 1776 Declaration addresses limited government based upon the following:
1.  Moral Law exists.
2.  God, our Creator exists.
3.  Humanity possesses God-given unalienable rights such as life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, freedom of association, free speech, and self-defense.
4.  Governments are formed to protect God-given rights.
5.  We have the right to vote on everything else.

Links to Hillsdale College, Patriot Academy, and Wall Builders are included at the end of this article.

The U.S. Constitution outlines our legal system for securing those rights.  Neither the Declaration nor the Constitution have practical relevance without the other.  These two documents support each other, and we require both to maintain the freedom our generation was born into.  Unfortunately, we have abandoned our Constitution through human error and a combination of enemy infiltration, deceptive indoctrination, Money Trust financial manipulation, internal subterfuge, apathy, and lack of vigilance.  Now like Sisyphus, endlessly pushing his enormous rock up a steep hill, we strain to carry the bloated, treasonous shackles of Administrative Dictatorship.

A nearly impenetrable bureaucratic Leviathan controlled from outside Washington D.C., is steadily eliminating the once independent wealth-creating middle-class by impoverishing and enslaving hard-working Americans in servitude to dynastic family masters we don’t know or see.  All we see are order-following privileged thugs the Money Trust rewards and selects to visibly lie to us, dumb us down, rule us, and rob us of our dignity and wealth.

We can choose to set aside our differences and fix this treasonous disaster NOW while we still legally can, or our children and future generations will be confined within a cyber gulag of transhuman serfdom—or if they have the stones we haven’t yet shown, will gut their way through an unimaginable 2nd civil war between more than 300,000,000 people—along with the millions of intentionally imported illegals disappointed and angry that D.C. liars cannot and will not sustain free delivery of free stuff.  Sorry, but the lies and math don’t work.  If we willingly leave this dark future for our young people, there is something seriously wrong with us.  We’ve been lied to and made mistakes, BUT that does not mean we cannot or will not fix our mistakes.  The only issue is how to fix those mistakes.

Since I am a mistake maker, my own experience suggests making repairs using the above four things, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, BY ENFORCING protection of our God-given rights within our originally intended Constitutional Law through moral actions taken by  us, as the sovereign citizenry under the historic Doctrine of  Lesser Magistrates.  If we can work together and accomplish this, then hard-working, decent, productive people can more easily raise families and live together peacefully without the selfish rancor ALWAYS caused by psychopathically driven aristocrats.  We all want things.  We all want comfort and security for our families and friends.  Good, bad, or otherwise, we’re all willing to do foolish things from time to time in support of whatever our concept of comfort and security may be.  It’s just human nature in a world of good, under constant attack by evil influence.

Despite shared strengths and weaknesses, arrogant oligarchs with self-assumed importance, i.e., self-appointed, inbred nobility whether financially privileged, military, monarchial, power possessed, or somehow royal are always a special breed of human more willing to cheat, maim, threaten, torture, and kill for power and wealth than any other class of human.  So-called aristocrats, unfortunately for them,  are the most Satanically influenced, emotionally and intellectually injured casualties of spiritual warfare.  Less spiritually attacked commoners, consequently, must pray for society’s psychopathic leaders, but sadly, must also defend themselves against abuse of power.  We might ask: Why do we find ourselves in this ethos of despotism, struggle, and hardship?

The clearest explanation, the Biblical explanation tells us because an enraged Satan and envious legions of fallen angels were thrown out of Paradise.  These demons carried their anger and hatred with them into Earth’s spiritual universe; then later because our ancestors chose to follow Satan’s influence instead of freely accepting God’s love, all humanity inherits the moral ethos and necessity of having to fight for love to obtain love.

 Free will means love must be freely chosen, is demonically opposed, is no longer free, and neither is anything else in our Satanically influenced universe.  Humanity may be created out of love but isn’t born into it.  God’s love must be chosen.  As a result, humans don’t just fall into love, like it’s a trip hazard.  We fight for love and struggle every day to keep it and share it once we find it.  Of course, all this Luciferian influence is why the few who control governments abuse power, making life suck for the many.  Limited government is the obvious solution but is difficult to bring about.

So, why mention this Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates?  I raise the concept because there are historic precedents for commoners to legally and peacefully stand against unjust government systems.  I’m not going to theologically define it here, but we can refer to Pastor Matthew Trewhella of Milwaukee, Wisconsin for explanation in his 2013 book, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates.  In a nutshell, and as notably stated in our U.S. Declaration of Independence (see below); when a civil authority of higher station than occupied by ourselves makes an immoral or unjust law or pursues immoral or unjust action—lower ranking or lesser authorities, i.e., lesser magistrates have both the right and the duty to refuse obedience and if necessary, to actively resist such unjust authority.  In a republic, we the people are the ultimate lesser magistrate.  We own our republic and are sovereign, not giving over, but loaning representative governing power per consent of the governed.

Our U.S. 1776 Declaration explicitly says, “…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness.”

In my humble opinion, we don’t need and MUST NOT abolish our Constitutional Form of Government.  In doing so, we will likely lose everything; we will lose all rights under that scenario because we are as a nation, too dumbed-down and entrained at present to win anything via a Constitutional Convention or Debate.  We ignore our Constitution anyway, and don’t enforce it—so as a practical matter, why bother re-writing it, or replacing it.  A better strategy is to use and enforce what we already have.  Competent constitutional work is already done—now it’s our job to do our duty as responsible citizens.  Our safest and surest option is simply, firmly, and legally re-instituting our Constitutional Rule of Law, with enforced limited government, and enumerated powers, then steadfastly maintain all three.  If we accept this concept, what’s next?

One way to begin this battle is fighting simultaneously on two fronts—always a difficult and dangerous strategy, but in our economically time challenged case, necessary.  We must immediately cease and desist with all electronic voting systems along with early voting, mail-in ballots, and any kind of centralized electoral record keeping or reporting.  This move enables us to replace fake representative Americans-In-Name-Only and fire layer upon layer of government agency subversion.  Simultaneously, we MUST re-educate ourselves regarding the meaning and import of critical constitutional terms like GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, and ENUMERATED POWERS.

To over-simplify a bit—the United States became a $7 trillion dollar per year money laundering ADMINISTRATIVE DICTATORSHIP because we the people of Main Street, primarily through academic indoctrination, along with governmental, and media subversion,  lost track of important concepts like the value of human life, limited government, and enumerated powers.  More than 90% of all U.S. on-book federal spending—about $6.3 trillion annually, IS NOT authorized under Article 1, Section 8 enumerated Constitutional powers. Every penny beyond Section 8 is fraudulent.  This is not waste or error—it is willful fraud at citizen expense.  We pay dearly to watch our corrupt bi-cameral Congress impoverish and disempower our own citizen sovereignty.

By re-educating each other regarding our Constitutional foundation, we strengthen and embolden our policy debating and decision-making capabilities—building a direct path to enforcing limited government with balanced separation of powers and constitutional enumeration of authority.  The United States as our ancestors knew it is gone—but with God’s grace and hard work can be re-established by responsible citizens.  We gave our liberty and wealth to globalist liars, cheats, and mass murderers.  It is our duty to take it back.  This is not our children’s job.  It’s our responsibility.  We Join our MAGA movement or Die as transhuman globalist slaves.  At present, survival suggests our best Main Street option is joining and leading our worldwide populist freedom movement to tear the deep state down.  The time has come to flush the global syndicate down the toilet of history’s mistakes.

I’m not a slave and never will be.  I DO NOT COMPLY WITH TOTALITARIAN ANYTHING.  I sure hope you don’t comply with globalist totalitarianism either.  Together with God’s blessings we the people of Main Street win.  Divided and without our Creator’s blessings, we lose—at least for now.

Despite all odds, no American generation ever quit, and we are not the first.  Human life has always been challenging and still is.  Let’s get past frustrated finger pointing and embrace our generation’s glorious opportunity to courageously battle evil influences.  It’s an exciting time to be human and with God’s grace, to have each other’s back.  Let’s embrace a more abundant, more loving future for all creation.

We can Work Together,  Make America Great Again—Then Make the World Great Again.

Here’s three links to Constitutional education well worth our time and effort.

Hillsdale College:

Patriot Academy:

Wall Builders:


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