For the first time in my 71-years as an American citizen, members of the U.S. House of Representatives stood together and said NO to the GLOBALIST LEVIATHAN.  Just a mere handful courageously forming a battle phalanx of twenty strong standing as the Spartans at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. against unimaginable international numbers of cowardly, lying, bought and paid for, seditious, and treasonous PAWNS OF PRIVILEGE.  David and Goliath.  A biblical standoff against Satanic influence, I suspect marking a major turning point in world history.  JANUARY 2023 ROCKS and we the people of God’s creation are just beginning to wake up—to the age-old fight against demonic authoritarianism.

Nothing like the MAGA AMERICA FIRST TWENTY has been witnessed in North America since the 1776 signing of America’s Declaration of Independence.  The spark of freedom heralded in January 2022 by brave Canadian and American truckers is bearing fruit.  If awakening American Main citizens hope to restore the American Founder’s Covenant with our Creator, thereby through God’s blessings, leading the entire world to freedom—one red shirt, one red cap, one small group, one city, one state, one nation, one continent at a time—THEN THE TWENTY MUST BE PROTECTED AGAINST GLOBALIST VIOLENCE, whether attacks are via informationfare, lawfare, mediafare, or other asymmetric means.

We the people MUST support the TWENTY’s efforts, helping them not just survive DC criminality, but to grow their battle phalanx, building its people power shield wall into an international alliance capable of bringing down the psychopathic global syndicate elite with their putrescent army of multinational corporate order followers, greedy lobbyist foot soldiers, indoctrinated Mockingbird media parrots, and cowardly treasonous political hacks buried layers deep in every level of academic, judicial, government, military, and corporate life.

The awakening of Main Street worldwide, certainly those of us in the United States, want and are working up to demanding justice for the miscreants steadily diminishing our Constitutionally recognized rights and stealing somewhere between $21 trillion and $86 trillion documented (Inspector General Audit Reports from 1998 to 2015) U.S. dollars out the corrupt back doors of Congress.  Our bicameral United States Congress is nothing more than a money laundering sieve for organized global crime networks and Satanic destruction of creation.  The global syndicate laughs while rubbing our Main Street noses in their filthy blackmail, extortion, pedophilia, sex slavery, drug and weapons trafficking, modern-day human slavery, organ harvesting, and designer wars by selecting a hair-sniffing, treasonous imbecile and a political whore to sully our White House, while our economy and lives are crushed into economic oblivion by order following elements in academia, banking, government, Hollywood, law enforcement, manufacturing, media, medicine, military, organized crime, shipping, transportation, etc.

Stopping this democidic omnicide requires supporting, protecting, and growing the numbers of our small group of TWENTY in their efforts to actually represent interests of American citizens against the metastasizing malevolent weaponization of government agencies against we the people.  Investigative committees such as a second Church and/or Pike style committee are proposed to shed light on facts, educate citizens, and help thwart the global syndicate’s slavering grab for full spectrum transhuman dominance over the American people.

The possibilities for investigation are endless—BUT—REALIZE every illegal, seditious, or treasonous activity to be investigated IS MADE POSSIBLE BY AND IS FUELED BY MONEY.  Widespread investigations can quickly waste resources, yielding little.  Integrity challenged $2,000/hour globalist litigators and corrupt or incompetent indoctrinated judges like Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson (my opinion) will use circular reflexive law arguments to reject hearing any legitimate case their handlers don’t want heard.  Corrupt SPECIAL PROSECUTORS will be appointed by the Biden Freak Show to wall-off communications, documents, information, and testimony from any serious investigation by Congressional committees, State Attorneys General, or private  lawsuits.

I’m not a lawyer and have no idea how this unconstitutional legal impasse can or will be jousted with.  Clearly, if Congressional investigations are limited to the toothless Trey Gowdy standards like the masturbatory frenzy of Benghazi wherein corrupt, even treasonous behavior by public officials, weapons traffickers, and others were available open source by early 2012—well, the whole effort would be pointless, wouldn’t it?  BUT what about:


Like the 1931 Al Capone mob case wherein Capone, heir to Johnny Torrio was found guilty of tax evasion, money can be followed by accounting audit trails.  Granted, DC doesn’t have any real accountability for anything, certainly not foreign aid, military expenditures, or for other Congressional and Executive money laundering business of the day.  This is even more true since 2018’s FASAB Standard 56 took government accounting transparency, such as it was, completely dark for so-called National Security reasons.  Here’s a link to FASAB 56:

None the less, serious investigators, when subpoenas are enforceable, can attempt to audit bank transactions across the globe linking global syndicate order followers together within their international web of illegal, sometimes treasonous activity.  Perhaps the joke of our abused Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) can be used for some of the network tracking.  Global syndicate order followers are so historically protected and isolated from PUBLIC      scrutiny, they only operate offensively, thereby becoming the EDUCATED STUPID—possessing No Defensive Capability at all.  These sloppy psychopathic deviants can be tracked, and corrupt judges can be worked around by talented investigators armed with serviceable subpoenas.

The TWENTY may be able to better enforce subpoenas internationally by withholding funds to uncooperative nations.  Recall how hair-sniffing punk, Joe Biden leveraged Ukraine investigation of his crime family and the Obama Administration in 2016 by abusing American good faith and credit.

The TWENTY, if successful, and with our America First support, have an opportunity to head off the slowly developing 2nd American Civil War we sense approaching like a roiling black storm cloud—if we fail to stand up, working together to change America’s present course.  Dumping Row v. Wade was a step toward renewal of God’s blessings.  Let’s not waste this opportunity.  Let’s work together to capitalize on it by strategizing how we as the little people of Main Street can be of service to our freedom as well as freedom for the entire world.

There is a crack in the New World Order armor.  Let’s widen that crack and dump the DAVOS CROWD into the trash heap of history.  FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!  Money ties everything together and capital flows never lie.

When the World Economic Forum calls—always say NO THANK YOU.

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